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Author Topic: Tithing  (Read 6844 times)

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« on: February 11, 2007, 12:38:07 PM »

I was intersted in your strange approch to tithing.  I think what you are trying to say is that message of a "prosperity gospel" is bad and yes i agree with you. however the way you descibe titheing as a law of the church which is enforced by the collecters walking down pews forcing people to turn out thier pokets to support "misionry's" to fly first class is just surreal.  Maybe in very very few churches this is the case. However in my church there is a box at the back labbled offerings and no one is forced to give. It is simply a easy way of donating money to upkeep of the church and associated mission work which is used trufully and honestly as i have wittnessed this first hand.  Furthermore i have found i have found in my own experience great blessings since i have been giving money away regually.

Dear Andy:

I beg your pardon! I do not have a "strange approach to tithing." I know exactly and very precisely what tithing was, why it was, to for whom it was, and many many other things about tithing. I never said ONE NEGATIVE WORD about giving voluntary contributions to a church, did I? Well, did I?  So what is so "strange" about what I teach?  No, not in the churches that teaching tithing as a law of God, "enforced by collectors walking down pews forcing people to turn out their pockets to fly first class, etc. And I never suggested that they do. What they do do is teach that if you DON'T tithe it is a sin and the wages of sin according to Christendom is to rot in some hellhole of insane and inhuman torture in literal fire for all eternity.  And you say that "I" teach "strange" things concerning tithing? Teaching any form of tithing as a law of God binding on New Covenant Believers is a damnable sin and heresy.


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