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Author Topic: I submit this word for judgment  (Read 8508 times)

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I submit this word for judgment
« on: September 20, 2006, 06:51:58 PM »

Hello!  Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!  The following prophetic word was given to me in December of 2005.  God gave it to me to give to a local pastor here in Clearwater, Florida.  I had become a signed member of the church, and God called me out according to Revelation Chapter 18:4.  This word has not been previously released to others in the body of Christ.  I humbly submit this word to my brothers and sisters of the elect and ask that you would judge this word  according to the truth of the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, and give feedback.  This word is clearly spoken to those that are in the Babylonish church system.  Amen.  So be it.

I declare unto you…you have called on Me, but not in Spirit and Truth.  You love to feel My spirit, but only pretend to sit at my feet.  Your tradition has made void My commandments, my word.  I am Alpha and Omega.  I am the Word that has been sent to heal and deliver you from your destructions.  How will you be healed if you reject Me?  How will you be delivered if you only pretend to hear?  Behold, turn at My reproof and I will pour out My Spirit unto you.  I am alive and active to fulfill My will in this place.  My will is My Word and besides me there is no god.  My Word seeks a resting place in your heart.  Will you hear?  Will you receive?  Don’t be deceived, I am not mocked, what you sow you will reap.  If you sow to your flesh you will reap corruption: if you sow to the Spirit you will reap life.  Break up your fallow ground.  I desire Truth in the inward parts.  Don’t sow among thorns. 

Behold, I have sent the spirit of Elijah before My face to turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the heart of the children to the fathers, lest I come and smite with a curse.  Turn, wash yourself of your traditions; wash yourself of your deceitful religious ways and the lord whom you seek shall suddenly come to His Temple; but who shall be able to stand?  For I baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire.  I will thoroughly purge and consume everything not of Me says the Lord.  Will you hear?  Will you receive?  If you reject My Word I will reject you says the Almighty King.  Will you receive My Word?  Will you seek Me and quit lying and quit pretending?  Will you contend for My faith that I once for all delivered unto the Saints, your forefathers?  For I have seen you confused.  I have seen you mixed and polluted in contradiction, but my Word will wash you; My Word will heal you.  Will you receive it? 

Not one of My Words shall pass away and all will be fulfilled; for I must reign ‘till all My enemies be put under My feet, says Jesus Christ alive from the dead.  I am the Word.  Have I not told you that heaven and earth shall pass away, but My Word shall not pass away?!  Behold, it is I and no other!  Will you pretend yet still?  Will you go on yet still in your deceit?  I have come to heal my people.  I have come to deliver from vain traditions.  I have come to deliver from the darkness of the enemy of your soul.  I call you to receive My seed alone and not be mixed with vain traditions.  Tradition murdered My flesh, but behold, I live forever.  I alone am Truth and desire to lead you to life.  I desire to lead you to myself.  Will you hear Me, says the alpha and Omega?  Will you let My Word be your final authority?  Pollute My altars no more.  No more bring me praise from the vain imaginations of your heart.  For I AM not who you supposed I AM.  Can you hear?  Are you My sheep?  I lead My sheep out.  Come out, come out, hide yourself in My Word!  Be covered by My Life that overcomes all darkness and be made free by My Truth.  Be gone with your traditions; they cannot contain me.

Don’t be confused any longer.  Don’t say you are asking to hear from Me and I didn’t respond.  Here I am, says the Lord God.  Here is My Word.  Will you hear?  Reject my Word and you reject Me.  Cursed are all that forsake Me, the Fountain of Living Waters, the Living Word.

Call me no more Lord, lord and refuse to do what I say.  The pure in heart shall see Me; the pure in heart shall know Me, and the pure in heart shall be strong.  Behold, receive the strength of my Word.  For I wound and I make whole.  I tear down and I build all things anew!  If you do not hear, you will be torn down.  Not one tradition of man will I allow to stand in my Temple. Be not deceived; I am not mocked says the Living One that searches the hearts and minds of his people.  For I see, says the Lord and I know your ways and I am set for you to do you good; I am not against you.  In love I speak to you.  Will you hear Me?  Will you come out from your pollutions?  I am the Living God.

No longer seek Me among dead traditions.  No longer seek to get Me to agree with what you want.  I will perform all My will; all My word.  Come out, come out, make yourself clean!  And I will receive you and you shall be My sons and daughters.

I have travailed for you,, says the Lord Jesus Christ.  I have protected you up to this point.  Will you hear Me now?  For I call you out.  I call you out to a new thing.  I call you out to a city that has foundations, that I will build, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.  Do not wait; this is the time; this is the season; and this is My word says Jesus Christ alive from the dead.

