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Author Topic: HOW IS GOD LEADING/DRAGGING YOU?  (Read 9241 times)

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« on: October 08, 2006, 11:51:07 AM »

Hello everyone

I have been draged LITTERALLY AGAINST MY WILL out of Mystery Babylon.....

I have been shown   by the GRACE OF GOD that MYSTERY BABYLON CHURCH FELLOWSHIP was inadequite and was labeled so called fellowship to disguise that  it was superficial and insincere.... at the time it APPEARED to be deep and sincere AND i BOURGH INTO IT BECAUSE i WANTED TO STAY IN IT. Now, not only have I been led out of illusion of hanging onto crumbs of thinking I was in fellowship, I now know I was naked, poor and needing comfort among others who were also not only naked in the spirit and no knowing it but they were  hurting too. The only thing we all had in common was our need for comfort, appeasement and approval that came in large doses of self-deception.

We see what happened to the Hebrews after they left Egypt and I do not want to be ungrateful ...I am not al all....yet I am experiencing that being led from evil and illusion into truth hurts because now I can not find much truth anywhere OUTSIDE ANY MORE while in the past it appeared to be everywhere and everyone else's possession ie the Church's possession, the Pastors or the Anointed one's possession and yours too if THEY said so!  What has our Lord done for you to wean you off the poison diet  of Mystery Babylon?

Where do you get your spiritual food?...other than here of course... That is what I want to know.  Where's the banquet, the real one I mean? ...are you hanging on day by day BREATH BY BREATH in dependence on Christ for your immediate provisions...?and I am not talking about the needs of the body I am talking about our soul and spirit need for HIS breath of life!..fruit of HIS Spirit!

 I see that bondage to illusion offers the superficial comfort of make-believing that you are free or okay or doing just fine. That is kind of like drinking killer Morphine in small medicinal doses gradually on the increase....Jesus Christ on the other hand shows our dependence is on HIS freedom and in HIS faithfulness to God because in and of ourselves we have nothing! Has anyone here grown past this painful revelation? I am right in it! It is most ....How has God been leading/dragging you? and....may HE CONTINUE TO DO SO!




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« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2006, 12:36:25 PM »

God bless you Bobby

What a wonderful hope in HIM your experience and testemony reveals! :) .....that is encouraging Bobby!

Arcturus :)


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« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2006, 12:55:10 PM »


 it is all done on God's time table and according to His will. If we desire to know more He certianly will give you the desires of your heart but according to His will not ours.

 I too would love to be at the place where some are here with their God given knowledge but God knows when I will be ready. It is a slow process for me but I am so blessed to even be where I am right now and that alone is wonderful and I thank God for it.

Philippians 4:11 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.



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« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2006, 02:13:08 PM »

Where do you get your spiritual food?...other than here of course... That is what I want to know.  Where's the banquet, the real one I mean? ...are you hanging on day by day BREATH BY BREATH in dependence on Christ for your immediate provisions...?and I am not talking about the needs of the body I am talking about our soul and spirit need for HIS breath of life!..fruit of HIS Spirit!

 I see that bondage to illusion offers the superficial comfort of make-believing that you are free or okay or doing just fine. That is kind of like drinking killer Morphine in small medicinal doses gradually on the increase....Jesus Christ on the other hand shows our dependence is on HIS freedom and in HIS faithfulness to God because in and of ourselves we have nothing! Has anyone here grown past this painful revelation? I am right in it! It is most ....How has God been leading/dragging you? and....may HE CONTINUE TO DO SO!


Hi Arcturus,
For me I am getting my spiritual food right now from His Word. For example, every morning I wake up an hour early to read my bible. I need His Word in my life. It helps me all the day long, I need to recall verses in every evil situation that happens to me during the day, each day. Jesus is there to help me combat sin. His Word in me helps me to do what He would have me to do. I need to read my bible before I go to bed. I'll sometimes write down a verse that really stands out to me for that "reading" and just start writing about what the verse means to me.  I have a binder full, when I go back through and read some of the things I've written, I can't even believe it was me who wrote it, truly the Holy Spirit was at work. While these are physical things that I do, to me they help me grow spiritually, this is just what God has put in my heart to do. I've been doing it since I was called into the church (Jan'05), and continued even after I was called out (Jan'06).
Singing praises to Him and in His name is another thing I do for spiritual food, while it brings Him glory, it too brings me much joy.
And, this forum of course. It has been a real source of spiritual fellowship for me. God has taught me through this forum to not seek to please myself, or even others, before pleasing Him. When I have my focus on Him, all else 'good' falls into place.
When I look at all the "worldly" problems in my own life, I talk to God and know in my heart that He is in control. This helps me to be dependent on Him.
Knowing our Father is the hope in my life. Without Him, there would be nothing.


