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Author Topic: Language?  (Read 7232 times)

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« on: November 26, 2006, 08:36:33 PM »

Dear Mr, Smith,
    In your last reply to my last e-mail, you remind that you have 600 e-mails
    ahead of mine, And this I quite understand, Believe me I do appreciate you
    taking the time to reply to my e-mails,
    However I have another question I would like your opinion on,
    By the way I don't expect you to jump to attention right away, Just when you
    feel you can fit me in, I do respect your opinion greatly!,
    And that's not trying to butter you up,
    Anyway here's my question, Why were the original manuscripts of the new
    testament penned in Greek?, And not Hebrew? Since those that penned the new
    testament spoke in there native tongue which was Hebrew? I can't see the
    logic in writing in a foreign language.
    Hope this e-mail finds you and your family keeping well,
    May God bless and guide you.

    Dear Geoff:
    I only have 450 emails ahead of yours now.
    I don'w know that you can say that "Hebrew was their native tongue."  They
    were under Greek rule for a long time, and then Roman rule, and the language
    of commerce was GREEK.  If anything, the apostles spoke Aramaic, although
    many of them probably read Hebrew.  But also remember that the Hebrew
    Scriptures were translated by JEWS into GREEK!  It was called the
    Septuagint. There is internal proof that Jesus made reference to the
    Septuagint Scriptures.  There is also proof in other statements and
    quotations of Scripture that He referred to the Hebrew.  But for sure He
    used the Greek Septuagin as some of the words he used in describing Old
    Testament events or actual quotes, are from the Septuagint rather than from
    the Hebrew.
    We don't know that the original Gospels and/or epistles were not mixed.  Was
    Matthew possibly written originally in Hebrew and the others in Greek?  We
    have no "signatures" which are the actual original documents.  Some contend
    that the originals were all Aramaic or Syriac.  I will study this one day,
    but not today.  Our oldest complete copies go back only to the 3 or 4 centuries.
    God be with you,
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