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Author Topic: The Life is in the Blood  (Read 7154 times)

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The Life is in the Blood
« on: October 10, 2006, 11:48:04 PM »

Hi everyone!  Well, last Friday I got a shock.  I was admitted to the hospital for severe anemia.  I knew I hadn't been feeling that well, but I thought it was the weather, being out of shape, tired from teaching yada yada......I just gotout today (Tuesday).  I had 4 units of blood transfused.  Then an X ray showed a large hiatal hernia and a mitral valve on my heart is not closing properly!!! Prayers please!!

It was my birthday Friday and I had plans and plans for a beautiful fall weekend up here in the north country.  Trees are gorgeous right now, but it is still warm.  We truly have to say, " if the Lord is willing, I will go such and such..."

Well, I don't know why, I don't know any "idols of the heart" I needed to deal with, I know it was God's will but.....geesh...its gonna get cold now!! The worst part was I couldn't eat!!

Anyway, thats what is up with me, I am hoping to be able to get to all the posts I've missed.
Bobby and Chuck (and others) I took Paxil for years, now I take Cymbalta for depression.  I had a lot of guilt for why should a Christian be depressed??Now I don't have the guilt but I still want to get off it soon.  Now that I have to take Iron and previcid.

Hospitals get ya thinking.  All these old suffering people.  I thought man I don't want to live so long to have all those problems.  OH, a sweet, 84 year old priest came in my room and chit chatted and then asked if he could say a blessing! I said Sure, I can use a blessing and he said a little prayer. Oh well.

Any advice or opinions would be welcome!



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Re: The Life is in the Blood
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2006, 02:13:04 AM »

Hi Gena,

Hope you are feeling better.
Sounds like that hit you right out of the blue, and messed up your B-day plans too  :(
Well we never know what lies ahead.

I've always wanted to drive north and see the colors of the autunm trees.
But haven't had the chance to, I live way south and
we don't get a lot of the colors, like up north.

Anyway, rest up and I'm praying you get going strong again soon  :)

mercy, peace, and love



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Re: The Life is in the Blood
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2006, 02:15:01 PM »

Hi Gena,
  Wow. Tough birthday.  My prayers are with you.  Hang in there.  Oh, depression isn't just an emotional thing.  A lot of times it's a chemical thing in your brain.  Unfortunately, one of the trials we sometimes have.  Thank God that He has given us the knowledge to treat it.  It's not a failing on your part for sure.  Hope you get to feeling better soon.

Love in Christ,



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Re: The Life is in the Blood
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2006, 07:56:12 PM »

Dear Gena

1 Peter 1:6... Wherein ye GREATLY REJOICE, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in  HEAVINESS THROUGH MANIFOLD TEMPTATIONS".....

Yes the life is in the blood OT and now in NT 

Rev 1:17,18....DO NOT BE AFRAID....I am the First and the Last...and the Ever-living One. I died, but see, I am alive forevermore; and I POSSESS the keys of death.....

It is tempting to believe that someone dies in a car crash, or from Cancer, or from Drugs or from old age or from etc etc when in fact this merely disguises that God knows our beginning from the end and He has our days numbered not weak blood, poor nutrition, disease etc etc....I am not saying we should be feeble minded and not observe routine nutritional benefits, healthy and sensible life styles....all I want to highlight is that nothing we can do can add to one day of our lives....We think we can because we think we have free will....and if we stop smoking we will live longer!...etc....

For me, what you are experiencing is God testing the reigns of your heart......for your faith more precious than gold!

"Through trials and tribulations we must enter the Kingdom of God."......

It appears to me that you are and have been in a trial and that is...for me... HIS REFINING FIRE.....It is lovely to sense through your post that you have a cheerful disposition... trust... even and these are all gifts to you from God who loves you.

Arcturus :)



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Re: The Life is in the Blood
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2006, 11:23:43 PM »

Thank you all for your kind words and prayers. Kat & Mongoose I always love reading your posts, you both have so much to share and you share it so openly and willingly.  Arcturus, you gave me some things to think about and you are right-I can't add 1 day to what God has planned for me!

God Bless,


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Re: The Life is in the Blood
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2006, 07:27:50 AM »

Hi Gena

....a high compliment you paid me. I read somewhere that the greatest thing man can give to man is to make him think!....

So here's more for you!

2 Chronicles 16:12 (NLT)....Asa developed a serious foot disease. Even when the diseas became life threatening, he did not seek the Lord's help  but  SOUGHT HELP ONLY FROM HIS PHYSICIANS. So he DIED.....

There is too much focus on walking on water, so called raising from the dead (A Church here is claiming aclaim for a person who they alledge has raised 8 people from the dead!)........I AM THE RESURRECTION Jesus told us...but no......they do not believe the scriptures neither do they know the power of said Jesus to the Sadduces......!


Arcturus :)


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Re: The Life is in the Blood
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2006, 12:38:27 PM »

God is faithful and He will take you through you ordeal. All will be well with you through Jesus Christ who is our HEALER.

The word says in Isaiah 53.5 .... with his stripes we are healed.




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Re: The Life is in the Blood
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2006, 05:42:32 PM »

God is faithful and He will take you through you ordeal. All will be well with you through Jesus Christ who is our HEALER.

The word says in Isaiah 53.5 .... with his stripes we are healed.



Thank you Abed.  Just today I went for a blood count and it was near normal.  I believe that too that by His stripes I have been healed!!!
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