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« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2006, 03:23:15 PM »

Marie and Bobby

It is so wonderful where God has you right now.  I am being shown some very painful truths about myself right now. For instance, trying to do anything beyond knowing Christ has done everything that is important of value and merit and that I, even trying to fuel myself with His Spirit for my good, is by HIS Grace Bobby you reflect on and make known through what you have written.

I know I can not even pray, or praise Him unless His Spirit has put in me the gratitude for Him. Unless He reveals just how much I should be grateful to HIM I am only giving Him lip service. I am stalled, made still, made void by His total goodness and who He is. By contrast I am finding out who I am and that Marie is what is hurting. It feels like I am under a God lockhold while He is performing a major surgery on my sence of self!.....

It is comforting to recieve the anesthetic of reading in Bobby's post....Gods time...Gods will......That really helps! :) It is a reminder...and encouragement!

Yes....I am gratefull....and can only share with you the joy of seeing the blessing of God on your lives because it reunites my heart to what I know of our Lord and Saviour and your testimony of His Grace in your lives and His word in your hearts and mind feeds my hope and encourages me in wonderous ways only made possible by the loving hand of our Shepherd King. I see his gentle hand and kind presence via your posts.....

Arcturas :)


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« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2006, 04:00:52 PM »

(What has our Lord done for you to wean you off the poison diet of Mystery Babylon?)

Each one of us, that "assembles" here, were led of His Spirit to do so. Before He allowed me to have the tastes of Babylon,  I was within the crippling, evil, kingdom of which I was delivered from, some 30 years ago. I then searched for the "real" Jesus and His "real church", for all those being given a taste of many denominational, nondenominational, home group studies, charismatic, and piles of books inbetween attendance. With reading the word, of course, there was one thing that contributed to being weaned off the "poison diet" and where I am today.....and that is .....prayer. Being in constant prayer with HIm, and listening to Him. I hope that I have listened, more than I have talked. When I have been showed something, or have gone through the fires and trials, etc....I've learned not to always ask "why", but, rather to simply find my quiet times alone with Him, sitting besides Him, and at His feet.

(yet I am experiencing that being led from evil and illusion into truth hurts because now I can not find much truth anywhere OUTSIDE ANY MORE)
You won't find it anywhere "outside", neither should we desire it.....meaning, if we are seeking Truth inside of a physical building that the world labels 'church'. Perhaps we feel that "hurt" our spirit struggles to be in His will....struggles to know "right from wrong"....struggles with the worldly/carnal idea of  physically belonging to a group of people. And then He leads us to the truth.....which takes away the "hurt" and confusion, etc.and replaces it with a peace that certainly does passes our understanding.
(Where do you get your spiritual food?...other than here of course...)
Reading the bible.....KJV for now, since I don't have the money to buy a Concordant Literal New Testament yet.....from music.....from nature and His universe......and with prayer and fellowship with Him.
(I am not talking about the needs of the body I am talking about our soul and spirit need for HIS breath of life!..fruit of HIS Spirit!)
During those 30 years, one by one, I've been showed to spit out their food and banquets.....full of  frozen foods, man-made junk foods, instant foods, bad foods, and cleverly disguised poisoned foods.....and once showed the "real" was filled with good, fresh fruits. Thank goodness for no more spitting !! 
I couldn't agree more with Bobby.....that I was dead in religion (and dead in the kingdom of darkness) and now being made alive in Christ and His Spirit, through a daily process, all done on His time table that's according to His will. I too, thank God for where I am today. It was kinda overwhelming at first, but , nevertheless, in a good way....(but, that's for another ) Phil. 4:11 is "right on"


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« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2006, 06:36:06 PM »

Hi Scribbles

"...prayer and fellowship with Him..."   You are blessed to experience ...where two or more are gathered!....He is with you....How wonderful His peace and blessing with you....

