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Author Topic: Darwin  (Read 14905 times)

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« on: March 30, 2006, 09:57:33 AM »


     I like the big bang theory myself. Someone watching over us...yea right. Part of life. I think Darwin hit it on the nose. What about you?

I think they should have hit Darwin on his nose, and then his head.
You haven't actually read anything on my site, have you?
This is something I wrote six years ago in my Critique of John Hagee's damnable sermon on hell:

"Colin Patterson, a senior paleontologist at the British Natural History Museum, asked his audience of evolution experts a most telling question. He later posed the same question to the geology staff at the Field Museum of Natural History, and again to The Evolutionary Morphology Seminar at the University of Chicago. All evolution experts. Here was his question:
"Can you tell me anything you know about evolution, ANY ONE THING. . . that is TRUE?"
All he got was silence!"
There is nothing in the theory of spontaneous generation, or evolution, or origin of the species, THAT IS TRUE.  And so you are left with.......NOTHING!

And, NO, I do not have the time to debate this with you for the rest of my life.


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« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2006, 11:59:01 AM »

" BIG BANG "theory

What a fictious hocus pocus crock of manure.

In school i got sent to the principle's office for asking "What was BIG, and why did it go BANG " ???

My science teacher got fustraded with being put in his corner.
And so i was sent for not being a quiet participant of this bogus school of thinking.

Imagine that being sent to the office for acting smart and quizative.  The next day i returned to class in a sarcasm of dumbness and told my teacher " 'em edumacated en otay now duh....duh...." :wink:



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« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2006, 01:39:23 PM »


Yea i know what you are saying...i counted the nuts a squirrel ate and wished one of them was my science teacher..... :wink:



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« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2006, 01:48:00 PM »

i have a problem with darwin and evolution but not with the big bang .

 intellegent design can go hand in hadn with the big bang,  for me anyway.

((((Although the Big Bang Theory is widely accepted, it probably will never be proved; consequentially, leaving a number of tough, unanswered questions. ))))))))

In physical cosmology, the Big Bang is the scientific theory that the universe emerged from an enormously dense and hot state about 13.7 billion years ago. The Big Bang theory is based on the observed Hubble's law redshift of distant galaxies that when taken together with the cosmological principle indicate that space is expanding according to the Friedmann-Lemaître model of general relativity. Extrapolated into the past, these observations show that the universe has expanded from a state in which all the matter and energy in the universe was at an immense temperature and density. Physicists do not widely agree on what happened before this, although general relativity predicts a gravitational singularity (for reporting on some of the more notable speculation on this issue, see cosmogony).

The term Big Bang is used both in a narrow sense to refer to a point in time when the observed expansion of the universe (Hubble's law) began — calculated to be 13.7 billion (1.37 × 1010) years ago (±2%) — and in a more general sense to refer to the prevailing cosmological paradigm explaining the origin and expansion of the universe, as well as the composition of primordial matter through nucleosynthesis as predicted by the Alpher-Bethe-Gamow theory [1].

One consequence of the Big Bang is that the conditions of today's universe are different from the conditions in the past or in the future. From this model, George Gamow in 1948 was able to predict, at least qualitatively, the existence of cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) [2]. The CMB was discovered in the 1960s and further validated the Big Bang theory over its chief rival, the steady state theory.


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« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2006, 02:29:31 PM »

Quote from: bobbys43

 I am now looking out the window and counting the number of branches there are on the tree!!!!!(no leaves yet!!)


thats nice bobby :roll:

whats your theory on how God made the visable from the invisable?
how he brought into exsistance things that where not there?


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« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2006, 02:37:49 PM »


In all that post i could not find one fact, not one certaintanty, nor one absolute.

as you yourself stated and which i am in agreement with:

((((Although the Big Bang Theory is widely accepted, it probably will never be proved; consequentially, leaving a number of tough, unanswered questions. ))))))))

These words just jump out and send up red flags at my understanding. See if it does not send up red flags for you......well maybe not since you posted this in suport of your perspective.

In physical cosmology, the Big Bang is the scientific theory that the universe emerged from an enormously dense and hot state about 13.7 billion years ago. The Big Bang theory is based on the observed Hubble's law redshift of distant galaxies that when taken together with the cosmological principle indicate that space is expanding according to the Friedmann-Lemaître model of general relativity. Extrapolated into the past, these observations show that the universe has expanded from a state in which all the matter and energy in the universe was at an immense temperature and density. Physicists do not widely agree on what happened before this, although general relativity predicts a gravitational singularity (for reporting on some of the more notable speculation on this issue, see cosmogony).

The term Big Bang is used both in a narrow sense to refer to a point in time when the observed expansion of the universe (Hubble's law) began — calculated to be 13.7 billion (1.37 × 1010) years ago (±2%) — and in a more general sense to refer to the prevailing cosmological paradigm explaining the origin and expansion of the universe, as well as the composition of primordial matter through nucleosynthesis as predicted by the Alpher-Bethe-Gamow theory [1].