John 14:22-24 (literal Greek)
Judas said to Him, not the Iscariot, Lord, what has happened that You are about to reveal Yourself unto us and not to the world?  Jesus answered and said unto him, if anyone loves Me, he will keep my Word, and My Father will love him.  And We will come to him and make our abode with him.  The one not loving Me does not keep My words.  And the word which you hear is not Mine, but of the One having sent Me, the Father.


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Re: I submit this word for judgment
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2006, 09:22:33 PM »

Good words, JCAlilveInMe.

They are all very familiar words, from the bible.  It's no wonder why He is a jealous God. 

(Exo 34:14 LITV)  For you shall not bow to another god, for Jehovah whose name is Jealous, He is a jealous God;

I think the entire 32nd chapter of Deuteronomy goes along good with the message.

God bless,



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Re: I submit this word for judgment
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2006, 09:47:19 PM »

Thank you brother for taking the time to read the post.  Thank you for your comment and directing me to Deuteronomy Chapter 32.  I read the whole thing.  Thank God for his word.  We know that everything they can be shaken will be shaken,  so that that which cannot be shaken may remain.  The word of God cannot be shaken.

2Pe 1:19  We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:

                                                                                                                    Halleluiah!!  Love in Jesus Christ,



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Re: I submit this word for judgment
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2006, 10:25:54 PM »

I hear ya, brother.  The great thing about being in that true Light is not being judmental towards our older brethren, who still walk in darkness.  Those who walk in the dark as if in death, demand punishment, just as in the law of Moses, the wages of sin is death.  Those who walk in the Light are alive in the Spirit, demand mercy and forgiveness, the wages are life to the ages and beyond.

(1Ti 1:15 LITV)  Faithful is the Word and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.

The carnally minded just can't seem to grasp the power of God to save sinners.  He has the power to create all this universe and all that is within, surely has the power to convict all, and bring all to repentence.  Each in His own time.

I've said this many times before, I never could understand how a sinner, of which we all are, can condemn another sinner.  The perfect One came, Christ, and never condemned any sinners.  But, He was mad at the religiously self righteous, for sure.

God bless,



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Re: I submit this word for judgment
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2006, 11:01:27 PM »

Hi Christopher,
Your prophecy does seem like sound doctrine to me!
I can picture Jesus saying this to the churches back when, now and in the future.

Quote from Christopher
John14:22-24"..... Jesus answered and said unto him, if anyone loves Me, he will keep my Word, and My Father will love him.  And We will come to him and make our abode with him.  The one not loving Me does not keep My words....."
   That is why they are still in Babylon.



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Re: I submit this word for judgment
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2006, 12:43:13 PM »

Hi Christopher,

A very interesting post!

I would like to offer a comment that would appear to go against how others have responded. :)

My point is I read 19 times the phrase "Will You...?", which is of course a very good question; however, the question has but one answer, which is: Only if it is the will of God.

Does anyone here truly believe that "they" or "them" are free from the will of God, that each are living, thinking and saying according to their will and not God's?   :)

We are all here at whatever place it is at this time because it is Gods intention for us to be. We can no more change his will, intent or purpose than he himself. For according to the following Scriptures.

Psalm 102:25-27
  • Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens [are] the work of thy hands. They shall perish, but thou shalt endure: yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed: But thou [art] the same, and thy years shall have no end

Malachi 3:6
  • For I [am] the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.

James 1:1
  • Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

Isn't it wonderful to know that our God is utterly unchanging, and what he has promised since the beginning of time, will happen.  :) :) :)

We must never laud ourselves greater than any other, for how dare we pride ourselves for the insight given to us, when it was God who graciously gave it. I am no better than the worst person on Earth, because that person does not and never has existed. For all is, was and will be perfect through God, just as he has purposed.

The tradiotions of man were given by God; and that's why they are so vehemently followed; according to his will and his alone.

So I hope you understand that no one will hear, see or remotely learn the truth until God call's them out, and even then according to his time.   :)

Please do not take this as an attack on you, I only wanted to share a different view point.

With Love and best wishes,

« Last Edit: September 21, 2006, 12:46:43 PM by YellowStone »


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Re: I submit this word for judgment
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2006, 12:56:23 PM »

Hi Christopher,

A very interesting post!

I would like to offer a comment that would appear to go against how others have responded. :)

My point is I read 19 times the phrase "Will You...?", which is of course a very good question; however, the question has but one answer, which is: Only if it is the will of God.

