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Author Topic: Lake of Fire Series  (Read 8539 times)

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Lake of Fire Series
« on: October 10, 2006, 10:35:12 AM »

Dear Robert:
I will make a few COMMENTS to your email.................

Subject: I thought Satan was a liar

        Ray, I'm going to try this again!

        COMMENT:  Sending me multiple emails on top of each other is not normally the way to get my attention. There are many hundreds of unanswered emails ahead of yours even though you seem convinced that your's is more important.

         Brother to Brother. Matthew 4 vs 9 Satan says "All these (kingdoms) to you will I be giving, if ever, falling down, you should be worshiping me."
        You state that the kingdoms are all his (Satan's) because he says so.

        COMMENT:  No, Robert, I say no such thing. Here is what I said, copied directly from my Lake of Fire series:

        "Notice that it was the spirit of God that led Jesus to be tempted of the devil. Can we not see that Satan serves a needful purpose in God’s plan? It was absolutely needful that Satan tempt Jesus. If it weren’t needful, God wouldn’t have done it! And so Satan tried to bribe Christ into worshiping him:

            "Again, the DEVIL takes Him up into an exceeding high mountain, and shows Him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; and says to Him, All these things will I give You , if You will fall down and worship me" "Matt. 4:8-9).

        Let’s notice a few things overlooked by most Sunday school teachers (and most of the world’s greatest theologians as well). Ready? Are you sure? Okay, here goes: ALL THE NATIONS OF THE ENTIRE WORLD BELONG TO SATAN THE DEVIL!!! Heaven and Earth are God’s possessions, however, God has delegated the nations to Satan. Satan could not offer all these kingdoms of the world to Jesus if he did not possess them to offer them in the first place. They are Satan’s ignorant kingdoms" (End of Quote)

        Now then, where do I say that these nations belong to Satan "because he said so?"


        I say that it is a big fat lie! You have no proof, zero to otherwise contradict the truth.  The only scriptures you use in the lake of fire series do not even support such thinking.
        COMMENT:  You are the first and only (out of nearly two million visitors to our site), who has questioned that Satan's statement to Jesus was true or not. I do not take the time to prove hundreds of statements from Scriptures in my writings. Most people think that my papers are already way to long.
        [1]  If Satan's statement concerning the control of the nations really was a blatant lie, then why didn't Jesus just state as much?  Why didn't Jesus just say, "That's a LIE, Satan. The nations are NOT your to give me?"  Jesus did not contradict Satan concerning the nations. Jesus didn't indicate that Satan had no such right or authority over the nations.  Jesus did not find fault with Satan's temptation to give Him these nations.
        Notice how Luke even adds to what Matthew records:  "And the devil, taking Him up into an high mountain, showed unto Him ALL THE KINGDOMS OF THE WORLD in a moment of time.  And the devil said unto Him, All this power will I give you, and the glory of them, FOR THAT IS DELIVERED UNTO ME AND TO WHOMSOEVER I WILL I GIVE IT" (Luke 4:5-6).  Jesus did not accuse Satan of lying, did He?
        Here is what Jesus found offensive in what Satan said: "If You therefore will WORSHIP ME, all shall be Yours."  THAT is what Jesus found offensive, and THAT is the only thing that Jesus countered with: "Get thee behind Me, Satan, for it is written, You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him ONLY shall you serve" (Verse 08).
        [2]  Satan is an "angel" which means "messenger" in both Hebrew and Greek (II Cor. 11:14). Next notice Heb. 2:5--"For unto the ANGELS has He not put in subjection the world to come."  Ah, did you catch that?  Unlike the "world today," the "world to come," will NOT be under the subjection of angels. Satan is pretends to be "an angel of light" in this world's nations, but not so in the "world to come."
        [3]  Who is "the prince of this world?"  Is it not Satan?
        John 14:30, "Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world comes, and has NOTHING IN ME"
        John 16:11, "Of judgment, because the PRINCE OF THIS WORLD is judged."
        John 12:31, "Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the PRINCE OF THIS WORLD be cast out."

