Ray Hello,
Are you reading the Received Text or another Greek version. How about the Old Testament?
How do we know the translators are translating correctly. I if you have a chance please call me
At .................. I have many more questions that I would like to ask you.
By His Grace,
Dear Albert:
There is no giant difference in most texts. Most translations from the oldest manuscripts compare all the best manuscripts in their Versions. I consult a dozen or more versions in my study, however, truth is not found in the "most perfect manuscript." The spiritual teaching is found in all manuscripts. The only really GIANT problem with most modern Versions is one of interpretation, not translation. There is no equivalent in either the Hebrew or Greek manuscripts to justify the use of such words as "for ever and ever," "everlasting/evermore," and "eternal." That's it! Translate olam/aion/aionios properly, and ALL translations will contain the truths of God regardless as to whether some are better or more accurate than others.
I'm sorry, Albert, but there are many people who wish to talk to me on the telephone. I even made the mistake of giving out my number to a few people who would "never abuse" it. They ALL abused it. I get tens of thousands of emails, and it is not possible for me to chat by emails or telephone with hundreds of people who have thousands of questions. Not to mention the fact that most want to tell me their entire life history in detail. I just can't. I just don't have the time. Hope you understand.
God be with you,