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Author Topic: Carnal-Physical-Mental  (Read 22390 times)

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Re: Carnal-Physical-Mental
« Reply #40 on: February 22, 2007, 01:32:49 AM »

Hi G

I have mentioned that the Church I was in Struck me! :D I opened a thread here as it was happening called I've been Struck! The Church I was in sent me an SMS to tell me they had struck me from their list! I had done two years bible study with them. They did not even send me my certificate or invite me to the function to which all students that had passed qualified.I had paid double the bible study course back to the Pastor in tithes but the Pastor had sponsored my bible college fees so I guess they could dismiss me as a student on that basis alone by the will of the Pastor!  :D Only was God's will to drag me out. HE used the pastor to boot me sharp and hard out of that henious place of deception and that is the irony.  I had passed my exams but did not qualify for Mystery Babylon. :D  I was a Cell Leader and in my last exam on "The Principles of Faith" I disclosed the following : I am daily standing the test to trust and know God knows all things, sees everything and is testing me not to promote me into leadership but to purify my faith by separating me from leadership." I was being tormented by the heresy teachings  in the Church that had the underlying message of “ don’t trust yourself to understand God, trust only me the Pastor. I the Pastor am the way the truth and the life and you don’t get anywhere without me. I know better than you. You are expendable. Forget your bible. Don’t even refer to it or try to understand it. I, the Pastor knows everything you haven’t learnt yet and I am all powerful..”…That is just a little of what I saw G….

On the heals of my darling husband found Ray's site. He said to me, "Debs, you should read this....." I was so amazed, excited, overwhelmed and totally thankful for such clarity, purity, truth and major insights, sharing and selfless passion that came vividly through whatever Ray wrote! It was like eating the real banquet of the Lord and not having to chew paper photographs of delicious food as the Church does.  Cardboard with picture candy promises pained in heresy colors of deception and illusions.....I was so blessed to find the real thing, the real truths here at BT.

A few months into reading Rays teachings I began writing to him and he responded. With a bit of prompting I joined the Forum. I have had the distinct blessing of meeting sweet kind kindred spirits here and it has been a huge refuge from Mystery Babylon to have been granted refuge here in the Forum.

thanks for asking....

Peace be to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: Carnal-Physical-Mental
« Reply #41 on: February 22, 2007, 01:57:01 PM »


  Thanks so much for sharing your story.  What words of encouragement and how exciting to see where your journey has taken you.  God bless.


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: Carnal-Physical-Mental
« Reply #42 on: February 22, 2007, 06:22:07 PM »

Arcturus, that was interesting and thanks for sharing that!  I had a similar experience while I was in bible college/seminary as well; they simply did not give me my certificate since I was unable (though all of my human efforts) to raise the finacial support in order to live overseas, or even stateside as an apprentice missionary.  (of course, I knew that it was God's will that I didn't go with those groups in order for me teach certain doctrinal errors AND denominational deception  to whomever would listen...but, of course these 'spiritual leaders' couldn't understand this, and they had already put in thirty+  yrs as bible professors!!!; afterall, I was just a babe in Christ and what did i know???)  It is interesting to me that these men are in the exact same school, teaching the exact same errors and milk, to the exact same gullable students, ...THEY HAVE STAGNATED IN THEIR WALK WITH GOD AND FOR THEIR LOVE FOR THE TRUTH...(LORD FORBID!)  There have been several of these men whom spent 50 years doing the same ole thing and then died without any peace in their hearts.  (I wnated terribly to teach them these things, but God wouldn't allow me!)  (One day while in Old Testament History class, I literally watched in amazement as the instructor was getting soooo into what he was teaching, he looked up at the clock as it rang for the class to be dismissed, and the countence of his face dropped from that of sheer delight to a literal depression of his spirit.  I will never forget that, b/c it was so obvious and so sad that he had no clue as to what true joy is after nearly 50 yrs of being a missionary and bible instructor in a seminary!!!

