Dear Joe:
Thank you for your email and your comments. Certainly your are alert and pay attention to details. This will serve you well in the future. However, with that said, let me offering a few observations. I will make some COMMENTS in your email.............
> Hi Ray,
> My name is Joe ........, I am a 17 year old
COMMENT: I have received a fair number of emails from teenagers over the years. Often they will inform me right up front that "I am only 15 years old..." or something like that. To which, depending on how arrogant or immature they are in the content of their email, I might remark something like this: "Oh really? I would have guessed maybe 11 or 12. What most are suggesting (and some just come right out and SAY IT), is that they are way beyond their years in knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. I hope that I do not offend you by these comments, but as you will be in some circles considered an adult in a few months, hopefully you will take my counsel as a "man"!
from rural Southern Ill.
> First off let me tell you how grateful I am for this site. God has
> blessed you immeasurably with the knowledge to undestand the truths of His
> word. Thank you for having the courage to stand up.
> Recently I read your Lake of Fire Series- Hell part C- The Origin of
> Endless Punishment. I found it not to be your best writting. First of all,
> I've never heard of this doctrine of soul-spirit confusion of wich you
> speak.
> It's never been taught in my church and quite frankly I don't know how
> people can be so foolish.
COMMENT: Not all pastors teach all that they have been taught in seminary. This confusion over what constitutes soul versus spirit, is however, universal in Christendom.
But as I read I came across a dire mistake on your
> part. It was on page 27 when you quoted scripture as saying:
> "And if the prophet be deceived when he has spoken a thing, I the
> Lord have deceived that
> prophet" (Ezek. 14:9)
> When I read this I was greatly disturbed so I ran to my bible to read this
> verse. This is what I found.
> "And if the prophet is enticed to utter a prophecy, I the Lord have
> enticed that prophet."
> [New International Version]
> Wow. How profound a difference!!!
COMMENT: Actually, Joe, it is virtually no difference at all.
Do we so soon forget that nearly every
> word of new testiment scripture is the "inspired word of God" delivered
> through "prophets."
COMMENT: Actually, rather than "NEARLY every word of New Testament Scripture being the 'inspired word of God'" --"ALL Scripture is given by inspiration of God..." (II Tim. 3:16).
The second translation validates the rest of scripture.
> The first dissolves any meaning of God's word to nothing more than a
> slanderous pool of filth.
COMMENT: This certainly is not the case at all.
[1] In Ezek. 14:9, 'be deceived' is lusted under "PUAL -- Future" and in Ezek. 14:9, "deceive" is listed under: "PIEL -- Preterite" being the proper translations according to The Englishman's English Concordance of the Old Testament, by: George Wigram, 1874.
[2] Regardless, the translation "enticed" does not do away with the fact that it is GOD HIMSELF Who bringing about (by whatever agents), this "enticement," produced the same deceptive sins for which God says, "I will stretch out My hand upon him [the prophet] and will DESTROY HIM from the midst of My people Israel" (Ezek. 14:9).
[3] The word "entice" usually carries a negative, or at best carnal definition: "entice, to attract by arousing hope or desire; lure" (American Heritage Dictionary) "lure, something that temps or attracts with the promise of pleasure or reward" (American Heritage Dictionary). We use fishing 'lures' to DECEIVE fish.
[4] Was there not "deception" involved in Samson's wife "enticing" him? The same Hebrew word 'pathah' is used in Judges 14:15 as is used in Ezek. 14:9. In many cases there are virtually synonymous.
[5] In Deut. 11:16, for example, it matters not whether we translate "pathah" in this verse as "entice" or "deceive" as either way, it is the cause of God's people turning aside to other gods to worship them, which will bring God's judgment upon them.
[6] We have virtually the same scenario in Jer. 20:7, "O LORD, thou hast deceived [pathah] me, and I was deceived [pathah]: thou art stronger than I, and hast prevailed: I am in derision daily, every one mocketh me." God did it and it brought misery.
How can we trust the prophets if the Lord of Hosts
> is a deciever. This is almost as damnable as eternal torment. Don't soon
> forget that it is "IMPOSSIBE FOR GOD TO LIE!" [Hebrews 6: 18 -- New King
> James Version]
COMMENT: We can trust the Lord of Hosts because HE DOESN'T DECEIVE US. Yet it is God who is responsible for Satan and for all of Satan's deceptions. Now we are getting a bit beyond the wisdom of teenagers here but for the benefit of all, I will continue. "Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and LYING wonders. And with all DECEIVABLENESS of unrighteousness in them that perish: because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause GOD shall send them STRONG DELUSION, that they SHOULD BELIEVE A LIE [Gk: 'the lie']" (II Thes. 2:9-11).
The Greek word for "delusion" is "plate" and it means, "fraudulence, deceive, straying, delusion, error." And Who sends it? 'GOD'! God does not lie, be He sends and commissions LIARS on occasion: See I Kings 22:22-23 and II Chron. 18:20-21 for absolute proof of this.
> I would check the translation you used, but it is mysteriously absent
> from your paper.
COMMENT: No, Joe, it is not "mysteriously absent." I state time and again that I use a King James Bible in my paper. When I use a Bible other than King James, THEN I reference that different Version.
That God is using you to deliver the truth, I have no
> doubt. However, the Great Deciever is ever vigilant. If he can get even one
> word of his own into your work- he will. Be weary of this always. This error
> needs to be retracted IMMEDIATELY at the TOP your site so no more may be
> deceived.
COMMENT: I appreciate your concern, Joe, but I believe that with sufficient meditation on what I have presented will show you the truth of this matter. There is no error to be retracted immediately in this case.
Again, thank you for you observations, and I hope and pray that you will continue being alert in your studies.
God be with you,
> Thank you for your time- By our Lord Jesus Christ
> Joe
> PS: When I was a young boy ( probably 10 ) I got really interested in the
> bible so I read Revalation front to back and came to the conclusion that
> eternal hell does not exist. But sadly at this same time I began really
> listening to the sermons at my church and quickly "realized" that hell was
> all too real. Isn't it amazing that is takes only a small child to
> understand what it takes grown men to pervert.
COMMENT: I have a comment for this too, but I will forgo it.