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Author Topic: 144,000  (Read 8068 times)

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« on: December 02, 2006, 12:43:41 PM »

    Hi Ray,

    Thank God for your site and the Truth that flows from it. Just so you know, I have read nearly everything at this point, including emails.

    But...have a quick question:

    Are only the 144,000 both called and chosen in their lifetime to rule with Christ? Can you be called and chosen and not be one of the Elect 144,000?. Am I to understand the 144,000 will be the kings and priests with Christ while the saved in this lifetime, i.e. called and chosen but not elect are those who merely populate the millennial kingdom?

    The reason I ask is that I feel called and chosen. Whether or not thats the case, I at least feel saved in this lifetime, but I can very easily imagine 144,000 individuals that I couldnt hold a candle to when it comes to their walk with the Lord. So where do I end up and others like me during Christs thousand year reign, or after that

    Ill keep reading J

    Thanks again,


    Dear Matt:

    The book of Revelation is a book "signified" with SYMBOLS.  And the words of Jesus are "SPIRIT" (I John 6:63).  And it is filled with signs and metaphors. None of these things are literal.

    The Seven Churches are not literally seven.  The 24 elders are not literally 24. The 144,000 are not literally 144,000.  The 1000 years is not literally a thousand years. These are ALL symbols. The Lake of Fire is neither a literal lake or literal fire.

    And your statement: "the 'saved in this lifetime, i.e. called and chosen but not elect' are those who merely populate the millennial kingdom" is bogus. There is no such thing as "called AND chosen, but NOT elect."  The called and chosen ARE THE ELECT.  I wish that I could tell you that you are among the chosen elect, but that is something that I do not know. God knows those who are His, but no one else does. Therefore, it behooves us all to do diligence in our walk of faith.

    God be with you,


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