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Author Topic: A question for parents?  (Read 14156 times)

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Re: A question for parents?
« Reply #20 on: January 16, 2007, 09:37:32 PM »

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Re: A question for parents?
« Reply #21 on: January 16, 2007, 10:14:56 PM »

Thank you Craig, as that was what I meant ;)


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Re: A question for parents?
« Reply #22 on: January 18, 2007, 02:42:45 PM »

This topic has been on my mind for some time as well.  Before God began to open my eyes (which was before my oldest started school) I was determined that my children go to a Christian school.  Now I'm just not so sure anymore.  My oldest is now in kindergarten in a public school, which happened because we just did not have the funds to put him in a christian school.  I was sad at first but now I'm thinking that was in God's plan anyways.  The thing is, public or private, as a parent you will never be able to protect them from all the wordly things out there so the question to me is, is it better for them to learn about them at a younger or older age?  My husband is not a committed Christian (though he believes in God) so it is up to me to teach my little ones of spiritual things.  This seems to me a monumental task!  I didn't want to have to do it on my own, thus my desire to put them in a Christian school. 

But what will they learn there anyways but lies and deceit.  So what's the difference really between public and christian schools.  At least when things like Halloween come around I can explain to them why I don't believe in participating.  Meanwhile most christian schools around here ALSO celebrate Halloween in some fashion and how do you then explain this to a confused child???  They will already grow up realizing they are being raised different from the secular world, but what would a young mind make of being so different from the very group (Christians) they are suppose to belong to? 

Raising children is the hardest and most challenging thing I've ever done and like all of us parents I don't want to mess it up.   But from my perspective right now, there almost seems no right or best answer to this dilemma.  Except for home schooling which is likely the best possible solution, but I feel like Lori, in that I just don't think I have it in me to do that!  Not only do I not have patience but I find it an incredible challenge just to stay organized!  I greatly admire all parents who home school and if this is the route God wants me to take than LORD HAVE MERCY!   :o  He will have to do some major work in me  :)

Peace to you all, Diana


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Re: A question for parents?
« Reply #23 on: January 18, 2007, 08:12:45 PM »

For those thinking about homeschooling, please do YOUR homework first.  Find a good curriculum (a must) and get connected if possible to other homeschoolers in your area.  I teach in a rural small district and I wouldn't have any problem having a child in my school.  But when I subbed in my county there were plenty that I wouldn't want a child to go to.  You don't have to sub to go to the school, walk around, see if classes are quiet, talk to administrators & faculty.  Are there articles in the paper??? good or bad. Talk to other parents.

Anyway, this year, I got a student who had been "homeschooled" and can't read, write, or think!! They all stayed up late, slept in and she doesn't "remember" doing any work.  Unfortunately in our state there isn't much regulation, so you need to find out about that as well.

Don't make your decision based on fear.  God is not the author of that.

Raising children IS one of the hardest (& rewarding) blessings that the Father gives us.



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Re: A question for parents?
« Reply #24 on: January 18, 2007, 09:55:13 PM »

Gena is very right. As a former teacher, I would get children who had been home schooled and it was so sad to see how far bhind some of the children were. Unfortunately, one of the kids I know of happens to be my brother's son from his first marriage. His mom had custody and didn't like to get up in the mornings so she home schooled him. I am sure that many who home school do an excellent job of it. I wouls recommend like Gena... do your homework.Visit the schools. I had an open door policy so to speak in my classroom. The parents signed in at the office and were welcome to come and observe. Much love, Jennie


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Re: A question for parents?
« Reply #25 on: January 19, 2007, 10:52:07 AM »

I have issues with each option, some of them are...

Homeschool: Mostly do I have the patience/skills to teach my children. Will they get enough socialization and extracirrucular activites (sports, art, music) We do not have alot of money to provide these extras. Also I am not sure which group I would get involved with. The christian group here has statement of faith that you sign and our beliefs are different so I think they may not want us then I wondered if I would be better off with the secular group. This coming out thing is much harder for me because of our children. If it was just my husband and I it wouldn't be that bad, but I have guilt over the kids, always questioning if I am doing the right thing.

