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Author Topic: Your Reply  (Read 5969 times)

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Your Reply
« on: December 03, 2006, 12:58:02 PM »

    Dear Brother Smith,

    I found your site while looking at Google Mail ads when deleting spam and I must say, at first I thought you had good intentions. Then gradually I plowed through your views and they became very foreign and strange to me. I was going through the emails you have received and then I came across a (wo-)man named Pat who sent you a message regarding hell. I read through their entire message, in which they stated that they had first-hand experienced the torment of "the Lake of Fire" (as you both so boldly and emphatically used) while being baptized. I am a Charismatic/Pentecostal Christian and I believe these things. I believe in the King James Version, I believe in the Gifts of the Holy Ghost, I believe in tithing, and most of all, I believe God has infinite mercies, but He only extends His hands out to those who want to be born-again and go to heaven! If there was no hell and everyone could be reconciled what worth would the Bible, the Ten Commandments, and our so beloved Christian belief, what would all those things mean? What would be their purpose if anyone could go to heaven regardless of their beliefs or sins! Nothing! Nothing I tell you. And that, my Brother in Christ, is why you are incorrect. Your reply to this poor individual who obviously doesn't want to be deemed a blasphember as though he is Lucifer himself! Look at your comments:
    I cannot believe that people can actually revel in such utterly shameful, blasphemous FILTH!  Just how SICK can the human hand and mind get?

    Not only does this person think that God will torture billions of humans in literal fire, but as that is not enough pain, he will supposedly be sticking thousands of needles in their burning bodies! Thank God that all such sick sick minds and hearts will have all this filth burned out of them one day in the real LAKE OF FIRE!


    This is horrrible. This person obviously wants to help you and point you in the right, orthodox ways, but you can't reply and refute personal experiences! I have FAITH in this person. I trust this person! And I believe if they are truly a Christian they would tell the whole truth. Obviously you have no faith in them, so what faith could you possibly have in God? For you have already shunned His other orders! You have already turned your back to orthodox and common Christian tenets! You replied to personal experiences with name-calling, slandering, and impoliteness, and for that you should be disowned from every Christian community in existence!

    Alas! You will be reconciled. You will learn that hell exists. I'm almost too generous to reveal in which medium you will learn! I'm sure you can perfectly use your reasoning and apologetic logic to figure it out. I pity myself almost as much as I pity you, now. And do you know why? I stoope d to your level. I openly and overtly called my own brother names, and I wasn't very passive in my arguments, but I will be forgiven. No, not reconciled. Forgiven. Hopefully you will come to see the truth in which God our Father intended and you will be, too.


  Dear Aaron: 
First of all the Scriptures say nothing about "going to heaven." The whole heaven and hell teaching of Christondom came straight out of hell--the hell of the Egyptians, that is--amenti, latered plagiarized by the Greeks who called it hades. That aside, I know of no one who believe that Jesus Christ really IS "The Saviour of the World," who teaches that one can do anything and yet be saved. ("Saved" is a Scriptural word--"going" to heaven is not).  Certainly I have never taught any such unscriptural nonsense. I teach the Scriptures. There will be those who will be saved  (not NOW) but in the First Resurrection. And then there are the rest who will come up in the Second Resurrection to JUDGMENT.  That will not be a pretty picture. Oh yes, all will be saved, but only through very severe JUDGEMENT.  Everyone WILL repent, and be purged and cleansed by God's spiritual FIRE Heb. 12:29).  They WILL learn to live godly lives of righteousness (Isa . 26:9, Phil. 2:9-11, etc.).  Christendom will go through this purging of the lake of fire.  The Harlot Church will learn "godliness and righteousness" before they will ever enter into the family of God. That is why we are warned, Aaron, "COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE" (Rev. 18:4).  Have YOU, Aaron, come out of that Mystery Babylon religion of spiritual whores and harlots?

    God be with you,


« Last Edit: January 21, 2007, 05:50:56 PM by Kat »
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