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Author Topic: Sabbath  (Read 6983 times)

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« on: January 26, 2007, 08:47:02 PM »

    I've been on your web site and what I have read so far I have really enjoyed, I feel likr people that enter your site do not enter with an open mind. My husband and I have shared alot of your views on ALOT  of your topics. I just want your readers to read your views with an open mind don't think on what you've been taught but study to show yourself approved!!!
    In regards to the Sabbath and the Feast Days, Ifeel that the Sabbath is everday  as the feast days were a shadow of things tyo come an that shadow is Jesus so everday in my life is Sabbath Passover ( he took the place of the lamb) Harvest (we dwell in him) and the rest are everyday. Do you agree or disagree??

    Dear Christine:
    Yes, I do agree. We are to be humbled, but I can honestly say that I have never met a "sabbath keeper" who was not puffed up over the fact that he keeps the "right" day. It is a badge of superiority over Sunday keeping Christians.  If we can't get past the physical, the shadow, the type, we will never embrace THE REAL THING!
    God be with you,

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