Public School: Exposure to the world at such a young age. I am concerned what the other children will expose them to day after day and just the worldiness of the whole education system. The public school option is such a long day. If they could go for a few hours I might be more comfortable with this option.

Christian School/Sunday School: I combine these two together because we used to think that if we homeschooled they would get their socialization at church...but now that we no longer attend church this has changed. My children have been attending a christian school for the last three years and this will be our last year. Financially we can not afford it any longer ($11000 for one second grader and one full day kindergardener...we did get $3200 in financial aide but it still is just unaffordable for us). But even if we could afford it, it doesn't make sense to us any longer to pay for schooling that is teaching our children things that are in direct opposition to the scriptures. Then we will still have to unteach them the things they are learning at school and at church.

Diana said "But from my perspective right now, there almost seems no right or best answer to this dilemma." I totally agree with this feeling, and parenting is the hardest thing I have ever done!

I am trying to keep on remembering what Gena said..."Don't make your decision based on fear.  God is not the author of that." This is so true...thank you Gena for reminding me of this.

If it weren't for snakes I kind of want to runaway like the Wilderness you remember that movie from the 1970's!  :D Except I would still need the internet!!!!

Sorry for the rambling... :)


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Re: A question for parents?
« Reply #26 on: January 20, 2007, 03:09:05 AM »

I understand your dilemma totally.  I have a 2nd grader and he has never been to public school. (except preschool and he loved it.)  He is an only child and he needs to be around other children of his age from time to time, but he gets that several times per week just by learning school things, by going to the same classes/co-ops as the other HS kids go to.  I HEARD A FATHER TELL ME ONCE...'I WOULD HAVE RATHER HAD MY CHILD AT HOME WHILE LEARNING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING  FOR ALL OF THOSE YEARS THAN TO HAVE TO HELP HIM TO 'UNLEARN' ALL THE UNGODLY THINGS THAT HE LEARNED IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS...'  (his 20 yr old son was in jail at the time he said this.)  This dad wanted his son to value the things of God more than to value the things of his friends (peer pressure), yet the kid could never do it; and he still cant shake off that peer pressure (into drugs, and still has a strained relationship w/ God.)  The point being is that our children will have to face peer pressure FOR GOD at some point in their lives, either now or later.) 

I have chosen to allow my child to experience 'feeling different' right now, while he is young (b/c he IS different and HE needs to accept this at an early age), plus, this gives him time to develop a strong understanding that he doesn't have to 'fit in' and be accepted of others as long as he knows that he is being pleasing to God and that God loves him and wants him to be obedient to HIM rather than to his buddies.  This takes time to teach and to settle into his mind and so far, he has very little problems accepting this reality and he really doesn't suffer from having peer pressure as much as the other children of his age do; (yes, he does get bored just as other kids do though.)

It's better for me to concentrate on teaching my child these BIBLE TRUTHS right now that GOD has given us to leatn, more than to let his time be spent learning the things that the
WORLD says that he must learn; which alot of times are just fillers and things that will not enhance the unique abilities that God gave each individual child that needs to be developed..  (Yes, he does do his required (by the State) subjects, but the state is not that much of an influence in our lives as it is in public schooled kids,  the christian kids' lives, or in the private schools kids' lives.)  TO ME IT IS BETTER TO KEEP HIM FROM BEING 'CLOSE' FRIENDS WITH THE CHRISTIANS AND THE WORLDLY KIDS THAN TO CONTINUALLY ALLOW HIM TO THINK THAT THEIR LIFESTYLE IS GODLY; thus, I just let him be aquaintannces at best; keeping his closest friends for all  those few whom believe as we do spiritually- which at this time it is a young couple and a baby and mom and dad; but, God provides the people that my son needs to socialize with as well as when my son needs so socialize, even it they arent' always kids of his age.  (This is rea life to Daniel; to have a deep and meaningful relationship with anyone of any age whom share the same biblical outlook; which if we are honest, even we adults can count on one hand those truly close friendships).) I think you would be better off in a non religious HS group this way they don't push their religious standards with the schooling opportunities (which is all that you would be looking for from them.)

