Thanks for your response,
I do understand the analogy but this analogy does not explain why the body, soul and spirit are broken out into 3 different entities in the scriptures mentioned. Please don't misunderstand me. I am not trying to be argumentative at all. In fact, I think that God is opening my eyes to a lot of false teachings (idols of the heart) that I have held to my whole life. But these are the only verses that seem to contradict any of your teachings. These verses seem contradict the "flesh & soul being 1" concept. I notice in your writings that you go to great lengths to give at least 2 scriptural witness to everything you teach. Here are two witnesses that seem to say that the body, soul, and spirit are separate entities. I'm sure that I am not the first to bring this up. Please if you could commit on these verses.
You have to get out of out if your head the idea that the spirit soul and body are "separate entities" as if they could function independently of each other. Remember my TV analogy of six years ago? The console is the body, the picture is the soul, and the electricity is the spirit. Yes, they are "entities," if you will that have distinct names, and functions, but none of them produces anything independent of each other. Smash the console and you have not soul (picture). Pull the plug and you have not soul (picture).
Likewise remove the spirit, and the body dies. Remove the spirit and the soul disappears. Smash the body and the soul disappears. The soul IS THE SENTIENT man. The emotional, thinking, conscious man. This consciousness is called "soul." It is not a thing that can literally travel or go somewhere independent of the body and brain. That is why it is said in the Greek Scriptures that at death the soul goes to hades. Hades means the unseen, the emperceptible, unconsciousness.
It take spirit from God in a body to give it live, which life is then called "a LIVING SOUL."
It tkes a little meditation to understand these concepts.
God be with you,