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Author Topic: What do we do?  (Read 7740 times)

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What do we do?
« on: February 11, 2007, 10:19:12 PM »

    Dear Ray,
    Since God is going to save everyone eventually, I have felt that good deeds have become more of a priority to simply put my faith in action (volunteer, serve any way I can any chance I can get) and be an instrument of love. Ive meet a girl who is very involved in a political coalition for immigrants. She has help make me aware of alot of the social injustices of this country (esp war in Iraq) and I was wondering, how far do we take our faith when it comes to political action to values that we hold? If you can, check out and tell me what you think.
    Since the world will get worse and worse, should we as Christians be apart of peace walks or non violent protests? Should we even bother and if so, to what degree?

    Dear Joed:
    What is that they say about "love is blind," or is it, "love will MAKE you blind," if you aren't careful.  We are to COME OUT OF THIS WORLD, not become part of it by trying to save it, which is one of the goals of the site you referenced.
    (COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE and be not partakers of her SIN...." (Rev. 18:4). "Love NOT the world neither the things that are in the world...." (I John 2:15).  "Be ye not unequally yoked together with UN-believers...." (II Cor. 6:14), etc.
    God be with you,


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Re: What do we do?
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2007, 10:20:47 PM »

Thanks for the response, and I understand if you cant reply to this because all the emails you get, but what does it mean to put faith into action. I know that the works of Jesus is to believe but what then are true believers to do while on earth? Im sure its not to sit around and do nothing. Are we not to "look after orphans and widows in their distress" and to "keep oneself from being polluted by the world". Trying to be used by God while in this world through good deeds (whether on a personal or organizational level) is different from loving the world or partaking from its sin, isnt it?

        I ask on because Im in the middle of a career/school major decision. I dont know what I ought to do. I know with universal reconciliation, I cant make a career of I thought non profit management would be a way where I can help people.

        Asking God for guidence in this time of my life (typical 21 year. I guess I shouldnt beat myself up about it too bad). God bless

        Dear Joed:
        In your last email you asked me about "POLITICAL COALITIONS," "PROTESTING THE IRAQ WAR," "POLITICAL ACTIONS," "PEACE WALKS," "NON-VIOLENT PROTESTS."  Now you suggest that what you mean by all those worldly, political, protests, and the like, is to "look after orphans and widows in their distress."  Somehow I missed your "spiritual seige" between those two opposing endeavors?
        God be with you,
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