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Author Topic: Beast  (Read 7267 times)

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« on: January 09, 2007, 04:18:13 PM »

I just finished reading your comment on 'the beast', and agree with your
conclusion.  The beast is me, or anyone who is without understanding.
Ps 73:22)
Yes, we all have acted as beasts, without understanding at one time or
another. The apostacy Apostle Paul talked about has caused the sun and
moon to be darkened, there is no light but Jehovah and the Lamb, I left a
man made religion and now chose God and the lamb to be my only light.
It made all the difference in the world! Now I carry my cross following Christ
outside the camp.
(1 Sam 17:44)(Job 10:4)(Jer 17:5)(Ro 8:5+9)(1 Cor 1:30)(1 Cor 6:16)
It is the spirit of God which gives power; where we hope in the promises of God through his son, Jesus (Yeshuah)
This empowers believers to conquer, to fight the spiritual fight, and to follow Christ in the battle. (Rev) (putting on the armor of God)

Gal 4:29 is clear after leaving the JW religion. I am a witness for God through
Ch rist, yet the elders of my religion condemned me for questioning their teachings. They said,"What? You don't want to be a Jehovah's Witness?
But, they don't realize I am a witness for God through Christ (the WORD)

Now my faith and hope is with Christ, in heavenly places
at the right hand of God; yes, with him in the heavens, spiritually speaking.

I haven't read all your posts, as I found you through a meetup link.
I just started my meetup, called, Albany Bible Student Truth Seekers
zip 97321. I started it with the name 'Albany's  Former JW meet up but
since, I changed it's name, as I realized the main theme should be
about Truth Seeking, ( John 14:6 )
Where are you located?

Your sister in Christ,

Dear Trudy:
My Web Master and I live in Mobile, Alabama. I lived in North Miami Beach for 13 years before that, Atlanta, Ga, for four years before that, Memphis, Tenn., Pasadena, Calif., Nazareth, Penna., etc. Glad you are finding something helpful on our site.
God be with you,
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