> Hi Ray,
> What would you consider as tribulations, persecutions for present day
> Christians, who live in countries where main Christian doctrines are
> accepted. That is, the Apostles were persecuted for teaching Christ
> crucified, Christ's Resurrection, moving away from the Law of Moses,
> righteousness, fruits of the Spirit, God's Grace, judgement etc. it was a
> new doctrine at the time to all and sundry. Nowadays if you teach these
> things in predominantly democratic countries, persecutions such as was
> endured by the Apostles may not be experienced. Therefore how does
> persecution manifest itself for the present day Christian. I suppose if you
> were to introduce such doctrines in Asian countries, one may encounter the
> experience of the Apostles.
> Regards
Dear Reader:
Oh, I don't know about that. I could tell you stories of how I have been lied
about and slandered (even in the last year), and had what I thought were real
friends turn against me because of the persecution I receive from those who
despise the Truths of God. Not to even mention the tens of thousands of dolllars
that were stolen from me because of just such persecution in the past. There
are many ways to be severely persecuted without having literal stones thrown
at you. People write me almost daily expressing how they are losing loved
ones and family members because of their strong stand on God's Truths. You
think losing family members is not persecution?
God be with you,