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Author Topic: Tithing  (Read 7573 times)

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« on: April 05, 2006, 01:22:05 PM »

Humans make mistakes. Yes. So, the MOST churches that you claim are just money hungry, greedy, tithe sucking hypocrites, have definitely got the wrong idea. But, if God wants all of you, then that includes everything. It includes your time, your possessions. Everything about you. So, if you can't part with even just a tenth of your money to give to the church to help it function, then there's gotta be something wrong. If God is the boss of your life, then to give up something that you have worked hard for will not be an issue. A church has to run somehow. And where I come from, in New Zealand, well MOST of the churches I know, use that money to pay for missions trips, feeding the needy, and reaching the unsaved. Isn't that a worthy cause? Yes, some pastors and preachers/teachers do say the wrong thing about tithing, but God will judge them. We should give money because we are so hungry for Jesus to come and to see more people saved that we WANT to give. We are bought and paid for in full, but to run a church costs money. Let's be practical here. Tithing is not a way of buying our salvation. If it were then all the rich people would be saved. But God came to save the broken, the down and out. It's not about how much we give or even what we give. It's about surrending everything to God. Every part. Including money. God has given us that money by providing us with a job to earn it so we should listen to Him telling us how we ought to spend it. We are told to be wise stewards. So, don't judge people who tithe there ten percent. It is not up to you to judge whether or not tithing is a Biblical principle. If God has told them to give, whether it be to the church, to World vision, to helping someone in need, then that is their problem NOT YOURS!!!

I am not a pastor, just simply someone who believes that if you give God everything you have by surrendering it to Him, then you will be blessed. Since money is a part of that, then how can tithing be wrong? I have found, whenever I tithe, then God blesses me much much more then when I don't give. Biblical truth or not, you can't argue with a person's testimony.

God bless you

Rachel (New Zealand)

Dear Rachel:

Giving your ALL to God, has absolutely NOTHING to do with reinacting an Old Testament law of Moses, and then changes all the rules of that law, and then making it binding on Christians is rank heresy.

Did you not read the section in my tithing paper: HOW DO WE PAY THE CHURCH UTILITY BILLS IF WE DON'T TITHE?"

Your are trying to compare apples with charcoal. Get it out of your head, that tithing NEVER involved money. Only farmers and herders tithed. The church as utterly perverted the Scriptures to give them license to steal poor people's money. What an evil and damnable, unscriptural doctrine Christian Tithing is. The teaching of this evil heresy will be judged very very severely in the Lake of Fire Judgment.

God be with you,

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