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Author Topic: please pray for Terry's legal matters...  (Read 6302 times)

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please pray for Terry's legal matters...
« on: February 13, 2007, 01:14:06 AM »

Hello Brethren. 
I come to you again to ask for your prayers for my husband's (electrocution) legal matters.  We are closing in at the final home stretch and it seems as though our Attorney has taken no interest in the 2 yrs since Terry had this happen to him (via negligence.)  (We think that the Attorney is looking at this situation as tho he (the Atty.) could have made millions himself had Terry died (Lord forbid) and that he won't be able to make as much money off of this case as the millions could have brought him??? ???  So, on the 22nd of this month will be the 2 yr mark of when he got hurt and when the statute of limitations ends;  so, if the insurance co. does not settle or if our Atty. does not file a suit on or before this date then we get NOTHING!!!!  The Attorney keeps evading us and we are trying to trust God that HE did not let this happen to Terry/us for no reason and we are hoping that he will get compensated for his suffering.  Please pray as the Spirit leads you to.  I know that your prayers availeth much...thank you so much :)  I will keep you informed of the changes...


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Re: please pray for Terry's legal matters...
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2007, 01:17:55 AM »

Dear Sister,

  You and your family are always in our prayers.  I will go to the Father with this request as well.  Be well all of you and take care. I called a few minutes ago, I guess you did not hear the ring.  David is home and all is well.  Baby David finally gave up the ghost an hour ago.  It's all good.


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: please pray for Terry's legal matters...
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2007, 01:34:40 AM »

Hey Susan,

   I am sorry to hear about your husband electrocution. That is terrible that the attorney hasn't taken care of it by now. I would say get another attorney, which I am sure you've thought of, but with the 22nd swiftly approaching there isn't much you can do but pray. I will agree with you in prayer that your husband gets compensation for his pain and suffering and any income lost from not being able to work. Keep us updated on how it goes.

Blessing, Paula


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Re: please pray for Terry's legal matters...
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2007, 01:40:50 AM »

Anne, Daniel answered the phone,and I didn't realize that it was you...sorry.  Glad all is well now.   Thanks for the prayers!

Paula, Thank you also for the prayers means so much to us.  (We tried to get a dif attroney awhile back but it was not an option.)  lol ::)


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Re: please pray for Terry's legal matters...
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2007, 01:59:20 AM »


I'm praying!

Your brother,



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Re: please pray for Terry's legal matters...
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2007, 02:00:29 AM »

Gracias Dwight!!! :D


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Re: please pray for Terry's legal matters...
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2007, 06:36:31 AM »

Greetings Susan,
I will also pray for you guys.
If God is for us who can stand against us.
Love and prayers.


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Re: please pray for Terry's legal matters...
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2007, 08:02:16 AM »


Praying for you daily. My sis in law has been going through this sort of fight too. Just before the liimitation was up, she got her lawyers to ask for more time. The judge fined the lawyers £20000 for negligence of her case and has extended the time limit. Boy, you should see her lawyers work now! This is in the UK so dont know how it works over there

God Bless, you family is in my prayers
Sandie x
Walk in the Spirit


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Re: please pray for Terry's legal matters...
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2007, 09:41:47 AM »

I wouldn't wait, get another attorney, now.



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Re: please pray for Terry's legal matters...
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2007, 11:44:56 AM »


  I have to agree with Criag, get another attourney.  There are other legal options for avoiding the statue of limitations.


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: please pray for Terry's legal matters...
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2007, 02:15:29 PM »

My Dear Family,  thank you so much for praying on my behalf in ernest LAST NIGHT AND THIS AM!  I am so grateful that I can depend on you when you say that you will pray for me, that means so very much to me!  I just want you to  know that I see the results already from your sincere prayers, they have been heard in Heaven and God has already blessed me as a result of your selfless love and concern for me. :'((I weep at the thought that God has blessed me with such an selfless andcaring and amazing spiritual family as each one of you here are to me!!) 

This morning I spoke with the Atty's assistant and she said to not worry b/c the Atty WILL NEVER DROP ANY CASE THAT HE EVER HAS.  She said that the insurance Co. is not wanting to pay anything and that my Atty will file at court on Monday if they do not make him an offerbefore Monday!  She said that he always does this in order to buy himself more time in order to negotiate more and that 90% of the time the insur. co. will settle out of court (before the court trial date) since it would cost the Insrur. Co more money to be in court as well as to have to pay out for damages.)  I am so encouraged now!   I must admit that I didn't realize that our Attny. WAS concerned with Terrys' case...  even though the Atty has taken his time on getting this issue resolved, he is at least doing something about it afterall.  (THAT IS AFTER ALL OF THE PRAYERS THAT YA'LL PRAYED LAST NIGHT... ;) ;D ;D  THANK YOU AGAIN!  GOD IS SO AWESOME TO LET ME KNOW SO QUICKLY THAT HE WILL MAKE GOOD THINGS COME OUT OF THIS BAD SITUATION.  (BARUCH HASHEM!!)