I am not always content. I am not always sure and I am not always in peace...I am always at His Mercy and am learning through experience that I can and should always count on it....I am learning...
Arcturus :)


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« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2006, 09:01:12 PM »

Hello Arcturus,

Many years ago, God came into this life in a way I've never heard of before.  I was a young man and never studied the bible, but prayed for the first time openly and with a broken heart.  He heard that prayer and came at that instant with an experience that is beyond words or description.  Being young and a babe in the Lord, I needed to tell someone, and I thought who in their right mind will listen.  So, I decided to go to churches and relay the experience, thinking they will know what I am talking about.  Whew...big mistake, the very first preacher I talked to laughed so hard and loud, he almost fell out of his chair, and quickly ushered me out of his church, with a loud door slamming behind.  The second wasn't much better, was told I was posessed with a devil, and given the most insidious looks I've ever seen before.  I went to scores of churches, not giving up, because noone can undermine that experience, because it was of God.

I thank God for those experiences with churches, because it has caused me not to get caught up in their ways.  It has been for the most part a walk of solitude, growing through much study and prayer, just between God and me.  Always on the look for others who know God, yet the need for true fellowship has always been longed for.  But, where to find them is the question?  I thank God for Ray and this forum, and the members.  It's been an oasis is the desert.

The kingdom of God is within, that is where His Spirit is, and its a constant battle to not let self regain the throne, but to yield towards His Spirit.  The true faith, is not one that is welcomed in this world.  Contrary to what most say, we will not be well loved or become rich.  I look at the lives of the prophets, Jesus, the apostles, and the many throughout history who have suffered for His namesake, and it gives me peace and joy that God has given that privledge to one such as me. 

I don't see myself as being worthy for the spiritual life, experiences, joy and the sufferings.  Yet, this is what is happening, so, I accept it with thankfulness.  Knowing that He knows what is best for me.  I yearn for the day when the knowledge of the Lord will cover the earth and every knee shall bow, what great conversations and fellowship will transpire.

(Heb 4:9 LITV)  So, then, there remains a sabbath rest to the people of God.

(Heb 4:10 LITV)  For he entering into His rest, he himself also rested from his works, as God had rested from His own. LXX-Psa. 95:11; Gen. 2:2

(Heb 4:11 LITV)  Therefore, let us exert ourselves to enter into that rest, that not anyone fall in the same example of disobedience.

(Heb 4:12 LITV)  For the Word of God is living, and powerfully working, and sharper than every two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of both soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge of the thoughts and intentions of the heart;

(Heb 4:13 LITV)  and there is no creature unrevealed before Him; but all things are naked and laid open to His eyes, with whom is our account.

(Heb 4:14 LITV)  Then having a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast the confession.

(Heb 4:15 LITV)  For we do not have a high priest not being able to sympathize with our weaknesses but One having been tried in all respects according to our likeness, apart from sin.

(Heb 4:16 LITV)  Therefore, let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy, and we may find grace for timely help.

We must follow Jesus, He came not to condemn, and loved us first while still being enemies, so we must do the same towards others.  Seems to me, there is no other way.  He shows His mercy to us, and He puts us in situations to where we must forgive them, for as we were before, now gaining some knowledge, must forgive and love them, for they know not what they do, as once we were. 

(1Co 2:7 LITV)  But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, having been hidden, which God predetermined before the ages for our glory,

(1Co 2:8 LITV)  which none of the rulers of this age has known. For if they had known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory;

(1Co 2:9 LITV)  according as it has been written, "Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard," nor has it risen up into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those that love Him. Isa. 64:4

(1Co 2:10 LITV)  But God revealed them to us by His Spirit, for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God.

God bless,




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« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2006, 05:09:24 AM »

Dear Gary

What a comforting responce much needed.  From this thred what is appearing for me is the truth that this privilage of walking with Christ, means that we walk alone.  Others too walk alone yielding to His Spirit in the unique person close way that Jesus Christ intends for each of us....

Opening this thred has provided me much comfort and encouragement to understand and be Okay with the way Jesus personalises HIs relationship with each of us. This is so contrary to what we have been educated to accept of the way of the world.

I am going to print out your responce and file it under a file heading....How to walk with Jesus......

I want to acknowledge you all here for sharing the intimacy of how you each know our Lord which magnifies His Name and presence in my life and as I see Him in your lives.

