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Author Topic: Babylon  (Read 8219 times)

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« on: October 01, 2006, 10:44:53 PM »

 is babylon the world, ie, mainly the religious system. of christianity claiming to be the church
while being so steeped in worldy affairs?
 i understand some call it the church of babylon, but for me there is one church the body of Christ.
while fale christianity is claiming to be the  church.
are we told to come out of the world or out of the church???
 thank you so much, i hope this makes it to the forum.
 peace and love
Dear Chuck:
No, Babylon does not claim to be the Church, THEY ARE THE CHURCH.
There are the called and the few chosen.  The few chosen come out of the called masses of the congregation.  Babylon the church rides the beast.  The beast is the world.
God be with you,
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