ps- you should have seen how satan tried so hard to bring about circumstances to kill my husband and to take me and our 6 yr son's spiritual covering away from us.  I told my husband that God had something awesome for him and our family in store soon, b/c God allowed Terry to live and did not allow him to die (THAT IN ITSELF WAS A MIRICLE!!!)  At exactly the very moment (when we were at the Trauma Burn Unit in the Hospital ) and we had found out that Terry WAS GOING TO LIVE AND MAKE IT AND THAT GOD WOULD NOT LET HIM DIE; the slow process of 'coming out of her my people' had begun.  God had used this situation  in order to get us to take a deep look at exactly how messed up the 'church' really was; and it took us a year and a half before we finally left and gave up the denominational church forever.  ...
GOD HAD USED THIS ELECTROCUTION AS A DOMINOE EFFECT TO BRING TERRY, MYSELF AND DANIEL TO HIS ULTIMATE TRUTHS (FOUND AT THE BIBLE TRUTHS WEB SITE.), WHICH HAS SET US FREE FIANLLY!!!  "what satan meant for evil, God turned into a huge blessing!"  Now we are trusting HIm when he tells us that HE will 'restore to us what the locusts have devoured'... :o   


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Re: please pray for Terry's legal matters...
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2007, 02:58:20 PM »

What a blessing to read this thread!!  Wow, Susan, I guessed I missed a post about Terry.  I didn't know about his electocution.  But how uplifting it is to see you ask the forum to pray and then get an answer before I even prayed or knew about it.  God is so Good.  I will still pray for you and Terry and this whole matter.


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Re: please pray for Terry's legal matters...
« Reply #12 on: February 13, 2007, 03:12:38 PM »

Hey Susan,

    I haven't heard the story about what happened to your husband either. It is interesting that these events helped you to come out of the church though. Praise God your husband's life was spared! What a blessing that you and your husband are on this journey of truth together. I wish God would open my husband's eyes to these truths. I know He will in His time.

If you feel so inclined, we are in the testimony section of the forum, I would like to hear your story. No pressure though.  ;)

Blessings, Paula  :)


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Re: please pray for Terry's legal matters...
« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2007, 03:27:41 PM »


  There's so much to respond in this post, that I had to box it off and reply this way.  <smiles at Joe>

My Dear Family,  thank you so much for praying on my behalf in ernest LAST NIGHT AND THIS AM!  I am so grateful that I can depend on you when you say that you will pray for me, that means so very much to me!  I just want you to  know that I see the results already from your sincere prayers, they have been heard in Heaven and God has already blessed me as a result of your selfless love and concern for me. :'((I weep at the thought that God has blessed me with such an selfless andcaring and amazing spiritual family as each one of you here are to me!!) 

 We will always be praying for you dear Sister.  Your family means so much to ours and you are always in our hearts and thoughs and prayers.

This morning I spoke with the Atty's assistant and she said to not worry b/c the Atty WILL NEVER DROP ANY CASE THAT HE EVER HAS.  She said that the insurance Co. is not wanting to pay anything and that my Atty will file at court on Monday if they do not make him an offerbefore Monday!  She said that he always does this in order to buy himself more time in order to negotiate more and that 90% of the time the insur. co. will settle out of court (before the court trial date) since it would cost the Insrur. Co more money to be in court as well as to have to pay out for damages.)  I am so encouraged now!   I must admit that I didn't realize that our Attny. WAS concerned with Terrys' case...  even though the Atty has taken his time on getting this issue resolved, he is at least doing something about it afterall.  (THAT IS AFTER ALL OF THE PRAYERS THAT YA'LL PRAYED LAST NIGHT... ;) ;D ;D  THANK YOU AGAIN!  GOD IS SO AWESOME TO LET ME KNOW SO QUICKLY THAT HE WILL MAKE GOOD THINGS COME OUT OF THIS BAD SITUATION.  (BARUCH HASHEM!!)

  I was goig to reuqest that you would ask your attourney to take it to trial, becuase that is a surefire way to get past the statute of limitations.  Thanks for doing this and perserving.

ps- you should have seen how satan tried so hard to bring about circumstances to kill my husband and to take me and our 6 yr son's spiritual covering away from us.  I told my husband that God had something awesome for him and our family in store soon, b/c God allowed Terry to live and did not allow him to die (THAT IN ITSELF WAS A MIRICLE!!!)  At exactly the very moment (when we were at the Trauma Burn Unit in the Hospital ) and we had found out that Terry WAS GOING TO LIVE AND MAKE IT AND THAT GOD WOULD NOT LET HIM DIE; the slow process of 'coming out of her my people' had begun.  God had used this situation  in order to get us to take a deep look at exactly how messed up the 'church' really was; and it took us a year and a half before we finally left and gave up the denominational church forever.  ...
GOD HAD USED THIS ELECTROCUTION AS A DOMINOE EFFECT TO BRING TERRY, MYSELF AND DANIEL TO HIS ULTIMATE TRUTHS (FOUND AT THE BIBLE TRUTHS WEB SITE.), WHICH HAS SET US FREE FIANLLY!!!  "what satan meant for evil, God turned into a huge blessing!"  Now we are trusting HIm when he tells us that HE will 'restore to us what the locusts have devoured'... :o   

  Becuase you and Terry followed the Truth, we also were exposed to the Truth.  I am thankful that you towed this hard road ahead of us and were willing to go throught everything that you went through.  It is not unnoticed or unappreciated.  <takes and claps her hands>  Kudos dear Sister.


