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Author Topic: I've been invited to church  (Read 4444 times)

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I've been invited to church
« on: October 16, 2006, 10:48:26 PM »

A classmate of mine attends a church close to my house and invited me to his church. I told him I would think about it. I don't know if I should accept the invitation or not. Any Scriptural help is greatly apprectiated.



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Re: I've been invited to church
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2006, 11:00:47 PM »

Hi Ruth,

There is plenty of scripture in this article;

Here is a portion of it;


The synagogue of Satan is located in the churches—in The Church!

"…you have tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and have found them liars" (Rev. 2:2).

Where did the Ephesians try those false, lying, apostles? In some pagan temple or church down the street, or across town, or in some foreign land? Or maybe in the pagan religion of the Roman occupation? No, in the Church. Jesus Christ says:

"Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write… thou have tried them which say they are apostles [in the church of Ephesus], and are not" (Rev. 2:1a & 2b).

Where did Jesus know these lying apostles? Why, in the Church, of course. Of what consequence would "lying apostles" of some pagan religion be to the churches of God in Asia?

And where did Jesus say the synagogue of Satan is located? Same place—in the Church:

"And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write… I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews [in the Smyrna church], and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan… And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write… I will make them of the synagogue of Satan [in the Philadelphia church], and are not but do lie…" (Rev. 2:8 & 9; 3:7 & 9).

All seven of the churches were well aware of many pagan gods and pagan religions. These seven cities in Asia were filled with MANY PAGAN GODS.

The non-believing Ephesians worshipped Diana, who was associated with Artimis. Smyrna had temples to Apollo, Asclepia, Aphrodite, Cybele, Emperor Tiberius, and Zeus, and maybe most important of all, the Temple of Athena. Pergamum worshiped, Zeus, Olympus, Athena, Dionysus, Asclepius ("The Saviour"), and also the God-Serpent and the God-Bull. Thyatira worshiped the Emperor, Thyatiran, Tyrimnos, and Pallas Athena. Sardis worshiped the goddess Artemis, and both goddesses Artemis and Cybele were commemorated on their local coinage. Philadelphia worshiped the sun god and serpent gods, although Dionysis was their major god. Laodicea worshiped Zeus Azeus and Men Karou.

Were these the false apostles and lying Jews of the synagogue of Satan. Was it the priests of these pagan gods and religions of the seven cities in Asia that God was warning the churches about?

Since when are the priests of paganism called APOSTLES? Since when are the followers of pagan religions and pagan gods called, LYING JEWS? Since when are the temples of Zeus and Athena and Diana called, SYNAGOGUES? No, these false apostles and lying Jews of the synagogue of Satan are in the churches of God.

And isn’t it ironic that in the two congregations that religious chart-makers tell us had NO spiritual flaws whatsoever, we find those residing who are specifically called, lying Jews? No, Smyrna and Philadelphia, down through the centuries, have exactly the same spiritual flaws and heresies as did all of the other five churches of Asia.


Now then, as the false apostles, and lying Jews, and synagogue of Satan are all located in the Church, where do you suppose we would find Satan’s throne, and Satan’s dwelling place to be located? Yes, that’s right: In the Church. Here is the Scriptural proof found in the messages to the church at Smyrna and Pergamos:

"Fear none of those things which you shall suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison…" (Rev. 2:10).

"I know your works and where you dwell, even where [the same place where] Satan’s seat [Greek: throne] is… were Satan [also] dwells" (Rev. 2:13).

Satan cannot imprison members of the Church unless Satan is in the Church. His throne is in the Church. His dwelling place is in the Church.. His synagogue is in the Church.

And think not that Satan merely makes an occasional visit to the Church. No, Satan is permanently in the Church until God removes him. The Greek word from which the translators give us "dwelleth" in the KJV is kataoideo, and it’s meaning is: "To house permanently" (Strong’s Greek Dictionary, page 136). Satan not only has his false apostles in the Church, and his congregation of unconverted lying Jews in the Church, and his synagogue in the Church, and his very throne in the Church, but Satan himself dwells permanently in the Church.


Why would God choose the church of Pergamos/Pergamum as a physical type of the spiritual city where Satan really dwells and has his throne? We read this historical account of Pergamum:

"Pergamum, founded no later than 399 BC, became the capital city of the Roman province in Asia giving the traveler the impression of a royal city, the home of authority. Located about 60 miles north of Smyrna and 15 miles from the Aegean Sea, Pergamum was a center of learning, medicine, and religious books. The library, rivaling the Alexandrian library, drew many princes, priests, and scholars. Noted for marble carving, it excelled the other six cities in architectural beauty."

A royal city of authority with maybe the greatest library in the world. A city of learning, medicine, and religion. More excellent than all of the other Six Church Cities. Clearly, this city had all of the physical attributes that would make it suitable for the throne and dwelling place of Satan.

But remember: Revelation is a signified book of symbols that stand for spiritual things. The physical city of Pergamus was only a symbolic representation of something higher, something more profound, something of grand proportions. Satan does not reside or dwell or have his throne and his synagogue in West Asia in a demolished old city name Pergamus? Pergamus mean fortified. It comes from the word purgos (Strong’s #4444, which means "burgh; a tower or castle" page 219). Satan dwells (permanently resides) in the Church. But Satan dwells in a city that is, was, and will be. We will later identify this city described in Rev. 2:13.

This then brings us to Satan’s final and grandest achievement in The Church—the very "DEPTH of Satan." Something more evil and vile than anything ever conceived of by man or demon! But not to worry—for if you have been chosen to understand these things, then you will,

"Come OUT of her My people…" and "He that overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he shall be My SON" (Rev. 18:4, & 21:7).

His Peace and Wisdom to you;




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Re: I've been invited to church
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2006, 11:54:50 AM »

Hi Ruth,

I was wondering if you have attended church before?

It seems we all have to get a taste of something,
before we know it is bad.

Pray and God will put the desire into you,
and you should do what you feel is the right thing.

If you do not see anything wrong with going to church,
maybe you should go and find out for yourself, what it is all about.

I am not recommending church attendance, that is not what I am saying,
but I am saying you must first attend, before you can fall away.

2Th 2:3  let no man beguile you in any wise: for it will not be, except the falling away come first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition,

The chosen do come out from the called.

Isa 41:9  you whom I took from the ends of the earth, and called from its farthest corners, saying to you, "You are my servant, I have chosen you and not cast you off";

Hope I did not confuse you on this.

mercy, peace, and love



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Re: I've been invited to church
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2006, 02:04:14 PM »

Yes Kat, I have been to church before. When I was very young, my mom took me to a Baptist church. Growing up, I went to a Lutheran church and an Assemblies of God church. I have visited a Catholic church and a Mormon church also.

God led me to Ray's and Mike's sites between 2000-2002. On my iPod I have many audio bible studies from Ray and Mike, which I listen to on my way to school and on my way home from school. It's all I seem to listen to outside my house. When I'm at home, I usually watch certain T.V. shows. If I can't find anything on, I then change to Sirius Satellite Radio and try to find something to listen to (a lot of the time I don't). If I can't find anything to watch or listen to on T.v., I turn it off and don't really listen to anything on the computer as the sound travels downstairs.

Yesterday, I looked at the website for my classmate's church and looked at the doctrinal statement. I don't think I can go as I don't believe what that church teaches.

I enjoy what Ray and Mike are teaching from the Scriptures. I can't get enough of it. I feel that I am being fed spiritual food that has long been denied me.

Love in Christ,
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