Good day,
Let me be honest with you Ray, I always found it difficult to observe the tithing theory. The first time I tithed was in July 2004, the very same month I struggled to meet my monthly obligations(Car payment and Mortgage). The reason was that the book of Malachi was used to assure me that if I pay a tithe, God is going to open windows of heaven and as such I waited and waited and nothing happened. At the end of the day I had to call the bank and arrange alternative payment. No one in church could help me.
Then I got married in 2005 Dec, and was blessed with a baby in May. I was not paying any tithe anymore because I simply could not afford to pay it. The preaching before the tithes and offerings were made was all about if you do not tithe your kids are going to get sick, your finances are going to be in a sum it, it was all negative teachings. My boy passed away in August, ,I still do not know why he passed away, but I thanked God for allowing me to be a parent to my son. I miss him so much but to think that his death was due to me not paying tithes makes me mad. In December me and my wife agreed to start paying the tithes because we thought we were robbing God as Malachi's book is saying.
Then this year I got hold of your website and my eyes, mind and being opened to this new teaching. I asked our Bishop about it and he quoted some scriptures. Most people like quoting Matt 23:23 and Matt 5:1
Dear Mashilo:
Well he might just as well have quoted the tithing law from the Old Testament, because when Jesus told those two-faced lying hypocritical generationl of snakes that they were obligated to tithe it was because they were UNDER THE LAW OF MOSES and the Old Covenant with its temple services and Levitic Priests. ALL JEWS were obligated to tithe as long as they were under the Old Covenant of Moses and the Temple and priesthood was still in operation. But Jesus NEVER told anyone to tithe to HIS CHURCH! Nor did the apostles teaching tithing to Jesus' Church, neither did Paul teach the Gentiles to tithe to Jesus' Church. Those are the Scriptural facts, but Christian tithing ministers are not interested in the facts, but only your MONEY.
God be with you,