You have more than one child LoriMarie and so they are good company and good socialization for each other; they believe the same.  It is a sacrifice to live this way, but I don't have to spend so much time dispelling all of the untruths to him on a daily basis as I would if he were around the public schooled kids or christian HS'ed kids, thus, my child has a strong understanding of people at such a young age.  (I am saying nothing about the public school teachers here; as they have their places and are not out to brainwash the kids, most of them are just ignorant of these higher Biblical truths.)  I look at life like this: there used to not be any public or private schools at one point in our history and the parents were the teachers of everything.  The children had better morals b/c of this too; parents got to teach God and got to spend alot of bonding time w/ their kids b/f they moved out of the house onto their own; and those kids seemed to be better equipted for living in the real world; they weren' t as disolusioned about the real world. 

(All I know is that is it probably better to UNSCHOOL children whom are so different since the majority of homeschoolers are christians and since there are no real Godly examples for us to follow in this world.)  If you set up the public school in your home, you might as well just put them in public school, b/c to me, Gods' agenda and schedule is far dif than that of a public school agenda/time frame/calendar. But, go with the HS'ers for now till you can meet some 'unschoolers' (see online.)   

It is not easy to HS, but, like ANYTHING, you will learn patience.  (See the national group of beginnig HSers called SMOOTHING THE WAY.COM, this will help you to make the transition, no matter what grade yours are in right now.)  Then you can get aquainted with all of the dif. HS groups and they tend to have Co-Ops that each parent comes together and shares in the class/subject. (God gives us the exact skills and or the leads that we will need to attain the training in a certain subject that each child needs to fulfill the knowledge that HE wants them to know in order to become who HE plans for them to become.)  (You'll save alot of $ this way too.)

Just remember,

-"WE HAVE NEED OF NO MAN TO TEACH US,  BUT GODS' SPIRIT ONLY TO TEACH US".  (Thus, just take the daily and minutely leading of what the HOLY SPIRIT is teaching you; not the worlds' standards of 'education'.)
-(this is our children's 'trials by fire' in this life...they can handle it, God won't give them more than they can bare;  as I would rather they learn about trials now than later.) ::)
-no HS parent is perfect; no public school parent is perfect. ;D

I'm sorry if I said too much :-[ I hope this helpes thogh.


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Re: A question for parents?
« Reply #27 on: January 22, 2007, 03:26:24 AM »


  Well thought out post as usual.  Thanks for sharing, this will help me homeschool my little one when his day comes.


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: A question for parents?
« Reply #28 on: January 22, 2007, 04:01:08 AM »

Hello everyone,

My name is Lori and I am new to this board. My husband and I were recently called out of the church...although it wasn't as hard for us as we are rather reclusive and very shy. I am at the point where I am standing on the shore and begging God to kill the beast and also like a sponge that just wants to read and read Ray's material and then find the scirpture and see everything in a new light.

My husband and I have four children, 8, 6, 3, and 7 months. We had been sending them to christian school but next year we are trying to figure out if we should home school or send them to public school. We are really torn. Do we want them exposed to all the worldly things at such a young age...I don't always have the most patience so can I actually home school them. (We did stop sending them to church also). Most of all what does God want. I have the same questions if they are raised knowing the truth how to the come out? I also have a this experience of evil I am so afraid something is going to happen to one of my children. I feel so guilty having this fear, I know God is loving and I feel as though I am doubting his soverign (?sp) will. Sorry to ramble...God just has so much work left with me. I look forward to getting to know each of you better.

Lori  :)

Hi Lori,

    Welcome! It is a blessing to see your love and hunger for the truth. Isn't it wonderful as God opens our eyes to these things! Everything changes- the world is not the same- the Bible is not the same. Praise God! I so appreciate Ray's work and spiritual wisdom. He has helped to open my eyes and taught me many things.

I home school our children. I encourage you to home school if you can. I have some opinions on that but I will keep it to myself for respect of others. God had my husband and I take our children out of kids church over a year ago. My husband does not believe in UR though. I come to the boards for fellowship.

I went through the same thing you are talking about fearing for my children. You know that fear is not of God. God requires us to lay it all on the altar. Much like Abraham offered Isaac. That was very difficult for me and I wrestled with it but when I finally did there is such freedom in trusting God.

