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Author Topic: Hell?  (Read 6914 times)

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« on: February 11, 2007, 12:34:45 PM »

> Hello Mr Smith.
> Ive read several papers, or exchanges between you and others on
> the topic of hell.
> and i opened my kjv & dove in and here is some of what i came up with.
> (hell)
> matt 5:22(be in danger of hell fire )
> matt 10:28 (fear him who can destroy body & soul in hell fire)
> (better to lose a member than the whole body be cast into hell)
> matt 5:29,30,matt 18:9, mark 9:43,45,47,(mark 9:43 says"the fire that
> will never be quenched".)
> luke 12:15( fear him who has power to cast into hell)
> *rev 20:13(and they wereJUDGED, EVERYMAN ACCORDING TO HIS WORKS.)
> (salvation)
> acts 4:12 (no other name under heaven whereby we MUST be saved)
> rom 1:16 (to everyone who believeth)
> rom 10:10 (with the mouth confession is made)
> 2 thess 2:13 (belief)
> 2 tim 3:15(salvation is through faith )
> heb 5:9 (salvation unto them that OBEY)
> john 3:16( that who so ever BELIEVES )
> it's clear from these scriptures, that only those who believe ,
> accept and confess christ as
> theyre personal savior will secure eternal life in heaven. am i
> right or wrong?
> and PLEASE dont missunderstand me im not attacking you, im merely
> asking as a friend in Christ,if im misquoting, or misunderstanding
> the scriptures, please show me where i went wrong.
> thank you for your time, harold

Dear Harold:

Yes, of course, your are misunderstanding a lot.

First, any Bible that uses words like "hell" for Gehenna or "hell" for sheol are not "scripture" at all. Also all such words as "evermore," "forever," "for ever AND EVER," "everlasting," and "eternal" are not Scripture but rather interpretation. Further more, you have fallen victim to quoting a verse from the Bible and then suggesting that it means such and such when it says or means no such thing. Example, your statement about "eternal life in heaven." The word "eternal" is bogus, and there is no Scripture in the Bible which promises that people will ever "GO to heaven." Etc.

I cannot re-explain hundreds and hundreds of pages of material from my site in an email, and I am sure you realize this, so the only thing I can suggest for you is that you read all the material on our site. If you have the interest and a "love of the truth" (II Thes. 2:10).  These Truths are simple, that is simplistic, but they are anything but easy.

God be with you,

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