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Author Topic: Jesus  (Read 7717 times)

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« on: April 03, 2006, 03:10:02 PM »

Dear Ronald:
I will make a few comments in your email.....

    I have read your paper on the trinity and I have a few scriptures that come to mind when I tell people I believe Jesus Christ was the father in the flesh, and the Holy Ghost. Please entertain me for a moment, I know you are busy. Scriptures:
    John 1:18  No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.
    John 5:37   And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.
    John 6:46   Not that any man hath seen the Father, save he which is of God, he hath seen the Father.
    Ray, we see hear that no man and I mean no man has seen the shape or heard God the Father. So when Moses saw God's Glory and his back parts, are John and Jesus Christ Contradicting Genesis? There are more scriptures of God talking and, those hearing and seeing, so what are we to make of these scriptures that seem to contradict one another? One more scripture:
    Acts 20:28  Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.
    Did the Holy Ghost purchase us with his own blood, or was it Jesus Christ?

    COMMENT:  No, no contradictions. Moses didn't see God the Father, he saw and spoke with Jehovah Who IS JESUS CHRIST. By the way, that happened in Deuteronomy, however, not Genesis. And No, Jesus was not THE FATHER IN THE FLESH.  Jesus was JEHOVAH in the flesh.
    COMMENT:  Jesus said that a spirit has not flesh and bone (Luke 24:39), but you think that may spirit HAS BLOOD? It is the blood of JESUS that purchases our redemption and salvation (Heb.9:14-15).
    God be with you,
    Ray I know some or most like to give you scriptures that are typical defenses, but after reading some of your papers, I started to READ if you know what I mean. Your papers are teaching papers that are truly eye opening. I mean you can read something for years, but when you explain it and show the hermeneutics behind it, it's like reading it fro the first time, and it sticks. So that being said, I took what Jesus Christ, John and Paul stated and came to the conclusion that Jesus Christ is ALL in ALL, and if one wants to call it the trinity, then Amen. Please shed some light on the scriptures I quoted and what you believe the writer’s were trying to teach all of us. Thanks!


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« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2006, 03:11:08 PM »

A few COMMENTS.........

    Dear Mr. Smith,
    Thank you for responding to my e-mail. I know that you are so busy responding to such e-mails as mine. I have a couple of more questions.
    What Jesus Christ stated in Luke 24:39 was true, but my questions was not if a spirit has blood, but if Jesus Christ is the Holy Spirit? Acts 20:28 does not mention Jesus Christ by name, but makes a very strong statement by one (Holy Apostle) that was filled with the Holy Spirit which was giving in person to the Holy Apostles by Jesus Christ (John 22:20). That verse (Acts 20:28) does mention the Holy Spirit and God, but since God is a Spirit and the Holy Spirit is a Spirit as well, how can they purchase us with their blood?
    COMMENT:  Neither God the Father nor His Holy Spirit purchased us with blood. It was JESUS THE MAN, Who shed His blood, and that is why, when He appeared in a flesh form to His apostles, He was only "flesh and bone," as He had SHED HIS BLOOD.
     Was this an error in translation or is this not a statement of truth? What does this verse mean and how can one truly validate what it means
    Mr. Smith, I stand corrected, I meant to use Abraham (Genesis) and Moses (Deuteronomy) with regards to to them speaking to Jesus Christ. I would like to point out that Jesus Christ commandment in Matthew 28:19 was also a very strong statement, as the scriptures show that the Holy Apostles did in fact baptize in the "name" (singular). I know that some so-called scholars have some objections to these verses, but the so-called oldest and best Greek Scriptures have plenty of omissions and corrections all the way up to (Alexandrinus & Sinaiticus) 12 A.D., and 8th, 10th, 11th and 15 A.D. for the Vaticanus according to scientific research (ultraviolet light etc.). So that being a statement of truth about the Oldest, let's take into consideration that the verses in Matthew are a statement of truth, because it appears that it was truly stated according to scientific scrutiny, not theory. So why would the Holy Apostles baptize in the name of Jesus Christ if the three are not one, and why not simply and verbally commanded the Holy Apostles to do so in the name of Jesus Christ? Thanks!
    COMMENT:  Matt. 28:19 "...baptize them in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.." IS NOT SCRIPTURE.  That is why they baptized in the name of Jesus only. They knew nothing of a Matt. 28:19 Scripture.
    God be with you,
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