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Author Topic: Free Will  (Read 7357 times)

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Free Will
« on: September 24, 2006, 12:24:28 AM »

I have only glanced over your web-site so I do not wish to say that all your teachings are wrong, and who can say that other than God anyway! You state that;
I do NOT believe we have a "free" will.  It is GOD who "wills" in us. Choices have nothing to do with free will.  All choices are caused. There is no such thing as a choice that DID NOT have a cause! And when a choice is CAUSED to happen, it could NOT have been prevented.
If this is the case than how can we LOVE God? Love takes a free will without any outward force to manipulate it, otherwise it's not really love.. If God wants a family that loves him then he needs a family with free will, it's as simple as that. I would love to hear your comments concerning this.

Dear Robert:
Oh poppycock!  I have answered this silly and unfounded assumption many times.
Robert, does your wife love you?  Yes?  What "makes" her love you?  How would you feel if I said that your wife and children told me that there is absolutely NOTHING about you that "makes" them love you?  Would take make you feel good?  Do they love you "freely" without any reason whatsoever??
There are lots of things that "make" me love my wife.  And it is those "things" which are the "CAUSE" of my love.  If she possessed NONE of the fine character attributes that she presently has, not only would I not love her as much, but I would have never married her in the first place.
Do we really love God because we "freely" through some mystic "free" will, choose to love Him?  Or do we love Him because He has done something to MAKE AND CAUSE us to love Him?  We don't need to speculate, Robert, as we have the absolute sure word of God to tell us. I John 4:19 gives us the answer and it completely contradicts your idea that love that is caused is not true love. Anyway, here,'s the true answer from God's word:
"We love Him [God] because ['because' is the 'CAUSE,'  Robert] He LOVED US FIRST."  In other words: GOD MADE US LOVE HIM!  Pretty neat, huh?  Isn't God Great?
God be with you,
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