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Author Topic: Unbelievable  (Read 6100 times)

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« on: January 06, 2007, 01:28:28 PM »

Mr. Smith,
     As a fellow believer in Jesus Christ I am moved to bring something to your attention. God has blessed you with a remarkable ability to teach the truth from the Scripture. He is using you daily to open the eyes of my own understanding. I wish I had half as much knowledge and understanding as you have been blessed with. You state on page 5 of "Twelve God-Given Truths To Understand His Word" that you wished"they would let me teach a few classes at seminary". The chances of that happening are quite slim, but I hope God will continue using you to teach me and others the truth.
     What I am moved to bring to your attention to is this. It is obvious you have studied in depth and go to great lengths to explain the truths God reveals to you. You make it crystal clear from the Scripture that "ALL IS OF GOD". He has blinded the eyes of all but a very few to these truths. Their blindness is caused by HIM, whether by Himself directly or His instrument the devil, the god of this world. However GOD does this; it is GOD who is responsible. Knowing this to be so, you are in error to point out these truths and then state that their blindness is "unbelievable. UNBELIEVABLE". It is not unbelievable sir, and you know why it is as it is. Without GOD, you and I and every single one of HIS children would be as blind as the rest. As you point out so well, GOD has a will and a purpose for all things. "ALL IS OF GOD". It is "a flat out contridiction" to teach these truths so well and then to state that their errors are "UNBELIEVABLE". You know it is "Because God has a plan that involves calling MANY, but chosen out only a few". (from pg 5)
     When you state on pg. 7 that "This is really childish that I should have to explain..." I trust you are aware that ALL begin as "babes" in Christ, and that no one is "perfect" (mature) to begin with.
     When you state on pg.11 that "Until you concede in your heart..." I trust you are aware that it is "ALL OF GOD" and that no one can concede within their own heart any good UNLESS it is done so by God.
     You state on pg.30 that "most professing Christians REFUSE to understand these simple truths...". If it is GOD'S will and purpose for anyone to understand, how could they possibly "REFUSE"?
     I firmly believe that what you teach is Scriputual truth. I can only hope God will continue to use you. My question to you sir is this. Do you believe what you teach? If so, why do make the statements you do that contridict what you teach?
     None of us would believe if HE had not caused us to believe. "Hence, precious few believe and understand  the Scrptures, and fewer yet, obey them."  (from pg. 5)
     You are familiar w/ the term"spiritual pride" I am sure. That "knowledge puffeth up" is certianly understood by yourself. It is in love Mr. Smith that I write to you. Take care.
                                                                              God be with you,
Dear Tim:
I may have been born at night, but...................NOT LAST NIGHT!
"In love" you write me?  In great swelling pride and vanity, you write me.  Are YOU, Tim, familiar with the term "spiritual pride?"
When we say something is "unbelievable," it is usually a figure of speech which means, "An expression that uses language in a NON-LITERAL WAY, such as a metaphor...such as alliteration to achieve a rhetorical effect" (American Heritage Dictionary).  And so when I say "unbelievable" it DOES NOT MEAN LITERALLY "unbelievable," but rather something that one MARVELS at because of the strangeness or wonderment of a situation.
Below are just a few of hundreds of such examples as you give that you think are dishonest statements:
"unbelievable. UNBELIEVABLE".-- "I MARVEL [Gk: 'thaumazo--to WONDER--"A feeling of puzzlement or doubt" American Heritage College Dictionary
"This is really childish that I should have to explain..." -- "And Jesus said, Are ye also yet WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING?  Do not ye YET UNDERSTAND......?    (mATT. 15:16-17).
"Until you concede in your heart..." -- "...see that YOU LOVE one another with a PURE HEART...." (I Pet. 1:22).
"most professing Christians REFUSE to understand these simple truths..." --"Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do ALWAYS RESIST THE HOLY SPIRIT...."  (Acts 7:51).
"Hence, precious few believe and understand  the Scrptures, and fewer yet, obey them." -- "....and FEW THERE BE THAT FIND IT"  (Matt. 7:14).  "...many are called, but FEW ARE CHOSEN" (Matt. 20:16)  "O foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you, that YE SHOULD NOT OBEY the truth....?  (Gal. 3:1). Etc., etc., etc.
There is a Scripture in Ecc. 7:16 which states, "Be not righteous OVER MUCH...."  Perhaps you could apply that verse to yourself.
God be with you,
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