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Author Topic: Patriarchs  (Read 7896 times)

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« on: November 10, 2006, 09:58:38 AM »

    I know you want me to keep it short and compact, but please bear with me.
    First thing I am struggling with something that I am glimpsing at in the scriptures.Grace came by Christ, and not by Moses 1John 1 :17.We true believers live under grace.But what about Moses and Abraham and those guys?I know that it says that grace came by Christ, But grace is chastening I believe.But werent these guys such as elijah, and enoch chastised of God for that matter all of us.(In the absolute)We are all his children.And he chastens all that he recieves.
    I think that John the baptist, being the least in the kingdom of heaven is reffering to us the true believers after Christ that are the kingdom of God(Heaven).I mean if what I am on to is correct then wouldnt John technically be judged by me? (The elect)I also keep thinking of the first will be last and the last will be first, But I dont wanna start deviating from the truth(What I hold with 100% assurance) that I have now.Please help me brother.I know that your are busy, but if I am correct then this has huge consequences to how I see things like another step if you wanna call it that.I guess its just hard to think that abraham and those guys would be judged by me.I hope this doesnt sound silly,
    I truly am grateful for your  web sight and you just make sense(God of course).
    But God's doing a mighty work through you brother, anyway if you can answer please help your little brother out.
    Thanks Ricardo

    Dear Ricardo:
    No, you aren't silly.  Actually, your are correct:  John the Baptist will not be in the Kingdom before us. And that goes for all the patriarchs of old. Heb. 11 proves that none of them received the promises to them and furthermore, it proves that they will come into the Kingdom only by and through US (See Verses 39-40).
    God be with you,

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