One consequence of the Big Bang is that the conditions of today's universe are different from the conditions in the past or in the future. From this model, George Gamow in 1948 was able to predict, at least qualitatively, the existence of cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) [2]. The CMB was discovered in the 1960s and further validated the Big Bang theory over its chief rival, the steady state theory.
(((If a theory is validated it is NO LONGER A THEORY !!!)))

Though in all due respect to your perspective and understanding Chuck, and with a little relucntancy in my part to thank you for sharing that bit with us.

This big bang THEORY is in and of itself no respect to my FAITH.

Not all that glitters is gold or facts, yet they can make it look so close to it but as awlways they fall short.((( ala...fools gold, decieving truth)))

I now just see it diferently, back in the past you might have gotten a "HERE,HERE" from me, now in my spiritual growth i dare not contemplate that line of thinking, tis all..........



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« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2006, 02:46:57 PM »


In asking for a thoery on how God created all creation, you are asking a loaded question.

Given you the benefit of the doubt, i would hope you are after an expectation we are not gonna indulge you with.....

Seems the emailer's sarcasm is truth unto himself that which he desires as truth and nothing else will suffice.

What then is his fate, i believe what scripture says "it better for Sodom and Gomorrah "  then his refute of the Holy Spirit.  Poor sap hasn't a clue to his origin and his line of ignorance can only be so tolerated.



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« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2006, 02:47:47 PM »

Quote from: bobbys43
Theory???????? :shock:  [-X

For nothing is impossible with God!!!!!!!


now why you gotta shake your finger at me friend?

(((For nothing is impossible with God)))))

 did anything i say go against this scripture???

  let there be light(BANG) there was light :P


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« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2006, 02:49:33 PM »

Quote from: eutychus
i have a problem with darwin and evolution but not with the big bang .

 intellegent design can go hand in hadn with the big bang,  for me anyway.

((((Although the Big Bang Theory is widely accepted, it probably will never be proved; consequentially, leaving a number of tough, unanswered questions. ))))))))

You're so right! :)

I think the number one question that seems to be ALWAYS over-lookedn and that is the "where." Sure, I have heard the theories that explain how the whole universe was compressed into something smaller than an atom; but where did the "where" come from. In order to have a "bang" there must be the object that goes "bang" and a location. Where did the location come from that allows the universe to form and continually expand.

The Big-bang theoolgists cannot explain this one.


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« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2006, 02:49:58 PM »

Funny when i enter a room and think let there be light i hear a click of the light switch. big bang.....must be broken huh  :wink:



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« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2006, 02:52:10 PM »

Quote from: Falconn003

In asking for a thoery on how God created all creation, you are asking a loaded question.

Given you the benefit of the doubt, i would hope you are after an expectation we are not gonna indulge you with.....

Seems the emailer's sarcasm is truth unto himself that which he desires as truth and nothing else will suffice.

What then is his fate, i believe what scripture says "it better for Sodom and Gomorrah "  then his refute of the Holy Spirit.  Poor sap hasn't a clue to his origin and his line of ignorance can only be so tolerated.


 my post says what it says, i wasnt trying to bait anyone into an argument.

my posts says its atheory and cant be proven.
i merly stated i dont have a problem with it.

you dont have to indulge me rodger, i have graceiously been staying away as to keep peace.

be well


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« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2006, 02:54:48 PM »


peace be with......



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« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2006, 02:58:49 PM »

I think the number one question that seems to be ALWAYS over-lookedn and that is the "where." Sure, I have heard the theories that explain how the whole universe was compressed into something smaller than an atom; but where did the "where" come from. In order to have a "bang" there must be the object that goes "bang" and a location. Where did the location come from that allows the universe to form and continually expand.

The Big-bang theoolgists cannot explain this one.

On that note for me to even give this THEORY any thought, they whom would would consider this theory would have actknowledge and tell me just what is it that the universe is EXPANDING into.  :wink:



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« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2006, 03:02:59 PM »

Quote from: bobbys43

 I really do not want to get into this!!!!
I believe God created everything!!!!

John 1:1-2  In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.
 He was in the beginning with God.
 All things were made through Him and without Him nothing was made that was made.

And Chuck my friend please do not take it personal! The finger shaking was not ment to be an attack on you!! I was being funny!!!Theory is not truth and when it comes to God there is no theory!! HE IS TRUTH!!

Love ya bro,


i am baffled!!
you guys gotta lighten up

know where did i even hint that God didnt create everything

 IF IF IF  the "big bang" is true GOD did it!!!

there are no theories with God but us little puny humans like to try and figure things out, thats how we are made.

(I really do not want to get into this!!!!
I believe God created everything!!!!)

 get into what? a discussion on how God started this crazy universe??