        Eph 2:2 "Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world , according to the the COURSE OF THIS WORLD, ACCORDING TO THE PRINCE OF THE POWER OF THE AIR , the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience [that's all the nations of the world, Rev. 12:9]"
        [4]  "And they worshipped THE DRAGON [Satan, REv. 12:9]...and power was GIVEN HIM OVER ALL KINDREDS, AND TONGUES, AND NATIONS. And ALL that dwell upon the EARTH shall worship him...." (Rev. 13:4, 7-8).

         You give it up and quit thinking your some kind of wise a@@ because you have a relationship with Jesus- You hear!  They all shall be taught of God!  Do you hear me!  Do you hear me! We all are part of the Body- not just you!
        Please take it out of the lake of fire series. 

        COMMENT:  "Respectfully," you say?  I don't think so:  "quite thinking your some kind of wise a@@?"  Respectifully? I don't think so.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2007, 12:02:27 AM by Kat »


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Re: Lake of Fire Series
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2006, 06:07:39 PM »

You are going to "let me off the hoock?"  I was never on the hook!  You don't have the good sense to know that part of being a good liar is to sometimes tell the truth. I gave you Scriptures, but you aren't interested in Scriptures. Give it up. I'm "OUT OF HERE."

    Okay Ray, maybe I should read more closely. I'll let you off the hook momentarily. Satan says that "All these (kingdoms/nations) to you will I be giving, if ever, falling down you should be worshipping me"  The Devil said it!
    Now you said  "Ready? Are you sure? Okay, here goes: ALL THE NATIONS OF THE ENTIRE WORLD BELONG TO SATAN THE DEVIL!!! Heaven and Earth are God possessions, however, God has delegated the nations to Satan. Satan could not offer all these kingdoms of the world to Jesus if he did not possess them to offer them in the first place. They are Satans ignorant kingdoms" (End of Quote)

    Will you deny that you said  ALL THE NATIONS OF THE ENTIRE WORLD BELONG TO SATAN THE DEVIL!!! ?? Will you deny you believe this? Will you just be straight forward and honest and tell me if you believe this?

    Will you deny that you said Satan could not offer all these kingdoms of the world to Jesus if he did not possess them to offer them in the first place. They are Satans ignorant kingdoms"?? Will you deny you believe this? Will you just be straight forward and honest and tell me if you believe this?

    Ray this takes us full circle to the original question that I asked you in my very 1st email.

    Now if the Devil is a liar and there is no truth in him, then why please tell me do you believe him when he speaks to Jesus?

    Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not [does not stand] in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not" (John 8:44-45).

    Ray, I'm going to try to bring this email exchange to an end for both of our benefits. Let's just say we are washing each others feet and that we love one another.

    Ray, there is no truth in the devil! I do not believe he speaks truth nor do I want you to believe that he has, can or will speak any truth.

    If God teaches you via the sayings of Jesus (not via the sayings of the devil) that the nations have been, are or will be deceived at some point in time that is one thing, but to believe what the devil is saying as truth is an abomination.

    Please Ray, let's both of us never believe for a moment that any truth can come out of the mouth of the devil. For God's sake!, for our Lord's sake For our brothers and sisters sake!

    Brother to Brother Ray we came from the Nations, so how can all Nations belong to Satan. Granted we were deceived at one time (To God be the glory), but the fact is we cannot be now if we are to have a part with Jesus Christ!

    I do not want to loose, but desire rather to bind the power of the Devil here on Earth as well as in heaven. Words have meaning and to say all nations (now) belong to him hurts my heart.

    What about Spiritual Israel Ray, what about us Ray; are we thrown into this group you call All.  God Forbid?

    I cannot say it with any more force. "Do not believe the Devil in anything"

    What about Abraham, Isaac, Jacob?  What about the Kingdom of David, Solomon? What about the 12 tribes? What about the disciples and the apostles. Please don't tell me they belong, will belong or have belonged to the Devil.! God forbid.

    Why doesn't Jesus just come out and say it is a lie what the devil is saying? Come on Ray!  You yourself have even said that the whole bible is a parable.

    When Jesus was being tempted of the Devil do you really think he was believing what the devil was saying with respect to all kingdoms or nations are his? Be honest. This would include the very disciples that he spent so much time with.Come on! John 18:9  "of those whom thou hast given Me, of them I do not lose anyone."

    Lastly, at your convenience do a search on the word nations in your scripture for all program. I probably learned as much as you and for me read Psalms 47.


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