Hi Ray
I wanted to send you this. I really didn't send a (letter) to RCG but I had stopped going to their satanic throne. Members of this church wrote me as they were concerned as to why I wasn't there, so inreturn for their love I sent them the link to your site and God took it from their.
I am now free from the the harlet and have seen my house fall, I now may begin to build my house on the rock. I hope and pray all is well with you and give thanks to God and Jesus for directing me to correct understanding. I know I have much to purge but I thank God for your writtings and devotion to digging deep within Gods word.
Your Brother
Randy King
Dear Randy:
Many of us from the Worldwide have gone down that same road. Interestingly all those who fired me, disfellowshiped me, and marked me as an heretic, are all now also gone from the mother harlot. It's good to be free!
God be with you,