Hi Ray,
Thank you for revealing truth. The Lord has confirmed in me that what you teach is truth, but my fiance still believes in eternal damnation, etc. She has agreed to try a new church, since I have said I am not prepared to go to our old christian church which teaches tithing, hell, etc. I am not able to find a church where I live that teaches what you teach. I live in Johannesburg, South Africa. Do you know of a church I can attend?
Thank you for caring for Gods children.
Dear Barry:
No, I don't, Barry. There is the same problem for believers worldwide. Too many churches not enough truth. There are no institutionalized denominations or churches that teach the truth of the Scriptures. I know of none. There may be small scattered (salt) groups that teach the truth, but I am not in contact with any of them. You can if you wish join our Discussion Forum at the bottom of our home page. We have many readers from South Africa. Perhaps you can find others who believe in your area.
God be with you,