May God bless us all

Arcturus :)


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« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2006, 05:26:46 AM »

Hi Arcturus! 
    I believe God leads me/drags me to him by showing me things as i live my life.  So i actually gain a great deal spiritual understanding just by living life, marveling at all that God has created and loving it.  I don't find it necessary to read the bible everyday at predetermined times, although there is nothing wrong with that of course.  I just wait until God inspires me to read, then i read.  Anyways Arcturus, i noticed you said in your post that
I have been draged LITTERALLY AGAINST MY WILL...
.  I belive i know what you are actually saying here, but for the sake of our understanding, i want to be sure we agree on the idea of this.   I believe that God never causes anyone to do anything against their own will.  Instead, he causes our will to be as he wants it to be.  So in other words, i think God caused you to want to get out of that church, and he did not force you to get out of that church against your will.  Anyways, cool post!  And as always, if i am wrong in my biblical beliefs I would appreciate correction.

God bless,


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« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2006, 12:38:11 PM »

Hi Sean

I appreciate your request for clarification.....and yes I agree with you regarding your insight into how God works....but how's this for another experience......

You see, I did not want to go out of the Church I was in. I was hooked. I was a Cell leader and enjoying the shine! When I got pushed out, no less by the Pastor himself....I was devastated...isolated...rejected...and hurting! The whole Church turned on me in a most painful way..... I DID NOT WANT THAT! THAT WAS AGAINST MY WILL!....but it was according to God will to humble me.....and I thank God but it did hurt terribly!....

Very soon after that and on my birthday, I was given access to Ray's web! How is that for God's timing! and love. Woinderful don't you think. Gods grace, God had me  experience in a very real way, how he is the healer of the broken hearted! I have since been gradually enlightened by the truth I wasthen so very blind to see!  I wonder how many others can relate to ....being  thus dragged.... This was my experience and it  was certainly God's gift to me from the start where a gift from God will and can not be denied!....I believe this as much as His word will not return to Him it was with me. I could not fight God and win. He paid for me....called me out and came and dragged me out because I was too blind to get out! 

I beleive God did not want me to think I had done anything in myself to have come out of Babylon! I wanted, in my ignorance, nievety and stay in collecting a false sence of right standing before God by bowing to man made systems, that appeared correct and righteous through thier regulations and rules.

I am very grateful to God for HIS mercy and HIS pleasure to take me out of the illusion and blind mindedness. I am so grateful for His touch on my eyes to see the real light of HIS Spirit that is not religious at all.....He is helping me recover from a near fatal attack of the disease of Religion!

This experience shows how God over ruled my ignorance and illusion that I found comfortable and even enjoyable in my gross self reliance on others who presented themselves as God's spokespersons. False Prophets! Damnable Heresy!...I believed it!..tried to join it and failed thanks to GOD!

I am grateful and so very grateful now after the pain of extracting me out of a seductive and false deceptive system to put me where I am today....knowing HIM better, loving and learning from HIM through HIS called out ones! and through the grace and mercy of His Spirit of Truth and love...

Hope this explains why I can relate to that word Dragged.  I was dragged!.....

Arcturas :)


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« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2006, 12:57:54 PM »

What a wonderful thread.  So many posts here that are very uplifting.  I do think sometimes that we walk this road alone and I've been thinking about that a lot over the weekend.  No matter how many people I am around, I always feel somewhat alone...even with very close friends and people I love very dearly...even here at the forum.  It was really apparent this weekend and I managed some time by myself to think about it.  I realize that there are experiences I've had in my life that cause me to be this way, to not form really close attachments like a lot of people seem to do.  And I think God is slowly healing some of those wounds lately.  But, I wonder if God doesn't keep me a little bit alone so that I will turn primarily to Him for comfort and acceptance and love.  I think if I were allowed to have people around and not feel even some alone with them, I would turn to those people for support and not to God.  Don't get me wrong, I do get some from other people, especially my wonderful husband, but it just isn't the same.  When He keeps me like this, I turn to Him for the love and support and comfort I need, and if I ask for a person to get this from I keep getting told that He is sufficient to fill all my needs.  And He does.  I can't believe how good God has been to me and I am so grateful.  I sometimes still wish this wasn't such a lonely road so much of the time.  I get tired of being 'different' and 'strange'.  But when I get out alone where I can be quiet and listen and talk with God, I know there is nothing else anywhere that I want more than to be with Him like that always...and then the world intrudes and, sigh, it's back to life.  But I so look forward to the next time I can drop everything to just be alone with Him.  Anyway, this is the thought I had as I contemplated this over the weekend.  As for your question Arcturus, I read the bible from time to time and the posts on the site...but I more go off alone and just sit and think and talk with God. 

