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Author Topic: Offerings  (Read 6811 times)

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« on: February 08, 2007, 09:38:00 AM »

Dear Ruben:  A few COMMENTS..........

    Greetings Ray
    I just came across your website, and upon reading through your passage about tithing, I believe that you are well learned and do dedicate allot of time into reading the bible, however, I feel that you should maybe consider the following;
    - According to Jesus, it isn't right to judge others as we are all yet to be judged. In the new testament, Jesus mentions that we should not look at the splinter in other's eyes while we have a planks in ours. Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging you nor criticizing you,
    COMMENT:  I have a GIANT PLANK in my eyes, but you are "not judging me nor criticizing me?"  Give me a break, of course you are.
     but there is always a better way of getting your message across. Don't scrutinize other preachers and pasters about what they're doing with tithings or offerings.
    COMMENT:  Do you mean like you are now foolishly condemning Jesus when He said: "WOE unto you Sribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES [is this a "Judge NOT Jesus!" statement?] for you D-E-V-O-U-R WIDOWS' HOUSES [scrutinize NOT Jesus!]" (Mat. 23:14).
     As we all know, the devil comes to steal, to kill and to destroy. He loves to manipulate Gods People. Maybe we should pray for them instead of criticizing them.
    COMMENT:  Sound to me like your own statement is exacty what Satan would use to "manipulate" people like you.
    - The issue about burnt offerings when you refer to tithing (according to my logic) is good. I also believe that when you tithe and make offerings, it should be out of your heart. If you feel that all you have is 5% or 20%, then give it with all your heart. Whatever the pastor or preacher does with the cash has to be accounted for by him/her.
    COMMENT:  Just maybe YOU will be accountable for giving money to these workers of iniquity who DESPISE the Word of God.
     For as long as we give it with a good heart, God Our Father will bless us so much more than what we believe he would.
    COMMENT:  I ASSURE you, Ruben, that God does not bless you FOR providing funds to the false prophets of this land.
    - Burn offerings isn't about tithes.
    COMMENT:  And I never said that it was, did I?
     Everything in this world is a burnt offering. Whether you buy or sell stuff, its all burnt. What is meant by this is that we do not take anything with us when we die. Look at Lazarus and the Rich man for example. These offerings are burnt as they do not have value to God, but to us, people of this earth. If we do things for God, surely he will do things for us.
    Please - bless people, teach people, and keep praying that God gives you wisdom to share.
    COMMENT:  Well I guess you think that that would be something totally new for me to do?
     These things are not meant for the church only. When you see a car guard or a beggar on the road, don't be scared to bless them with a smile. A smile may not mean cash, but just a simple hello, how are you, a little joke to share and God Bless.
    COMMENT:  I guess you never read this Scripture:  "If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food [like 'a beggar on the road'] And one of you [Ruben] say unto them, Depart in peace, [bless them with a smile] , be warmed ['hello, how are you, God Bless'] and filled ['here's a little JOKE'];  notwithstanding ye give them NOT THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE NEEDED TO THEIR BODY; what does it profit [Ruben]?"  (James 2:14-16). Maybe you need to check in the mirror for 'PLANKS," Ruben.

    Thank you, God Bless

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