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Author Topic: New Testament?  (Read 6918 times)

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New Testament?
« on: December 31, 2006, 05:57:03 PM »

I know you must be busy, your site has given me a lot to think about. I oftentimes read scripture and find myself not agreeing with the doctrines that came out of the 4th and 5th century Church, who of course still felt that the world was FLAT and the Earth revolved around the Sun!
But anyway, what about the origins of scripture? The attached document says (too) much about it, but it does not make sense that Jesus did not speak and teach in Aramaic ( a language rich in Mystic thought patterns) not to mention his local boys, the Disciples, were all from the surrondind Aramaic speaking towns.
I am looking into some translations that are more accurate, WHY SPEND ALL THIS TIME DEBATING GREEK WHEN JESUS NEVER TAUGHT IN GREEK?? Just because some of Pauls letters were tranlated into Greek 200 years later??
I know you do  not have the time to reply, but I link to any answer might be nice, if possible.
Meanwhile I will pray for a  direct revelation, for that will be true.

Dear Alan:
Actually it would have made sense for Jesus to teach in Greek, seeing that the whole Mediterranean area including Palestine officially spoke Greek for hundreds of years.  There is no proof that the actual manuscripts were written in Hebrew, Aramaic, or Syriac. I hear a lot of talk, but I have seen NO PROOF.  I hear about this 1st century Aramaic manuscript of the New Testament, but I haven't seen it proved, just argued. The sign that was fastened to Christ's cross was written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek, NOT ARAMAIC.  So if this sign was for the benefit of the Jews "This is Jesus the King of the Jews," then Aramaic was not even considered in the TOP THREE!  How do you explain that, if Jesus, His followers, and the general populace of Jerusalem were speaking Aramaic?  If you have an aswer for this, I would be glad to hear it. I am not presently interested in hearing all of the other hundreds of pages of arguments, however.
God be with you,
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