Thanks for all the time you must put in researching and writing your works. I have been learning a lot that helps clear up these nagging feelings I have been having about Church doctrine not jibing with what the Gospels say.
Anyway, here's one that I've asked some of the folks at my church, "Why didn't God just FORGIVE Adam and Eve at the get-go and tell them to "GO AND SIN NO MORE" It was obvious that they were ashamed and repentant. Why would Jesus tell us to do that, but God would cause all of humanity to live with the "wages of sin and death" if He could have just put the Founding Couple back on the right track? (unless of course Adam and Eve was just an allagorical story!)
Thanks for the insights.
Dear Julian:
You have a "Christian" view of the Bible and God's plan. Your view is that God never intended that Adam and Eve sin, and when it happened it was a surprise to God. So all He had to do was correct the problem on the spot--forigive them and tell them to "go and sin no more.' But, Julian, that is what God told them from the beginning--not to sin.
But then God planted a very attractive tree right in the middle of the garden, and told them not to touch or eat of it. Then God created a lying, deceiving serpent (Satan) to entice Eve to disobey God. Did God think that none of these things would have an effect on Eve? Did God forget just how spiritually weak He had created them from the beginning? It's all Christian theologian nonsense.
God created Adam and Eve so that they WOULD SIN. They could do nothing BUT SIN. Carnal-minded human beings are SINNING MACHINES. But this is all for the grand purpose for which God created humanity in the first place. Read the rest of our site for the details.
God be with you,