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Author Topic: Ears to Hear?  (Read 7781 times)

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Ears to Hear?
« on: October 22, 2006, 11:01:25 AM »


After reading installment eight of your series on hell something has been really bothering me and I have to know. If I may summarise, you have proved from the scriptures that one needs spiritual ears to hear what the spirit said, especially as Jesus said "my words are spirit and they are truth". You have also shown to me that most Christians do not understand what Jesus says because we listen with carnal ears. Help me here, if you would. You have said it is only for a few to understand in each generation what God is really saying. I fear I do not have spiritual ears to hear although I really want them. Why do I think that? Because most of what you have said was completely hidden from me until I read it from you.

Is it possible that even though I have the Holy spirit as a result of belief, repentance, immersion and receiving of the holy spirit that I have not and maybe will never have these spiritual ears? That is a terribly distrressing thought? Is there something I can do about this? (personally, I doubt it but you seem to know the scriptures far better than I).

I would be happy for you to post this as an answer because I am sure I am not the only one thinking this.

Dear D:

Yes, I get questions similar to yours continually. I am a teacher. I show people the Scriptures and what they say. I cannot bring anyone to understanding, or repentance, or obedience to God. I cannot make you stop lusting or show you how to quit smoking.  Only God can give you the spiritual strength and understanding to do any of these things. Only God can open your mind and give you ears to hear what I teach. Sorry, but there is nothing I can do in these area. "No man CAN come to Me [Christ] unless the Father draw [drag] him" (John 6:44).  It must be of God. I tell people to "Pray and Obey" until God grants to you these other favors.  But then again, only God can give you the desire to pray and obey in the first place.

God be with you,

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