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Author Topic: They take "comfort" in that?  (Read 8715 times)

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They take "comfort" in that?
« on: January 14, 2007, 01:19:11 PM »

This is from the email titled: "Hell?"


    Thank you for such a quick reply.

    I stumbled upon your site and did not have time to read much

    of what you are about.  I saw many posts regarding Hell or lack there of.

    If there is no Hell - or a place where terrible people/sinners go - is there

    ANY type of punishment for those who commit brutal crimes while on earth?

    Many take comfort “knowing” that when a rapist or murderer dies, they will

    suffer “for the rest of eternity.”
   Is it your belief that no “Hell” exists and that

    a dead body is nothing more than worm food?


    Peace - Timothy


    Dear Timothy:

    When one begins to read the Bible (not even study it, just READ it), it becomes

    clear that there is this thing (you will never hear of it in Christendom, as it is

    to them the most useless thing in the universe) called "The Resurrection of the Dead."

    That's right, there is coming a resurrection of ALL DEAD PEOPLE. Not a resurrection

    of LIVING people in heaven or LIVING people in some pagan hell, but DEAD PEOPLE.

    Have you ever heard of it? Well then, believe it, and throw all that Christian theology

    junk out the window. The chosen elect saints will be resurrected to rule with Christ

    at His coming. The wicked and vile unbelievers will be also raised, but they will be

    raised to JUDGMENT. In judgment they will LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESS, and have the

    carnal minded sin BURNED OUT OF THEM by God's Consuming Spiritual FIRE (Heb.

    12:19).  Read the material in my 'Lake of Fire" series for the details.;

    God be with you,



Is he kidding me? They actually take "comfort" in knowing [well thinking they know] that someone who killed a person, even if it was a slow painful death, or someone who raped a woman, or child etc... will not just pay the price for what they did, but suffer for all eternity? I mean, how can you take comfort in thinking that someone who has harmed you will literaly burn with real fire for all eternity without mercy and without water and without hope, forever and ever and ever and ever too. I mean c'mon, which is more evil, is raping someone worse than burning [or having pleasure, taking comfort in] someone endlessly without mercy? And they take "comfort" in this? Unbelievable! That shows how much love they have for their enemies. I mean, I wouldn't wanna burn a mesquito forever and ever, yet they wanna burn human beings for all eternity and they take comfort in it. How sick is that? I mean who could take "comfort" in such a thought other then Satan himself, and those who attend his synagogue?  I mean that's the most evil thing you could do to a person, torture him with unbearable pain of literaly burning in fire endlessly.
If that's not evil, I don't know what is.



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Re: They take "comfort" in that?
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2007, 01:27:14 PM »

The carnal mind in all man takes pleasure in it.  My two sisters were severely raped/molested over and over when they were children, being used sexually in satanic worship gatherings.  Unspeakable things were done to them.  They have suffered as adults in ways that we can't imagine. 

It takes the grace of God, and Christ's love in me to not wish this man would burn in hell forever, and even more of a miracle to actually love this man. 

Praise God he is revealing himself to my sisters, and they are healing. 



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Re: They take "comfort" in that?
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2007, 01:33:17 PM »

Is he kidding me? They actually take "comfort" in knowing [well thinking they know] that someone who killed a person, even if it was a slow painful death, or someone who raped a woman, or child etc... will not just pay the price for what they did, but suffer for all eternity?

I don’t think he’s joking about it at all.

They don’t know that they don’t know..the blind leads the blind. I was one of them.



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Re: They take "comfort" in that?
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2007, 02:05:06 PM »

The carnal mind in all man takes pleasure in it.  My two sisters were severely raped/molested over and over when they were children, being used sexually in satanic worship gatherings.  Unspeakable things were done to them.  They have suffered as adults in ways that we can't imagine. 

It takes the grace of God, and Christ's love in me to not wish this man would burn in hell forever, and even more of a miracle to actually love this man. 

Praise God he is revealing himself to my sisters, and they are healing. 



I'm truly sorry for what happened to your sisters. Rape is a heinous crime, especially when it's done to children. May I ask who did this to them, and is he [they?] behind bars?



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Re: They take "comfort" in that?
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2007, 02:12:36 PM »

The carnal mind in all man takes pleasure in it.  My two sisters were severely raped/molested over and over when they were children, being used sexually in satanic worship gatherings.  Unspeakable things were done to them.  They have suffered as adults in ways that we can't imagine. 

It takes the grace of God, and Christ's love in me to not wish this man would burn in hell forever, and even more of a miracle to actually love this man. 

Praise God he is revealing himself to my sisters, and they are healing. 



I'm truly sorry for what happened to your sisters. Rape is a heinous crime, especially when it's done to children. May I ask who did this to them, and is he [they?] behind bars?

It was an uncle, by marriage.  No he is not behind bars.  He has such a mental hold on my sisters (now 45, and 42; that they are afraid to bring this forward.  According to them, they believe he would kill them and our family if it is ever pursued.  My one sister even moved as far as Alaska at one time to escape as they found out that he often traveled on a freeway 40 miles from there house. 