Blessings to you!



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Re: A question for parents?
« Reply #29 on: January 22, 2007, 06:51:01 PM »

Hey Ya'll, I still have some books and things I bought on my own to use while I was teaching. If there is anyone who would use them you are more than welcome. They are mostly on a k-2 leve. If you want, let me know and send an address and I will be happy to pass them along! Much love, Jennie


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Re: A question for parents?
« Reply #30 on: January 23, 2007, 01:37:04 AM »

What are the topics and grades for each?  I might be interestd, thank you for your kindness :D.


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Re: A question for parents?
« Reply #31 on: January 23, 2007, 09:14:37 PM »

There are some workbook type books to help learn the letters, sounds and numbers. I have " Math their Way" which I loved! It can go from K-5 or6. I also have story books with listening tapes, arts and crafts books and those type of things. If you want them they are yours! Much love, Jennie


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Re: A question for parents?
« Reply #32 on: January 23, 2007, 09:48:09 PM »


  If Susan does not want them. I will be more than happy to reveive them as I plan on homeschooling my little one.  I wish to start him very early.


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: A question for parents?
« Reply #33 on: January 23, 2007, 10:40:24 PM »

I would love to have the books.  Whatever I will not use I will give to Anne.  Let me know how you want to make this transaction happen; (whatever the postage is I will reimburse you...ust make sure that they givethe BOOK RATE as it is always muvch cheaper to send.)  Thank You so much for your generosity here.  What a blessing this will be to both Anne and I.(:D :D)


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Re: A question for parents?
« Reply #34 on: January 24, 2007, 12:57:23 AM »


  I can hardly wait until I begin teaching my son how to read.  I want to get some big pics of the alphabet and teach him how to do so.  I believe this is possible to do yet early on.

  Thanks for the offer.  Tell Daniel I very proud of what he has accomplished at his lesson.  He rocked today.


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: A question for parents?
« Reply #35 on: January 25, 2007, 12:07:55 PM »

Once again I thank everyone so much for there thoughtful words, guidance and encouragement. We are 99% sure we are homeschooling next year. I am overwhelmed at times I have to admit. I am not a person with alot of patience. I am so happy to be here. I feel very isolated right now. I thank God my husband and I are on the same page. I can't imagine if one of us wanted to stay in Babylon the issues that would cause.

Lori :o)

Susan...I PM'd you twice a few days ago. Did you get them? I am not sure I know what I am doing..:o(


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Re: A question for parents?
« Reply #36 on: January 25, 2007, 12:35:25 PM »


  It is a great blessing to be on the same page as with your spouse.  You have made the best decision possible in my opionion about homeschooling.  I know that it will be a lot of work.  David and I are already paving the way to homeschool even though we would not start formal education until he is at least 7 years old.  No we are going to start informally, oh we have already done so since the day he was born.

  He can recognize colors already even though he has not associated words with them.  As, soon as he can start talking, we wish to teach him his letters and words.  He is ahead of the learning curve and wish to encourage him to develop.  What's wonderful, is that David and I have stepped back and watched, and he has done some amazing things.

  Best of luck and God's blessings on you as you homeschool.  Keep us updated.  Susan is good to talk to if you have any questions. 


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: A question for parents?
« Reply #37 on: January 25, 2007, 12:57:01 PM »


I was wondering what happened; I did not get your responses.  Go to the BT homepage and at the top left hand side you will see a box that says "Hey, LoriMarie, you have (blankd) messages, and (blank) are new."  If you will left click onto that, you will see my message at the bottom of that page.  See my ph #.  Just give me a call. ;)


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Re: A question for parents?
« Reply #38 on: January 25, 2007, 01:33:37 PM »

No postage required!!! Just let me know your mailing address and it is on me! Love, Jennie


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Re: A question for parents?
« Reply #39 on: January 26, 2007, 12:58:29 AM »

Hey there Jennie,
I thank you so much for the sending of these books; what a great surprise!
Could you please explain to me exactly  how I can get into contact with you so I can give you my address?  (sorry, I'm kind of new at this.) Thanks a bunch!
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