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Author Topic: Reply?  (Read 7477 times)

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« on: January 12, 2007, 10:48:08 PM »

    Hi Mr Smith
    I read your mail to the Proffesor of Florida Bible College,i was trying to figure out why he had to send one of his students to ask you all those questions on his behalf,why didn't he do it himself?Anyway after reading that long reply to the Proffesor VIA the student i was just wondering if they ever got back to you and what their reply was because if i was one of the students of the Proffesor i'm sure i would have left the class or the college after reading such a detailed mail full of scriptural reference.The only reason i can think of for someone to still be holding on to this unscriptural non-sense that most of (if you can allow me to borrow the word Christiandom)teach after having read such a mail,it will only be "an idol of the heart"that must be burned with the Divine purifying lake of fire.
    P.S(I live in Pretoria,South Africa,have you ever visited South  Africa,if you do please let me know i would love to meet you sir)!!!!

    Dear Charles:
    Actually the professor did email me directly after I sent my final post to them. He was a spiritual weasel, and nothing was accomplished.
    No, I have not YET been to South Africa, but who knows......................
    God be with you,

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