My dad and mom have really struggled with it, as my sisters have blamed them for not knowing and not protecting them. 

thanks for asking. 


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Re: They take "comfort" in that?
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2007, 12:42:08 AM »

Hey Rocky, I am so sorry to hear of what happened to your sisters. It is a hard thing to live with. My life was much like theirs. There is no reasonable, logical explanation of why these things happen to kids. Mine started at age 3. I will pray for your sisters and for you as well as I know this hurts you too. Much love, Jennie


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Re: They take "comfort" in that?
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2007, 12:59:01 AM »

Hey Rocky, I am so sorry to hear of what happened to your sisters. It is a hard thing to live with. My life was much like theirs. There is no reasonable, logical explanation of why these things happen to kids. Mine started at age 3. I will pray for your sisters and for you as well as I know this hurts you too. Much love, Jennie

Thank you.  I am sorry too for your child hood trauma too. 

Sometimes it's hard not to be mad at God too. It's often harder to see God's plan through the use of evil, when it becomes personal, it often feels like punishment for no good cause.

Both of my sisters through this however are using these experiences to help others, and I can see God's love flowing through them.  I just wish they could see Univ. Reconc.  I have shared this with them, and they aren't ready to receive it yet. 

Thanks Jennie for sharing. 

« Last Edit: January 15, 2007, 12:59:33 AM by rocky »


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Re: They take "comfort" in that?
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2007, 01:41:42 AM »

Hello Rocky and Jennie,

I am sorry to hear of these terrible things that have happened.

I will pray for you Jennie and for your sisters Rocky.



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Re: They take "comfort" in that?
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2007, 01:43:19 AM »

Rocky, my heartfelt prayers will be for your sisters.  Gosh, that is so hard to reconcile with a loving God.  You are an inspiration and I believe they will see how good God is thru you. 

Jennie you are a testimony to us all.



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Re: They take "comfort" in that?
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2007, 01:56:40 AM »

Oh Rocky, I am so sorry to hear about what happened to your sisters. It is beyond comprehension how someone could do that to a child! It makes me feel sick. Of all the evil in the world that would have to be the worst.

Luke17:2 It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin.

Jennie, are you saying the same thing happened to you? I'm so sorry to hear it. You must have quite a testimony about coming to the faith after going through that. It is saying a lot that you are here now....... I have more to say but I can't seem to articulate it tonight so I will just say "bless you!"



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Re: They take "comfort" in that?
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2007, 09:53:29 PM »

I had shared with some of you earlier and will share with others now! I was born in the deep, deep south... a poor and rural area. It was always desired that men should have a son as their first born but in my case I was the first born. My daddy got to drinking real heavy after he was drafted in the Vietnam era. His friends were all pretty bad drunks too. A girl child wasn't thought of in the same way as a boy child. Without being too graphic ... the people that were around were not nice people. Long story short, it left me scarred both mentally and physically. We couldn't tell what was happening because that would have hurt our Mamas and Grandmas. When I was 18 I met my Michael and couldn't marry him without telling him that I was "damaged goods". I didn't feel it would be fair to him. He has spent our years together reassuring me that I wasn't damaged goods but that the ones who did this to me were damaged in their minds. It is hard to explain how it was. In an alcoholic home, girl children were often just passed around sort of. I will let ya'll fill in the blanks. When Michael and I married we were told that I was so damaged internally we would never have a child. God in His goodness allowed me to have the opportunity to have a child .After that , because she was born in emergency situation I had to have surgery to remove scar tissue and all and that ended the baby conceiving! I went on to be an elementary teacher and was able to help children who had been abused and molested. Just here a while back Michael and me went to breakfast. When we walked in there was a man in a booth who I noticed. He looked so familiar but I couldn't place him. We sat down and it came to me... it was one of the men! I told Michael I had to do something so I got up and went to his booth. He looked up and time had surely taken it's toll on him. I asked him if he knew who I was and he said I was familiar but he couldn't really place my name. I told him who I was and asked how he was doing. We talked just a minute and I shook hands with him and wished him well in life. You could tell he was sick and he told me he had lost all of his family. When I got back to the table Michael had tears in his eyes and asked me how I could speak nicely to that man. I don't know how. All I know is that I wish him no harm and that somehow he will see Jesus "with skin on" while he  is on this earth. I have done wrong in my lifetime and God sent the best , Jesus, to forgive my sins. I think forgiveness of others is hard and it comes to us in different times but it will come. Don't get me wrong, I still don't understand the attraction of a gown man to a little child and I think it is so very wrong, Also, I am saddened for that little girl that was me that was so injured and scared but I think God has let me maybe help others by my experiences. I am no saint, just a plodding along, messing up believer but I know God loves me. If I could have a wish in this life of mine it would be that no little one would ever be mis-treated in any way by any one. Now ya'll know one of my hardest stories. I pray for every one here who has been mis-treated or has family that has been mis-treated. Ya'll bless me so much by allowing me to unburden my spirit to you. Much love, Jennie


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Re: They take "comfort" in that?
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2007, 12:59:42 AM »


Your story has really touched my heart.  God has given you a great amount of grace and love that is a testimony to all of us.  I can't even imagine what you went through and then to forgive like you did is so Godly and merciful that you heaped coals of fire on that man's head.  "But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good......." Gen. 50:20.  Sister, I just thank God that we have you on this forum and I pray that your testimony will humble us all before our Lord and that His blessing will be upon you and your husband forever.