Does anyone here truly believe that "they" or "them" are free from the will of God, that each are living, thinking and saying according to their will and not God's?   :)

We are all here at whatever place it is at this time because it is Gods intention for us to be. We can no more change his will, intent or purpose than he himself. For according to the following Scriptures.

Psalm 102:25-27
  • Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens [are] the work of thy hands. They shall perish, but thou shalt endure: yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed: But thou [art] the same, and thy years shall have no end

Malachi 3:6
  • For I [am] the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.

James 1:1
  • Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

Isn't it wonderful to know that our God is utterly unchanging, and what he has promised since the beginning of time, will happen.  :) :) :)

We must never laud ourselves greater than any other, for how dare we pride ourselves for the insight given to us, when it was God who graciously gave it. I am no better than the worst person on Earth, because that person does not and never has existed. For all is, was and will be perfect through God, just as he has purposed.

The tradiotions of man were given by God; and that's why they are so vehemently followed; according to his will and his alone.

So I hope you understand that no one will hear, see or remotely learn the truth until God call's them out, and even then according to his time.   :)

Please do not take this as an attack on you, I only wanted to share a different view point.

With Love and best wishes,


Thank You, and Amen



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Re: I submit this word for judgment
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2006, 01:30:12 PM »

Dear brother Darren, thank you for responding to the post.  No, not in any way do I take this as a personal attack to me.  These truly are not my words, but were given under inspiration of the Holy Spirit Lord Jesus Christ.

I do see and understand your point, where in the prophetic word, the question is continually asked Will you hear?  Will you receive?  The way I see it, it is not that God does not know already, whether a person will hear or reject his word.  It is more of a rhetorical question, with the answer already been known by God, but the actual desire to hear and obey is being provoked in the one He is talking to.  It is true that no one can receive anything unless it be given him from above, and our eyes and our ears are closed until the Spirit of God opens our spirit to receive the things of the Spirit of God.  Many times in order to get our attention, the Spirit of God provokes us with a challenge.  I see these words, "will you hear?"  as an actual challenge from God, pointing to the fact that that person is not presently hearing, and calling them into accountability to the word being spoken.
 Based on an understanding of this, we can see that later in the prophetic word God asks," are you my sheep?"  This is not to mean that God does not know who you sheep are.  He knows His sheep and he calls them by name.  But, it is to provoke the listener to question himself whether he is in the faith.  Because, "and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out Jn. 10:3." Thus ,the listener is provoked to thought "am I one of His sheep"," can I really hear His voice, do I really except this word as being from Him ,is He really leading me out??

                                                                                                       Love In Jesus Christ, Christopher               



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Re: I submit this word for judgment
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2006, 01:39:25 PM »

Amen, Darren! Sometimes it seems to me that there is a contest here between those who have stopped going to church and those who still do for some reason. The point is, "church" is where we worship and fellowship with God, "church" is the (to use a title from a Flannery O'Connor story) "Temple of the Holy Ghost"...the heart/mind/soul/being/spirit. That is why before Christ died He has said He would raise the temple in 3 days. and He did, right? He IS the temple, He IS the church, and we are IN HIM, right? He is IN us. I know we are to "come out of her my people" but is the thing we are to come out of a "building" man built or the SYSTEM man has built? If we are to stop being judgmental, that means also when it comes to whether or not some here still go to church on Sunday (or perhaps Saturday, wheatever). As I have said in other posts my "church" meaning being with those of like heart is just so happens that I also attend "church" here locally in the mountains, it is nondenominational and occasionally has a visiting preacher that just might knock your socks off he is so discerning! I attend because I clean it...I need the money for my meds. I can't work outside the community since I am usually without my husband and I homeschool. But that building is not my church and that pastor is not my pastor. My pastor is Christ.It is my wish that those who have stopped attending regular Sunday church not lay guilt trips on the rest of us.--snorky


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Re: I submit this word for judgment
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2006, 02:26:09 PM »


Although I agree with most of what you say, there are, I feel, several other considerations.

As far as a guilt trip. Who was it that said?..."no one can make you feel inferior without your consent". This is really true and applies here very well. I really haven't seen anyone lash out against the church without provocation. Certainly there have been comments made concerning how various people felt about their church, or how they were treated in church, but this comes about almost exclusively when someone starts trying to defend the church.

The fact that they do sometimes lash out when provocated, indicates one thing. That is an area in which they are progressing. They feel that they must voice their opinion in opposition to you. Lashing out for that reason serves absolutely no purpose. It is a weakness because they could choose to remain mute, and they do not. Do we not all find ourselves in this position from time to time? ( for me...all the time. )

As far as the forum, and the moderators...THAT subject is a matter of special importance. Once a discussion about church becomes an "argument", it has digressed into a religious dabate, which is greatly discouraged, and rightly so. I agree that the forum is NOT the place to discuss church issues in a defensive manner...if only soley for the division it causes. Going to church, or not going is a deeply personal part of our walk with Christ, and really doesn't even NEED to be debated at all, in my opinion.

