> Hi Ray
> Tremendous website it has helped me enormously in so many ways.
> I have one quick question though, regarding death.I am now fully persuaded
> that when one dies you are dead until resurrected,and that there is no
> consciousnes or awarenes after death until the resurrection.However there
> appears to be a verse in acts that contradicts this view, mainly acts 2:24.
> All the versions I use including concordant, either use the term 'pains of
> death' or 'pangs of death'.In other words it could be argued that only
> conscious beings can feel pain , and that even in death Jesus was
> consciously aware of what was going on.can you explain this apparent
> contradiction.
> Many thanks
> Dave
Dear Dave:
It is only because of the damnable heresies we have been spoon-fed since babies that we would ever consider for one moment that people who are DEAD can at the same time FEAL PAIN! That's insane.
This verse says nothing (absolutely nothing) about "feeling pain while being dead." Where does it say such a thing? There is no contradiction of anything in this verse. The word is "death," not "DEAD." Death is also a process leading up to and culminating in becomeing DEAD. The very first definition of "death" in my American Heritage College Dictionary is: "The act of DYING...."
What kind of a death (act of dying) did Jesus go through? "And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the DEATH OF THE CROSS" (Phil. 2:

. Was being crucified a "painful" DEATH? Yes, of course it was. Did that PAINFUL crucifixion terminate Christ's life? Yes, of course it did. Could it "hold" Him there? NO, "Whom God has raised up, having loosed [from the hold that it had on Him until resurrection] the pains of death ['even the death of the cross'] because it was not possible that He should be holden of it [the death of the cross]." (Acts 2:24).
This is not rocket science. Notice in verse 27 we are told that had God not protected His flesh, it would have ROTTED. ROTTING DEAD FLESH FEELS NO PAIN. Certainly Christ's flesh did not rot, but it WAS DEAD FLESH, none the same.
God be with you,
Oops! I also wanted to add, but neglected in my answer to you, that the "pangs" were "pangs OF death," not "pangs IN death."