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Author Topic: Translations  (Read 6966 times)

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« on: September 19, 2006, 01:40:29 PM »

Hi Mr. Smith
I have a question reguarding translations from Greek and Hebrew. All of your papers are about words that are not being translated properly from the Greek and Hebrew scriptures. If it is that simple why don't more people have the same beliefs as you. There many people who speek Greek and Hebrew, why haven't they seen these words mis useed? What about the Greek and Hebrew people themselves? Obviously they would know something is not right, but yet the only place you can find these teachings being taught is if you go searching on the internet. What do they teach over in Greece now? I know a lot of Greeks that believe in hell, Why? It's not that I doubt your work and the research you have done, it's just that if really is the truth and it's as simple as some wrongfuly translated words why isn't this known to the world.
Thank you for your time

Dear Steve:

The reason is that "SATAN HAS DECEIVED THE WHOLE WORLD" (Rev. 12:9).

Most Christians are not interested in the truth. They want fairy tales, they like fair tales. People will persecute you if you believe and teach the truth--who wants to be persecuted.  Why do you think that God warns four different places in the Scriptures not to add to or take away from His Words if NO ONE WOULD EVER DO IT?  It has been done. God nowhere promised that His Word would be perfectly translated in alll the major languages on earth. He said that His gospel would be preached in all the world.  I just a King James for my personal teaching Bible. Even the translators of the King James admit that it is far far from perfect. Read my paper on "Which Translation is Best?"

Understanding Hebrew and Greek does not give anyone understanding of spiritual things.  The Scribes understood the Hebrew language--did they UNDERSTAND THE WILL OF GOD?  What did Jesus have to say to them and about them?

God be with you,

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