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« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2006, 03:06:16 PM »

Quote from: Falconn003
Funny when i enter a room and think let there be light i hear a click of the light switch. big bang.....must be broken huh  :wink:


Ha!  :lol:

Let there be light!!!!



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« Reply #15 on: March 30, 2006, 03:11:14 PM »


IF IF IF the "big bang" is true GOD did it!!!
there are no theories with God but us little puny humans like to try and figure things out, thats how we are made.

Now if you just stated this to begin with you would have gotten a different reception chuck indeed.

get into what? a discussion on how God started this crazy universe??


For God saw everything he created and was pleasing to his eye.



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« Reply #16 on: March 30, 2006, 03:12:33 PM »

Quote from: Falconn003

In all that post i could not find one fact, not one certaintanty, nor one absolute.

as you yourself stated and which i am in agreement with:

((((Although the Big Bang Theory is widely accepted, it probably will never be proved; consequentially, leaving a number of tough, unanswered questions. ))))))))

These words just jump out and send up red flags at my understanding. See if it does not send up red flags for you......well maybe not since you posted this in suport of your perspective.

In physical cosmology, the Big Bang is the scientific theory that the universe emerged from an enormously dense and hot state about 13.7 billion years ago. The Big Bang theory is based on the observed Hubble's law redshift of distant galaxies that when taken together with the cosmological principle indicate that space is expanding according to the Friedmann-Lemaître model of general relativity. Extrapolated into the past, these observations show that the universe has expanded from a state in which all the matter and energy in the universe was at an immense temperature and density. Physicists do not widely agree on what happened before this, although general relativity predicts a gravitational singularity (for reporting on some of the more notable speculation on this issue, see cosmogony).

The term Big Bang is used both in a narrow sense to refer to a point in time when the observed expansion of the universe (Hubble's law) began — calculated to be 13.7 billion (1.37 × 1010) years ago (±2%) — and in a more general sense to refer to the prevailing cosmological paradigm explaining the origin and expansion of the universe, as well as the composition of primordial matter through nucleosynthesis as predicted by the Alpher-Bethe-Gamow theory [1].

One consequence of the Big Bang is that the conditions of today's universe are different from the conditions in the past or in the future. From this model, George Gamow in 1948 was able to predict, at least qualitatively, the existence of cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) [2]. The CMB was discovered in the 1960s and further validated the Big Bang theory over its chief rival, the steady state theory.
(((If a theory is validated it is NO LONGER A THEORY !!!)))

Though in all due respect to your perspective and understanding Chuck, and with a little relucntancy in my part to thank you for sharing that bit with us.

This big bang THEORY is in and of itself no respect to my FAITH.

Not all that glitters is gold or facts, yet they can make it look so close to it but as awlways they fall short.((( ala...fools gold, decieving truth)))

I now just see it diferently, back in the past you might have gotten a "HERE,HERE" from me, now in my spiritual growth i dare not contemplate that line of thinking, tis all..........


 :-({|=  :-({|=  :-({|=  :-({|=  :-({|=  :-({|=

are you imlying that because i dont have a problem with the big bang i am some how infereor spiritual than you?

i mean if i read you post like you read my post and take it out of context.

 i said i have a problem with darwins evolution but not big bang

and you all come out a blazing.


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« Reply #17 on: March 30, 2006, 03:17:25 PM »

Quote from: Falconn003

IF IF IF the "big bang" is true GOD did it!!!
there are no theories with God but us little puny humans like to try and figure things out, thats how we are made.

Now if you just stated this to begin with you would have gotten a different reception chuck indeed.

get into what? a discussion on how God started this crazy universe??


For God saw everything he created and was pleasing to his eye.


whatever you saden me, read peoples posts and see what you want.

how after this past  year of my posting and me giving  glory,  to CHRIST you do not understand i believe he CREATED the universe is beyond me


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« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2006, 03:20:56 PM »

Whenever I’ve gotten into debates about the Big Bang with evolutionists, I’d silence their argument with this:

The universe is a perfect example of order rather than chaos. NASA scientists can calculate the exact time to launch a probe into space and know the date, years in the future, when it will rendezvous with a planet in the outer solar system and beyond. THAT is order of the highest degree!

Then I give them this challenge: Explode something and tell me if the end result is order or chaos. You’ll get chaos every time! Unless you physically change it, the chaos will remain. No amount of wind or rain or gaseous emissions will change that. You can do this experiment for the rest of your life, and you will never ONCE get order. So, how did the universe become so orderly?

That’s about the time they go from intelligent debate to childish name-calling, and the debate is over, LOL.


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« Reply #19 on: March 30, 2006, 03:26:56 PM »


You and your revolving door, again i failed misearably to even have a decent correspondance with you.

Like the toothache one seems unable to cease from pressing their tongue against..........Any one know a good dentist.  :wink:

And yet your the one who insisted i ALWAYS twist words and always ARGUE...........

I'll go count those nutts again.

Now lets see...who is # 1...errr...were is #1.  :wink:

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