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Author Topic: Christmas?  (Read 7678 times)

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« on: December 16, 2006, 05:23:00 AM »

Dear Mr. Smith,
I feel a bit strange writing to you but I feel I am in an extreme dilemma spiritually and do not know what to do.  I have been raised in the Christian faith for 33 years and love my Lord Jesus!  My husband also loves the Lord very much.  He is very intelligent with scriptures and God has gifted him in many areas of discernment.  This year he has decided not to celebrate Christmas nor can we have a Christmas tree.  I understand that years ago (thousands of years ago) there was paganism regarding this day.  I understand that December 25th is the appointed birthdays of Zeuss, Ra (sp?), Tamuz, etc.  I would NEVER want to dishonor my Lord and Saviour and yet I am starting to feel a bit in "bondage".  I have never ever viewed my Christmas tree as an "idol" per sei.  I have always viewed it as a memory; one from past and future ones to create with our small children.   Almost 4 years ago, my then 2 year old daughter was diagnosed with brain cancer.  We were told she would not live to see age 3; but praise be to God she is now 6 and in remission!  But memories have become very very special to me; especially since the day they told us of her condition.  I can remember when we were in the hospital, my husband and other two daughters came to see us and I hadn't left that hospital since the day she was put in; almost 6 months.  I can still remember trying to find anything I could; objects of any sort of surprise that when the other two girls came for a visit, they could hunt for the was the time of Easter.  Every memory counts for me and I feel that by stripping Christmas, memories are being stripped from me as well and that I am being robbed of the opportunity to create more memories of  watching their little faces on Christmas morning, etc., Maybe I'm being selfish. My husband would like to observe Hanukkah.  I am not opposed to that but yet it i s difficult for me to feel like I am changing my whole way of life and culture. I understand that Hanukkah is not a "God appointed" day either but rather more of a "military" national day for Israel.
I know Christ was not born on December 25th nor do I view that day as such.  I merely see it as a day to create family memories. My heart is not of pagan origin nor do I view my tree as an "idol".  In your opinion, is it wrong to celebrate Christmas?  Or to have a Christmas Tree?  Isn't what's important not an object but what's in your heart?  I mean to say a tree is an "idol" is a bit ridiculous to me personally; one could view watching TV, listening to the radio or working at a computer as idolatry too. As a society, we certainly giveenough attention to these things. I need a third person opinion here because there is no one for me to talk to.  As the holidays are vastly approaching, I am finding myself getting very depressed and in a state of confusion..    My husband studies a lot under Orthodox Rabbi's.  I have a heart for the Jewish people and love them and the land of Israel very much.  My concern is that perha ps my husband is taking only one point of view. I love him dearly and certainly do not want to dishonor him either.  Could you shed some light on this?? I can respect your honesty.

Dear Shannon:

Of course everyone says they want the truth and they want it straight until you give it to them. Hopefully, you are different.

Yes, Christimas and all of its accoutrements and paraphania (evergreen tree, orbs, eggs, mistletoe, presents, winter solstice, yule logs, fires, drinking, etc.) are also pagan. But then again virtually all who shun this day with great horror think nothing of having a traditional wedding with the same pagan acoutrements (vale, something old, something new; something borrowed, something blue, rings, rice, honeymoon, bells, wedding cake, etc.).  Then of course at least some of them have their boys in the Boy Scouts with all their pagan accoutrements (left-handed locking little finger hand shake, spirit of scouting, the insignia--fleur-de-lis, etc).  Did I mention that it was the pagans who whore shoes before the Christians.  The Scriptures tell us that we should "Be ye not righteous over much" (Ecc. 7:16). And Paul said: "To the pure all things are pure."  I just don't get all bent out of shape over these things. I personally do not get caught up in the "spirit" of any of these things, but neither do I condemn those who do. These are things that each of us must decide in their own way. However, for what it is worth: Dumping Christmas for Hannukah seems to me like jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

God be with you,

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