I saw nothing that identified you on this web site Mr. Smith. Do you have an occupation, a belief system, or do you spew your venom to confuse people or just get a reaction out of those who believe?
You accuse Christian leaders of bringing condemnation and judgment on the people, but isn't that what you are doing to them? May I ask by what authority?
There will always be men who will corrupt and deceive God's people. That's why we are told not to put our faith in man, but keep our eyes on Christ.
I have read your opinion on many different events and scriptures in the Bible and have no clue how you have come to some of your conclusions. I do believe in a God of love and judgment. One of sarcasm and being had by the words of a woman, not so much.
Many of the things you state have been misquoted, misinterpreted, and just plain deceitful. I have no animosity toward you Mr. Smith, only pity. Your rage has blinded you. Do you think that no one who calls himself a Christian knows the true word of God? How did you become so much more knowledgable and spiritual than all of the rest of us? The fact of the matter is, we are all suppose to study the word for ourselves and pray for God to reveal himself to us through his word.
My Bible tells me that God will judge and bring down false prophets, teachers, or anyone (you don't have to be a minister) that corrupts his word. The thing is, that person will be punished not only for teaching false doctrine but, he will be held accountable for every person that is lead astray because of his teaching.
Feel better now?