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Author Topic: Proof  (Read 7586 times)

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« on: January 24, 2007, 05:26:23 PM »

Hi Ray,

Are you able to provide any historic (FACTUAL) proof that Christ even walked the earth, other than the new-testament which the Catholic Church distorted beyond recognition for their cause and profit?



Dear Bronwyn:

I don't know where you learned that the Catholic Church distorted beyond recognition, the New Testament? Just how did they do that? There are thousands of copies of the Greek Scriptures. Some going back to the 2nd and 4th centuries. Just how, pray tell, did the Catholic Church "distort" all of these documents?

Historians such as Flavius Josephus make mention of Jesus and His ministry.

There are numerous books such as "This Historical Jesus," and others. There is not a lot of historical information on His life other than the Gospel accounts and the letters of the early church Fathers, Paul, and the apostles. But these documents are as reliable as any historical documents. There is certainly more proof that Jesus lived than there is proof that Alexander the Great lived. We have, I believe, zero information on Alexander until some 300 years after his death, whereas we have eye witness accounts of Jesus.

God be with you,

« Last Edit: January 24, 2007, 06:26:24 PM by hillsbororiver »


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Re: Proof
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2007, 05:31:26 PM »

I will COMMENT one more time...............
Dear Ray,

    My apologies for the way me e-mail was phrased.  I am a born again, spirit filled Pentecostal and so inside I do know that what I feel is real.

    However, after being told by someone I trusted that Satan was only mentioned in the Christian faith, I did some investigating.

    COMMENT:  "Satan" merely mean "adversary," and all religions have both "a god" and "an adversary." It proves nothing concerning the True God. Paul freely admitted that there are "MANY gods" ("as there be gods MANY, and lords MANY" I Cor. 8:5).  Don't let all this stuff quench your faith.  Paul also then said:  "But to US there is but ONE GOD, THE FATHER...and ONE LORD JESUS CHRIST" (Verse 6).

      I’m a lover of History as well as fact, and so this information threw me.  I realized that I had being following Christianity all my life with blind faith.  It had never crossed my mind to look at facts or historical accounts before.  I know that by reading so many different views and opinions, some of which have historical backing, would cause some confusion, especially since I had never questioned the scriptures before, but I couldn’t and still can’t stop. 

    In one of the books I read, “The Jesus Mysteries”, the author made very strong allegations against the Catholic Church, stating that they had not only distorted and added to some of the books in the canon,

    COMMENT:  Likewise the first edition of the King James Bible ALSO has 14 additionall books that have since been deleted.

     but that they had also added books to the new testament that were never written by the apostles, but by the Catholic Church (Proof of this can apparently be found in the archives) and that is why the bible was not available to anyone other than the church till the 15th century. (I may be wrong about the century, but there or there about).

    COMMENT: I know of no New Testament additions by the Catholic Church.

      He claimed that there is no historical or factual evidence to prove that Christ walked the earth, stating that the story of Christ was originally a Gnostic text, written by the Jews because at the time they lived in a Pagan society and copied the story of Dionysus and Osiris or as Osiris Dionysus in Greek Mythology to fit in with Judaism.

    COMMENT:  People "say" a lot of thing, but saying it not historical proof.

    A story that was originally written by the Egyptians, and then later copied by the Greeks.

    COMMENT:  I have shown that most of the important doctrines of Christendom came out of Egypt. This proves NOTHING concerning the validity of Jesus Christ or the New Testament Scriptures.

      If you know the story of Osiris, you will know that he to, was the son of god (Zeus), born of a virgin in a manger (or cave) on the 25th of December, was crucified on a cross, buried in a cave and rose again in 3 days at Easter.

    COMMENT:  Well, maybe you are a little mixed up here:  Osiris was not the son of Zeus. Nor was Osiris ever said to be "crucified on a cross," etc.

    I'll end with that, as I really don't have the time. Hope you understand.

    God be with you,


      That his birth was also prophesied before the time and he to was visited by three wise men at his birth.  Some of the stories in the New Testament of Christ healing the sick, raising the dead, casting demons into pigs, who subsequently drowned, having 12 apostles, etc, etc;  Are also written of Osiris Dionysus and supposedly long before Christ was born.  Oh, and incidentally, the Romans allegedly kept scrupulous records, and Christ crucifixion is not mentioned in any of their records.

    COMMENT:  Okay, just one more. Do you really believe (I mean really believe) that there are historical records of the THOUSANDS of people that the Romans crucified? I mean...........get real!!

    The Jews had to get their story to match their Old Testament Prophesies though, so added (to the new story, not the Old Testament) that he was born from the line of David.  But, the, prophesy(s), also state, (in the Old Testament) that he would save the Jews in battle, that he would be a mighty warrior, but he wasn’t. (Unless you assume they are referring to intercession). And to make matters worse, He wasn’t born from the line of David, because Joseph was never his father.

    I liked the way you get straight to the point on your web site, and whether or not I agree with everything you have to say, I thought you would be a good person to ask.  I am not discounting that Christ walked, I am simply asking for any historical accounts, perhaps your readers could also assist?


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