> Mr. Smith,
> It amazes me the spiritual knowledge you have of God's
> word. I believe there are very, very few who have the
> spirtual maturity you have been given from God. I
> happened upon your site a year ago, and every word you
> said was so true and pure it was like I waited 23
> years to hear the true gospel. But, every since then I
> have struggled so hard to hold fast to my faith and
> beat my sinful nature. Every since I read your
> material it is like I have been tormented by Satan. I
> know through many trials and tribulations we obtain
> maturity. I often wonder why I have learned so much
> about the lord so quickly and why me? I just ask if
> you have time to answer please do. Keep me in your
> prayers as I will keep you in mine. Stay strong
> brother and God Bless. From a true believer and
> servant of the Lord.
Dear Garrett:
Yours is a common frustration. Many write me with similar struggles
with the flesh after coming into a knowledge of the Truth. I did the
same. I left my First Love and went back into the world, all the while
knowing that I couldn't conquor my flesh. I was so happy for what I
'preceived to be "greasy grace." Thank God for grace, because I knew
I wasn't going to be saved without it.
I still believe that that part of it is true (about saved by grace only), but
I also know that it is possible when God gets ready, to conquor your
major sins so that sin no longer "reigns over you." You will not be totally
perfect and mature, but you will not be giving into every pull of the flesh,
for sexual gratification, lust for money, power, good looks, eternal youth,
perfect health, interesting job, travel and excitement, etc., etc., etc. You
will learn to enjoy the simple pleasure of life like, breathing, sleeping,
walking, talking to your wife, eating a pizza, and going to bed early on a
Saturday night.
God will make you really WANT to stop sinning, long before you will
ACTUALLY stop sinning. It's part of the struggle; part of the good
fight of faith; part of overcoming the flesh. Don't become discouraged, as
God be with you,