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Author Topic: Jesus  (Read 7403 times)

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« on: October 24, 2006, 10:28:52 AM »

> Hi Ray,
> can you explain to me your view of Jesus? I assume you believe He is
> the son of God. But from what I gather, you say that belief in him is
> not necessary as He has saved EVERY MAN (emphasis yours)... and His
> prayer before he died applies to everyone.
> Therefore, what are the points of evangalistic efforts if every man will
> see the truth of Christ and receive the benefit from His saving
> function? Maybe you mentioned it somewhere, but I can't find it.
> Looking foward to your response,
> Justin

Dear Justin:

Actually, I have never said anywhere in any of my writings that Jesus ever "saved" anyone.  Where did I ever say such a thing?  I said that He died for all the sins of the world, as we have numerous Scriptures on that point. But I have showed from the Scriptures that no one has ever been "savED" in the past tense. See point # one of Church Heresies, "The Sinner's Prayer" covered near the end of my paper entitled: "YOU FOOLS! YOUR HYPOCRITES! YOU SNAKES!" found on our home page.

The point of evangelistic and missionary practices is that they are a part of the worldwide deception of the Church, but then again some "few" come to know Jesus through such teachings. Those "few" then usually disassociate themselves from the organized congregations which do not obey the Truth. I came to first know something about Jesus through the false teaching of the Church.

And then we have the passage in I Cor. 1:29 in which God states that He uses the foolishness of preaching to save those who believe. That "salvation" being something that will only be fully experienced in the Resurrection to immortality.

God be with you,

« Last Edit: January 20, 2007, 08:05:13 PM by Kat »
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