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Author Topic: what's God been giving y'all ?  (Read 5617 times)

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what's God been giving y'all ?
« on: March 29, 2006, 07:40:51 PM »

i thought it would benefit greatly if You shared something that God has been giving You lately.

i've been learning to keep a look out for things contrary to sound doctrine (no surprise there LOL)

that God is doing more in me and others than i ever hoped or dreamed possible and that sometimes i wouldn't have the foggiest just how much He is purposing for my life or how it comes to pass and He is Lord

that it's not by my might or power but by His spirit

that i NEED the body and cannot make it without sound teaching and good counsel from my fellow followers

that every spiritual and natural blessing is so good when ordained by God

and most of all for me lately

all discipline, indeed, for the present is not seeming to be a thing of joy, but of sorrow, yet subsequently it is rendering the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those exercised through it.

oh and that Ray and Mikes sites are a mega blessing

anyone else have a recent gift to share?


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what's God been giving y'all ?
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2006, 12:31:52 AM »

God has given me more that I can ever express in a single post. Not in material things mind you, but in a quiet, calm faith that's hard to's just a feeling that everything going to be O.K. The kind of feeling that no matter what happens, it's going to turn out to your favor.
A joy...a happiness that never ends and never grows old.

I praise God when I first get up in the morning...and it's the last thing I do before I go to sleep. It's hard to carry on a "Normal" conversation with me because God "Will" come up.

That's what God has done for me.....And I can't think of any gift better!!



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what's God been giving y'all ?
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2006, 02:11:49 AM »

Good thread, ertsky.  Lately God has me thinking on the words Jesus spoke when they were crucifying Him.  "Forgive them for they know not what they do".

Those are some amazing words coming from our Lord when He was in the flesh.  Actually incredible.  Talk about a loving, merciful and forgiving God we worship.  Those words were not meant just towards those people who were doing the deed, but to all people in every generation.  He started off His mission stating that He did not come to condemn and now He ends it by not condemning.

All the religious disputes, divisions and accusations have nothing to do with the character our Lord shows in these few words.  These words alone put down the many false teachings that are in this world.  Our Lord is truly compassionate and of a full understanding of our weaknesses.

I pray that God will lead us all to the point where we can live these words to our fellow man.

God bless,



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what's God been giving y'all ?
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2006, 05:32:57 AM »

Mercy :D


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what's God been giving y'all ?
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2006, 08:35:24 AM »

For me, the greatest gift i ever received was knowledge of the truth, for the same reasons as Gary gave - that everything will be OK.

I also have an amazing girl (Claire) who i have known for 4 years and we are sort of embarking on a beautiful relationship at the moment and that is also a MASSIVE gift.  Sometimes i wonder which is greater gift - Claire or the truth.  But it has to be the truth as truth is never ending and peaceful, where as my relationship, however long and amazing with Claire is still temporary.

But the great things i thank God for every night are job, girlfriend, friends, peace, curing any conditions or ailments i may have etc.

What i do wonder is how i will react once God takes it all away from me...


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what's God been giving y'all ?
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2006, 11:11:37 AM »

Just this week, I started in the book of Genesis and am looking at every word in the Hebrew on e-sword. I am writting down the new words I find and just thinking about what they mean. I tried doing this with my Strongs concordance and it took 3 hours  per chapter.
I am learning what a precise and meticulous god we have. He chooses His words crefully and says what He means.
I am also grateful that God has taken the same scriptures I used to use to support my false beliefs, and shown me what they really mean in the spirit. It is so helpful now when I see false doctrine, and can immediately say that's not what that verse means.
I am also thankful for all the gifts I have to enable me to study; good eyesight, hands and feet that move, a fairly good mind, {memory fails a little bit}, and all the things God has given me to help me in my pursuit of Him.


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anxious thoughts and love
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2006, 11:35:58 AM »

God is showing me how to overcome 'anxious thoughts.'
(Matthew 6:25-32 and 10:19-22)

Thanks to lessons from my childhood, I believe I mastered the art of worry. Praise God, he is bigger than any worry I can imagine and He is the Almighty, still on Plan A!!

Something my husband shared with me is that God is showing him what 'true love' is. He said that only if he is obeying God's commands (the doctrine of Christ), then he truly loves me. Wow, that's big!

Amazing the love that God can bring to a relationship when it is His love working in both of you.


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what's God been giving y'all ?
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2006, 12:01:00 PM »

This wonder life ((( good and bad)))and all those who (((good and bad )))God brought across my path, was given to me by our Father. :)



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what's God been giving y'all ?
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2006, 12:52:42 PM »

The blessing of a new day.  Yeah, I still get anxious, and I'm thankful that He's never given up on me dispite my initial misgivings of my situations.
I always thought I could handle things, boy have I been wrong.  He's in charge and He reminds me of that daily.



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what's God been giving y'all ?
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2006, 01:31:16 PM »

the posts in this thread were a real blessing to me

again i ask particularly those who haven't responded

what's God been giving y'all

my wife has just been delivered into the doctrine of Christ, so in a sense God has given me my wife again.

you don't think that got me in a praise full state :)

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