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What about
« on: March 31, 2006, 09:42:25 AM »

Dear Ray,
I understand that Peter said to be ready always to give an answer to them that "ask." I mentioned that in my last email to you. However, I don't see how this necessarily limits us to open our mouth ONLY when someone asks? Did Jesus not ALSO say the following?

Mt 28:19
Go YE (ALL OF YOU) therefore, and teach all nations...teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, [even] unto the end of the world. Amen."

1Tim 4:10
For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe. These things COMMAND and TEACH.

Are these words not to ALL Christians? It doesn't say "Go ye and teach all nations, but only if they ASK you a question"...or "these things command and teach, but only if someone ASKS". This is why I emailed you in the first place. It seems to me that ALL OF US who claim the name of Jesus are to BOTH be ready ALWAYS to give an answer to those who ASK, and ALSO to teach ALL NATIONS about Christ and His commandments, and to COMMAND AND TEACH that Jesus is the Saviour of All Men, especially of those that believe... whether they ask of not. (No, I am not suggesting to shove it down their throat. That would be rude.)

If I am not to follow the words in the passages above, then am I supposed to just do the typical routine...sleep, eat, work, make money, have a family and do NOTHING external for Christ? I am not suggesting that I open a Seminary School! I am talking about spreading the knowledge that I DO have (as limited as that is).

Do I open my mouth to strangers and tell them of Christ whenever I get the opportunity? Is this my duty as a believer or do I keep my mouth SHUT? I know you don't know exactly what path Jesus has for me personally, but what about the above passages? I hope you appreciate the value of such a question. I am a sincere brother in need of prayer.

Dear Jeremy:
I never said that you couldn't discuss your faith with others (in a store, on the street, wherever). But there is a quantum leap from talking to something in a coffee shop and TAKING THE GOSPEL TO ALL NATIONS!

The "ye" of Jesus' declaration of talking the gospel to all nations, was to His eleven apostles ONLY. And the second half of Matt. 28:19 is not even Scripture. It was added by the Catholic Church hundreds of years after the apostles. Jesus did NOT command Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna, and "many others" (Luke 8:3), to "teach all nations."  Yet they supported Jesus' ministry.

I am utterly amazed  at how many hundreds of people over the years have saved tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars by reading the truth about tithing, and yet wouldn't dream of sending fifty cents to support the work that saved them that money.  Many people have started their own web sites and placed my material on them, yet wouldn't dream of supporting the site that taught them these things.  Everybody has to do what is right in their own eyes.

If you read Paul's epistles, you will see that Paul cautioned about "laying hands on anyone too quickly" lest they be lifted up with pride, etc.  I likewise caution people all the time about trying to "take on the religious establishment" immediately after learning a few Scriptural Truths. They usually fall flat on their face with shame, and the opponents eat them for lunch.  I won't tell you what you should do, Jeremy, I can only caution you.

God be with you,


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What about
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2006, 12:55:17 AM »

I feel for people who take up hebrew and greek study, and yet when they are tired and true of what they were thought fall flat on their faces.

And here God uses a simple roofer to toss them about as a whirlwind.

The meek shall inheret the earth.

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