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Author Topic: Why follow scripture?  (Read 7017 times)

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Why follow scripture?
« on: December 03, 2006, 06:09:03 PM »

    I am a youth pastor from a newly started church.  A youth asked me if there is no hell and God will eventually save everyone, why read Scripture at all, why do anything it says, why worry about whether you (Ray Smith) is right or the rest of Christendom is right?  If we will all be saved regardless, why do we have to do anything?  Or do we?


    Journey Christian Community

    Dear Joe:

    Of course, just like most of my enemies, your friend has attributed to me and my teachings, and to the Truth that God will save all humanity, something from his own mind that is decidedly not true.  I have nor the Scriptures suggest that anyone will be saved "regardless."  We have to do MANY THINGS because God has decreed that we will do many things. When God calls and chooses us for His Kingdom, we have no power to thwart the work that He will perform in us to qualify us for His Kingdom. The Bible is FILLED with such declarations (not ONE of which has been taught by mainstream Christendom for 2000 years). Here is just one:

    "For it is GOD [who? man? you? whoever will by his own choice? NO, it is G-O-D] whick works in you both TO WILL and TO DO of His good pleasure" (Phil. 2:13).  So where does one see the word "regardless" in the Scriptures with regard to what God declars MUST BE?

    And what must be, is that Jesus Christ MUST BE "the SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD," for His Father has declared it and commissioned it (I John 4:14).  But don't waste your time:  the carnal mind will not receive these marvelous and plain declarations of Truth from God's Word.

    God be with you,


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