Dear Katherine:
I will make a few COMMENTS in your email
Mr. Smith,
I have just begun reading several of your articles and although you state that you are not affiliated with the JW, you do use their bible for proving your statements, THE NEW WORLD TRANSLATION
COMMENT: That is hardly a completely accurate statement. I can remember about four years ago I quoted from the New World Translation on Malachi's "you curse Me" statement, but I cannot remember another time off hand. I overall do not find this translation helpful at all. In most critical sections it is virtually the same as the King James (using such unscriptural words as "eternal," for example).
and many many of your viewpoints are as if I were speaking with one. I can make that statement because I am disfellowshipped and I know what they believe.
COMMENT: That statement is totally untrue. I will, right now, challenge you to show me any significant section of Scripture or teaching in which I speak precisely as though I were "one of them?" And you say there are "MANY MANY?" I don't think you can back that up with proof at all.
Other than the fact that you do not, I believe, attend their meeting you might as well be a baptized member.
COMMENT: I fully realize that all of these statements are designed to anger me, Katherine, but you really don't know me at all. You are totally incapable of accomplishing such a feat. My skin is a whole lot thicker that you can imagine.
Please clarify if you were every associated with them in any way, either growing up etc. I realize that a lot of the information you are writing about are in the encyclopedias ie. Easter, Christmas, etc., however, I might as well be sitting through a bible study with them.
COMMENT: No, I was never "associated with them," at any time. However, like most Americans, they did stop by our home forty some years ago. I put a few things to them that they could not (would not?) answer, and that's my "association" with the JWs. A few years ago a JW wrote to me about my Lake of Fire series. He said that the Scriptures plainly teach that God will BURN UP the wicked in the "lake of fire," but when pressed, he admitted that the "lake of fire" is symbolic and not literal. So I asked him how someone could be destroyed, burned up, ANNIHILATED by a symbolic fire, and I have never heard from him again.
I look forward to your timely response.
COMMENT: Well, there's my "timely response," now let's hear yours?
God be with you,