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Author Topic: Life?  (Read 7220 times)

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« on: December 26, 2006, 09:53:49 PM »

    Hi Ray, just a quick note to wish you and your family all the best in the festive season. Keep safe, and may God grant you many more, It has been an absolute pleasure to be able to read the teachings in which God has given you. I am thankful that God drew me to your site it was like a magnet pulling me in and now it is coming up to 2 years since that day and the freedom the peace and the joy I feel is unexplainable, though sometimes when you face hard trials you know that it is God that is working in you. I used to think why do I cop all this hard stuff all the time, to put it politely, but now I know that if we have all roses so to speak is God really working in your life so I have learned to thank him for the good things and the bad things.

    God be with you Ray and your family

    In which I feel I am apart with love



    Dear Robert:

    I think that we have all "been there, done that," to some degree. Paul said we are to be thankful in all things. I tend to thank God more for my blessings than I do for my trials, nonetheless, I do thank Him for the trials, but usually wish for an early parole if possible, if you know what I mean. There are only so many kinds of trials: health, finances, security, marital, social, mental/emotional, spiritual. Any one of these can virtually destroy a person if it is severe enough. Three or four will wear you down. All seven at the same time seems like hell on earth. Most people don't have more than four going on at once. I have experienced all seven rather severely except for maybe "security." But thankfully not all at the same time. My worst marital and emotional problems happened at a time when I was in excellent health and drove a new Cadillac. Amazing how little they helped the situation, however. The pain of burning our finger on a stove means more to us than all the starving, diseased, insecure, abused children of Africa.  We are amazingly selfish creatures.  In our worst state, we have much to be thankful for. Yes, that's the thing, Robert, "Is God working with us?" For "If God be for us, who [or what] can be against us?"

    God be with you,



« Last Edit: December 27, 2006, 09:06:19 AM by hillsbororiver »
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