Oh, and I love what you said Gary about the preachers chucking you out the door when you told them of your experience.  Isn't it amazing how something so wonderful and clearly from God is labeled as "demon possession" or mental illness?  It cracks me up...and yet it's so sad that they can't see.  Ahh, this too will be healed one day.   ;D

Love to all in Christ,



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« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2006, 01:18:09 PM »

Hi Arcturus,

I just wanted to add that my walk with Christ has been both joyful and painful.  The joy comes from being blessed with spiritual sight and the freedom that comes along with that.  Also, there is the joy of getting to know our Lord and Savior and coming to understand what true LOVE is.  I pray every day that the Lord will bless me with the fruits of His Spirit so that I can glorify Him that day.  Joy is a fruit of the spirit.

The pain comes as the Lord continues to show me who I truly am.  There is that carnel side of me that sins as easily as breathing.  It is painful to see that I am no better than any other sinner in this world.  It is only through Christ in me am I able to walk straight. The Lord has chosen me to be judged and chasten by Him at this time and this fact alone is sufficient enough for me to REJOICE!

May the Lord's peace, mercy and grace be with you.



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« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2006, 01:27:11 PM »

By the nape of my neck,  or least it feels that way.

Love in Christ



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« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2006, 03:42:53 PM »

Hi Mongoose

"I wonder if God doesn't keep me a little bit alone so that I will turn primarily to Him for comfort and acceptance and love. "...

1Cor 2:2 For I resolved to know NOTHING, to be acquainted with NOTHING, to make a display of the knowledge of NOTHING, and to be conscious of NOTHING among you except Jesus Christ, the Messiah and Him crucified.

I believe, Mongoose that you are on to something quite wonderful in your thinking that God is keeping you alone so you will turn primarily to Him for comfort.....

What has comforted me in this thred is that I have found that there are people (therefore it is not unusual, wrong or not to be expeced )who are well on this path of solitude with Christ and have accepted that this walk is  or "has been for the most part a walk of solitude" quoting Gary in this thred. For me, that acknowledgement  is a beacon of light and the Scriptures backs it up as Jesus showed in His life that He Himself went alone to be alone with God. He knew what to do....I am still learning and I am so greatful....

Arcturus :)



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« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2006, 04:00:12 PM »

Hi Rene

You write...."The pain comes as the Lord continues to show me who I am." 

I can TOTALLY relate to that with the observation that the pain is followed by His Grace, and His fruies of His Spirit teaching me patience, long suffering and joy and peace according to His gift to me at the time. More often than not though, I have been left to mellow, wallow, sink then swim....not because I am swimming but because He is lifting, carrying, and helping me along.

Quite pathetic really......But... What has been of enormous blessing to me is Ray's teaching on the Beast Within LOF X1V as he explains that the  Beast is YOU and I!.....what an awesome revelation this teaching has been for has been so liberating!

and Rene...may His fruit of His Spirit continue with you

Arcturus :)



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« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2006, 04:04:00 PM »

Yes Longhorn

Like the Lion of Judah and His cub the Longhorn!

Arcturus :)


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« Reply #17 on: October 09, 2006, 08:44:45 PM »

How has God been leading/dragging you? and....may HE CONTINUE TO DO SO!



First, like about everyone.  Christmas, Easter and all that hocus pocus.  Then on to the Living Church of God {not as a member, just studied along their lines, did tithe to them though} and now to this group and the truth.  I can't stop reading Scripture...Wigrams...E-Sword...Ray's site...this message board!

Saying that though I can't help but think I am here...

`And that servant, who having known his lord's will, and not having prepared, nor having gone according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes,  (Luke 12:47)

God is allowing me to understand so much but He has so far said NO to my prayers on the subject of "lust of the flesh".  There is so much I desire to shed, but He just won't let it happen right now.  I understand that it is His will so I am not in panic mode or anything :).  I'll just keep plugging along.




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« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2006, 01:54:42 AM »

Hey Arcturas,
     After explaining your experience, i see what you meant.  It's the difference between God causing you to do something against your will, and God causing someone else to do something against your will.  So you getting kicked out of church was God causing someone else to do something against your will, and yes, God was deffinitly dragging you out!  That was literal dragging too, no doubt.   I'm happy for you!

God Bless,


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« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2006, 12:45:35 PM »

Hi M-Oliver

Ray has written about  PAUL'S "SPLINTER IN THE FLESH". is excellent and I think you would really enjoy reading it....

Arcturus :)
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