God be with you,



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Re: They take "comfort" in that?
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2007, 02:07:49 AM »

Dear Jennie,

Thank you for sharing that with us.
What a horrible thing you endured as a little girl.
After what you have been through, you have every reason to be bitter,
but I can feel in your posts that you are a very sweet person.
What you said to that man shows you have the love of God.
You are a wonderful example to us all  :)

mercy, peace, and love



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Re: They take "comfort" in that?
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2007, 10:35:56 AM »

Jennie thanks so much for sharing.  I truly believe sharing our pains with others, is a part of healing.  God is and has done an amazing work in you.   
« Last Edit: January 16, 2007, 10:36:27 AM by rocky »


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Re: They take "comfort" in that?
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2007, 11:44:56 AM »

Thank ya'll for the encouraging words. For some reason whenever I share my story, I still wonder if people will look at me different and I still fight through the shame. I think that God can glory from even the bad things so I think in helping someone else... God gets the glory. Rocky , you are so right... healing does take place when we can share. I wish ya'll could truly know how much I love and trust ya'll or I couldn't tell my story. Ya'll are so precious and dear to me. Much love, Jennie


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Re: They take "comfort" in that?
« Reply #15 on: January 16, 2007, 07:03:46 PM »

 Hi Jenny,

    Like so many others, I too want to express my sorrow in your loss of your childhood innocence at the hands of extremely sinful men.  And the same goes for the tragic story of Rocky's two sisters.

The way you have chosen to not allow bitterness to take root in your soul is very encouraging.  Bitterness and resentment, hatred, etc. are strongholds that give those who have wronged you continued control over your life, emotions, attitudes, and even your physical wellbeing.

     Regarding the original topic of people "taking comfort" in people burning forever, I too have been amazed that ANYONE would want ANYBODY -- even the Hitlers and Sadaam Husseins of the world -- to be tortured endlessly for trillions of years, in the most horrible way imaginable.  How much more decent, everyday people who are nice to others and try to be good family people, but don't share the same religious views as oneself? 

And yet there are millions of Christians who feel it is "fair" and "justifiable" and "righteous" for them to suffer billions of years of torture.  Seems crazy that this is the prevailing view in Christiandom, doesn't it?



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Re: They take "comfort" in that?
« Reply #16 on: January 16, 2007, 07:18:57 PM »

Hi Rob,

I noticed that this is your first  :)
I'm glad that you have decided to join us here at the forum.
That is a beautiful family you have there, I love the pics on the post.
Maybe one day I'll put one up  ;D

mercy, peace, and love



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Re: They take "comfort" in that?
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2007, 08:59:00 PM »

Hi Kat!

So nice of you to welcome newbies like myself!  You seem like a very sweet person, and I look forward to getting to know you better!




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Re: They take "comfort" in that?
« Reply #18 on: January 17, 2007, 02:27:02 PM »

Hey Rob, This is a great bunch of folks you have joined up with. they have all been so helpful and encouraging to me through many good times and many bad times. Welcome to the forum! Jennie


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Re: They take "comfort" in that?
« Reply #19 on: January 17, 2007, 05:25:53 PM »

Hi Jenny,

    Like so many others, I too want to express my sorrow in your loss of your childhood innocence at the hands of extremely sinful men.  And the same goes for the tragic story of Rocky's two sisters.

The way you have chosen to not allow bitterness to take root in your soul is very encouraging.  Bitterness and resentment, hatred, etc. are strongholds that give those who have wronged you continued control over your life, emotions, attitudes, and even your physical wellbeing.

     Regarding the original topic of people "taking comfort" in people burning forever, I too have been amazed that ANYONE would want ANYBODY -- even the Hitlers and Sadaam Husseins of the world -- to be tortured endlessly for trillions of years, in the most horrible way imaginable.  How much more decent, everyday people who are nice to others and try to be good family people, but don't share the same religious views as oneself? 

And yet there are millions of Christians who feel it is "fair" and "justifiable" and "righteous" for them to suffer billions of years of torture.  Seems crazy that this is the prevailing view in Christiandom, doesn't it?


Hey Rob,
Yes, welcome to the forum and I agree w/ your view. It is crazy!!

 How did you come by BT?   Let us know a little about yourself and your lovely family. :)

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