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: please pray for Terry's legal matters...
« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2007, 05:27:22 PM »

Thank you so much! I love each of you for your love and uniqueness, and for what you bring to this forum!  I know that the prayers of (you all) a righteous man/woman availeth much...yes it has availed just overnight already :D  Now... time will tell how God will seal this electrocution situation and let us put it behind us finally 

(I never did elaborate as to the electrocution, but it had to do with Terry being at work in his cement truck and a young guy from a dif. company was operating a pump truck via remote control and the arm of the pump truck had hit into power lines b/c he was talking witha cell phone between his shoulder and his ear!  And electricity immediately blew up his pump truck tires and arced over onto Terrys truck and did the same thing, and Terry had just taken his hand OFF of the handle that stops the cement from coming down the cement shute, and the electricity arced into Terry's body and back out, and shaking the consciousness out of him for about 10 long seconds and then the blast threw him about 10 ft into a hard rocky dirt mound, still unconscious.  (AS IF SATAN WAS SHAKING THE DAYLIGHTS OUT OF TERRY AND THEN THREW HIM ONTO THE GROUND.)  It was a MIRICLE FROM GOD that he lived!!!  It was another miricle that he had monor injuries!!!!...THAT IS WHEN GOD STARTED TO MAKE US QUESTION THE WHOLE CHURCH   .  When I called our 'pastor' over to come immediately to the hospital to lay hands on himand pray over Terry, HE WAS TOO BUSY TO STOP HIS JOB!  Then, this same pastor (the only pastor at that congregation) never came to see Terry at home either when Terry was recuperating.  I proceeded to inform him that he was an ELDER and that he failed miserably in his job, which was to be available to minister to his flock; and especially in this life and death situation!  I told him that his title was in lip service only..and that he should not call himself a pastor if he didn't want ot be leaned upon as an Elder and to call himself a minister or teacher or what ever, but not to give a false impression to the church of who he represents.  He cried and begged our forgiveness, which we did, but we never trusted hima gain, b/c...he just didn't get what I was telling him.  After about a year and a half of trying to deal with this type of leadership, the Lord pulled us out of there (we had a vision too that there was going to be a storm that would come through that church, and it was even confirmed by a few others of the same type of dream...little did we know that HE sould use my husband and I to be the storm that tore apart that congregation in order to show them the truth...None were willing to see the truth, so we left, but God had already introduced us to BT and the rest is history.   Some are still worshipping in the same error and loving it :-\   

I am so excited to be able to see how much I can bless Ray too.  Without his obedience...we would not know where we would be right now!!!  Thank you Ray and many blessings to you and your family for sharing you with us!  Thank you Anne for the kind words and love, it means alot to us!


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Re: please pray for Terry's legal matters...
« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2007, 06:24:32 PM »

Hey Susan,

  Thanks for sharing with us what happened. It does sound like a miracle that your husband survived! And with minor injuries!

You sound like a spunky woman telling your pastor how it is! It is too bad that he didn't take his pastoring more serious and come to visit and offer prayer at such a crucial time. But we know that God worked it out for good!  ;) He used it to take you out from under false teaching in Babylon.  :)

We have experienced some of the same type thing from our church of 10 years but my husband still wants to attend occasionally to have a covering.  ::) Where did we get that anyway? Why do we think we need a church covering?- I asked him.
I think it is old indoctrination.  ??? We are almost out of the church. We only go about once a month. It's too much for me but I am trying to be a submissive wife.  ;) I have a hard time listening to Christian sermons on the radio too.   
It really rubs me wrong these days.  >:(  Grrrr.... My husband and I were listening to Charles Stanley on the radio, I use to really like Charles, Well he was talking about how people have free will and choose to go to hell. GRRRR....  >:(  I got mad. I'm tired of hearing those lies! Alright I'll get off my soap box.

We are blessed that God has opened our eyes through Ray's writing and to have the fellowship here!

Bless you!  :)


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Re: please pray for Terry's legal matters...
« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2007, 07:49:45 PM »


I'm so happy to hear that the Lord has already heard our prayers, but then again He is the Lord  :).  I know how much this means to you, so we will continue to stand before the Lord for you.  "And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear." Isa. 65:24.

God bless and know that we are one.

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