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Author Topic: Aions  (Read 6940 times)

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« on: April 05, 2006, 01:15:09 PM »

I just read your criticism of Mr. Hagee on Hell.
My question:  Where does the Bible define the length of an aion?  I don't want to know how long it says Jesus will reign.  I want to know where it defines an aion?
I was studying the other day something else I just read in one of your questions.  You're correct in saying that the Bible does not command us to go to church, but it does say in Hebrews 10:24-25 24 And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, 25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.
# Page and Company's Business Man's Dictionary and Guide to English : Eon: A long space of time; cycle; forever; eternally; always; at all times.
# New World Dictionary : Eon: Period of immense duration; an age; endless; for eternity.
# Webster's Collegiate Dictionary : Eon (n.): An immeasurable or indefinite period of time; incessantly; synonym of constantly, continuously, always, perpetually, unceasingly, everlastingly, endlessly.
# Standard Unabridged Dictionary : Eon: An age of the universe; an incalculable period, constituting one of the longest conceivable divisions of time; a cosmic or geological cycle; an eternity, or eternity. The present age, or eon, is time; the future age, or eon, is eternity.
# Shedd Theological Dictionary (vol. II, p. 683): Eonian: pertaining to, or lasting for eons; everlasting; eternal.
# Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon : Aion: A period of existence; one's lifetime; life; an age; a generation; a long space of time; an age. A space of time clearly defined and marked out; an era, epoch, age, period or dispensation.
# Thesaurus Dictionary of the English Language : Eon: An age of the universe.
# Earnest Weekly's Etymological Dictionary of Modern English : Aeon: Age.
# Universal Dictionary : Aeon: A period of immense duration; an age.
# Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon : Aionios: (1) without beginning or end; that which has been and always will be. (2) without beginning. (3) without end, never to cease, everlasting.
# Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Bible : Eternity: The Bible hardly speaks of eternity in a philosophical sense of infinite duration without beginning or end. The Hebrew word olam, which is used alone (Ps. 61:8) or with various prepositions (Ge. 3:22; 13:15, etc.) in contexts where it is traditionally translated "forever," means, in itself, no more than "for an indefinitely long period." Thus, me-olam does not mean "from eternity," but "of old" (Ge 6:4, etc.). In the N.T., aion is used as the equivalent of olam.
# The New Testament in Modern Speech , by Dr. R. F. Weymouth: Eternal: Greek: "aeonion," i.e., "of the ages." Etymologically this adjective, like others similarly formed, does not signify "during," but "belonging to" the aeons or ages.
# The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible (vol. IV, p. 643): Time: The O.T. and the N.T are not acquainted with the conception of eternity as timelessness. The O.T. has not developed a special term for "eternity." The word aion originally meant "vital force," "life;" then "age," "lifetime." It is, however, also used generally of a (limited or unlimited) long space of time. The use of the word aion is determined very much by the O.T. and the LXX. Aion means "long distant uninterrupted time" in the past (Luke 1:10), as well as in the future (John 4:14).

Dear Angie:

NOWHERE does the Bible define the specific period of time for an olam or eon. The Hebrew "olam" is the same as the Greek "ein."  And the first definition of olam is "obscurity."  How can one know the "exact" time for a time that is obscure.

[1] An ein/olam is a period of time, and therefore cannot be an eternity or multiple eternities as foolish translators have utterly failed to distinguish.

[2] All periods of time have a beginning and an ending, or they would be "periods of time" at all.

[3] An ein/olam cannot possibly mean a period of time with a begining and end, AND ALSO no time at all with neither beginning or end. It is just another Christian square circle.

[4] The most used duration of an olam/eon is the period of a man's life. And since no one knows the exact length of a man's life (it is obscure), it has no set, precise, period of time.


God be with you,

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