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Author Topic: Bible Truths  (Read 5769 times)

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Bible Truths
« on: November 22, 2006, 10:28:46 AM »

Dear Ray,
I have enjoyed reading your website.  I have been studying the bible on my own for over 12 years of my adult life.  I was raised in a baptist church (I live in the south) and by the time I was a teenager, I was quite disillusioned with "the Church".  In my adulthood I experienced many losses of people very near and dear to me and many other hardships.  I tried to find answers by asking people who were upstanding members of churches, but never got satisfaction.  Then I embarked on a journey of understanding.  I am nowhere close to the end of this journey I am sure and I am just as sure that I will never complete this journey.  We are not meant to know everything in this lifetime.  I read the bible all the way through (the first time) without any translations or anyone else's interpretation.  I was completely lost and could not make alot of sense of it.  Later on I read the bible again, this time with a biblical encyclopedia and other books relating to translations and such.  I was truly amazed!!  It was as if a blindfold had been removed.  Now I am not saying that all of a sudden I understood everything, but it was like a lightbulb had gone off in my head.  Therefore, I continued to study and study and teach my children so that they would not be confused like I was as a child.  One of the first things I learned was the word as we know it "hell" did not exist in Old or New Testament times. I learned about sheol, hades and Gehenna.  I do not believe that our loving father would create us and then punish us in torment and fire forever.  I agree with many of your points (I have not finished reading all of them).  When I tried to tell other people I know about this and other revelations, they all laughed at me, ridiculed me and scoffed at me too.  It is so good to hear someone else expose the truth.  Whenever I try to tell someone the&n bsp;gospel and they do not want to hear it, I just remember not cast your pearls before swine and..................shake the dust from your feet.    But today I was searching the web for "bible truths" which is how I found your site and also a site called  Now I was curious as to exactly what is an "evil bible"??  This is an athiest website repudiating all the claims of the bible, God and Jesus.  You don't have to answer my email, but could you please take this guy's challenge??  His challenge is if anyone can show him undeniable proof the bible/God/Jesus is true, he will convert and spend the rest of his life "kissing God's a@@" and if you cannot prove it then you will have to kiss his a@@ forever.  If I had his email address I would ask him to challenge you.  Now whether he wants to worship God or not is one thing, but you really must read some of the garbage he is spewing out.  He flat out calls Jesus a liar and false messiah.  He says that God condones things like rape, murder and therefore cannot be perfect.  He even backs his rantings with scripture.  You may not even want to waste your time with someone like that, but I would love it if you would.  It is obvious that you have done your research and have ample information to defend our precious Lord and his word.  To hear someone say or write such heinous things about our Father hurts me to my heart.  If I was as knowledgeable as you, I would surely do it myself.  Thank you for your time and I appreciate your consideration.

Dear Donn:
A classmate of mine in college whose study desk was but five feet from mine, has just such a site. He was in the ministry for 26 years, and now is so bitter toward the idea of the God and Jesus of the Bible, that it has pretty much taken over his life. He is bitter.  For the sake of a few freinds of mine who also knew him, I wrote a half dozen critiques or so on some of his diatribes against the Scriptures. I cannot devote the rest of my life to this kind of nonsense, however.  No one but God will convince an athiest OR a Christian that His Words ARE TRUE.  I get hate mail from tens of thousands of Christians. I have only gotten 3 or 4 hate mails from from athiests.  Athiests don't generally read web sites named "bible-truths."  There are many "apparent" contradictions in Scripture. Most of these are solved rather easily.  Others are not solved so easily, however, that does not mean that there are not truthful and logical explantions for them.&nbs p; Faith IN GOD is a gift FROM GOD--it is SUPERNATURAL; it is a MIRACLE.  This puts it out of the realm of such thinkers and writers as you reference.
God be with you,
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