No one has ever tried to put a guilt trip on me here. I admitted that I go to church in my very first posts, and although I admit I do often find sensitivity lacking in some of the comments I have read concerning peoples opinions about church, none have been directed AT me, nor have I ever seen them do that to you.

It may not sound like it, but I am on your side. Don't LET anyone may you feel guilty. It's not so much what was said, as it is how it is recieved.

God Bless and hope you understand what I mean.




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Re: I submit this word for judgment
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2006, 02:27:44 PM »


You are right, I just wanted to clear out a few closed... :)



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Re: I submit this word for judgment
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2006, 02:53:27 PM »

God loves us, Jesus sacrificed for us and we are blessed to live in this beautiful world. I don't see judging either way as my purpose in this life... I don't have the wisdom or "smarts". I admire so much all of you here on this forum that have such incedible wisdom concerning the Bible. I must admit, I gain so much from your hard study. God knows all of our hearts and He loves us anyway. We are the "church", " the body of Christ". This forum is a "church" for many. I don't know how to speak of this in the right way; the way that won't offend others. I just know that God isn't bound to a building with four walls or a computer. He is bigger than all that. I, for one, am so glad that He is bigger than I can even imagine! Jennie


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Re: I submit this word for judgment
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2006, 04:17:35 PM »

  For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?  God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged (Rom. 3:3-4)


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Re: I submit this word for judgment
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2006, 05:16:21 PM »

This is just a quick note to say I have thoroughly enjoyed this post.  I see so many of you are really seeking and growing in the light of the Gospel.  I too seek to grow and learn as much as I can thus the moniker "truthseeker".  The word of knowledge was truly something to take note of.  I have also learned a lot from the responses made by everyone in the forum. 


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Re: I submit this word for judgment
« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2006, 11:49:12 PM »

John 14:22-24 (literal Greek)
Judas said to Him, not the Iscariot, Lord, what has happened that You are about to reveal Yourself unto us and not to the world?  Jesus answered and said unto him, if anyone loves Me, he will keep my Word, and My Father will love him.  And We will come to him and make our abode with him.  The one not loving Me does not keep My words.  And the word which you hear is not Mine, but of the One having sent Me, the Father.


I am curious, where will I find "Literal Greek" in the Bible? From E-Sword?

Brett :D


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Re: I submit this word for judgment
« Reply #15 on: September 22, 2006, 12:18:25 AM »

My point is I read 19 times the phrase "Will You...?", which is of course a very good question; however, the question has but one answer, which is: Only if it is the will of God.

Hi Darren,
Good point made above, it is so true;  "Only if it is the will of God."
You have reminded me to not rush, but to take time for thought before speaking....


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Re: I submit this word for judgment
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2006, 12:48:55 AM »

Hello Bret, when I stated in the post that I got John 14:22-24 as a literal Greek translation, I was referring to a Bible that I have.  The Bible I'm referring to is the interlInear Greek -- English New Testament by JP Green, senior.  If you look on the e-sword program, The closest you'll find is the LITV, which is the Literal TranslAtion Version.  I believe this is also done by JP Green, but the words are not in the exact same order as my hardbound book, and some  of the words choose a different English word.  In the hard copy of the book is endorsed with Strong's numbers and the actual transliteration of each Greek word.  If you're interested in a physical copy, look of JP Green on the Internet and you will see all the information you need.


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Re: I submit this word for judgment
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2006, 01:36:25 AM »

Hello Bret, when I stated in the post that I got John 14:22-24 as a literal Greek translation, I was referring to a Bible that I have.  The Bible I'm referring to is the interlInear Greek -- English New Testament by JP Green, senior.  If you look on the e-sword program, The closest you'll find is the LITV, which is the Literal TranslAtion Version.  I believe this is also done by JP Green, but the words are not in the exact same order as my hardbound book, and some  of the words choose a different English word.  In the hard copy of the book is endorsed with Strong's numbers and the actual transliteration of each Greek word.  If you're interested in a physical copy, look of JP Green on the Internet and you will see all the information you need.

Yeah, I have in E-Sword. I must have overlooked. Thanks for the help!



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Re: I submit this word for judgment
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2006, 02:16:36 AM »

Here we go to church again, hang on, let me get my wallet.

Love in Christ

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