But you are correct, these 'leaders' get terribly offended even hateful (as DH and I have recently experienced) when you don;t follow THEM.  That is a very scarey thought indeed! tis too much for me to stay away from alol of you for a month ;) ;)  I have to keep up with you nearly on a daily basis.


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Re: Carnal-Physical-Mental
« Reply #43 on: February 22, 2007, 07:00:55 PM »

Arcturus and Susan,

Thank you both for sharing your stories. :) Although I never attended seminary college or the like, I was told by a Presbyterian Minister that I had no place in their church, and that because God had not yet put "understnading" in my heart, I should stay away.

It didn't help when I asked if one had "understanding" such as he, then why could not one "explain" it. The answer always blew me away!  :D

I was always told that it was not up to "me" to know the mind of God!  ???  And here I was thinking that he was a teacher!   ::)

Well of course, I had had my fill of the church by then and was not suprised by his action; however, I was suprised that not one previous friend in the congregation ever contacted me to see if they could help a "lost lamb."

Really! If any should think that insights given by Ray are difficult to follow, they should try some of the church.  I am so glad that God decided you all, my spiritual brothers and sisters and even myself, were worthy to learn the truth!

Pro 1:28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:

Thank you Heavenly Father. Amen

Love to all,
« Last Edit: February 22, 2007, 07:05:46 PM by YellowStone »


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Re: Carnal-Physical-Mental
« Reply #44 on: February 23, 2007, 01:24:04 AM »

Hello Sue

I know what you mean about not being able to stay away! :D  At first, I did not even want to join the Forum! My priorities also needed adjusting! :)

As for the Church of Babylon, I am so glad that I learnt what they taught because it has helped me to encourage my sister who is in the path that lead to my exit from the Chruch. I know what they are teaching and am able to give exposing of heresy ecnouragements to her. I am very grateful for the way that something so evil as heresy well taught and well swollowed by me can now be used to help others not to swollow it! :D

I say to her....yes I know....I was taught all about that and it is wrong. Look at what Jesus says and I can quote her some insights. Babylon can not rest its heresy seductions with authority in scripture. They just can not. Their beliefs rely on idols of the heart and blind eyes and God not willing to show His ways to them at this time! His Sovereignty rules everywhere, in our darkness and in His light. All is of Him and I am so grateful that He has shown me His light through what Ray has taught and continues to teach. The Myth of Free will and the Sovereignty of God are pivitol teachings of truth, justice and wisdom.

How bazare that in Mystery Babylon the paster, Pope or leader is the flesh that needs to be followed whereas in BT it is the spirit of truth that is the light! The Pastor I had in the Church that I was in was so ill in soul that it made him a force to be reakoned with. ...but Jesus is my healing that reakoned with me and helped and lifted amd blessed me for which  I am ever grateful.

Compare these two scriptures : Jer 3 : 15 And I will give you spiritual shepherds after My own heart in the final time, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding and judgment.

Jer 17 : 5 Thus says the Lord: Cursed with great evil is the strong man who trusts in and relies on frail man, making weak human flesh his arm and whose mind and heart turn aside from the Lord.

God is Sovereign! Man does not have free will!....we rely and some of us know, those to whom God has revealed that our "being" depends on His Son and our Father's  Sovereign Mercy, Grace and and Unmeritted kindness. GOD is Love....not man...God is Love....

Peace to you

Arcturus :)
« Last Edit: February 23, 2007, 02:00:36 AM by Arcturus »


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Re: Carnal-Physical-Mental
« Reply #45 on: February 23, 2007, 02:23:20 AM »

Hi Everyone,

It's amazing when I hear all of your testimonies and how similar they all are.  Mine is really the same; from being a fundamentalist to bible college, to being a pastor of a church to the Jesus movement of the sixties to following Witness Lee and the "local church," to being the prodical son and comig back to the Father, to finding BT and fellowshipping with you all.  This only took fifty years, but boy was it worth it.  I feel like the ones who were hired at the last hour of the day, but received a penney just like those who toiled all day in the heat of the sun.  The first shall be last and the last shall be first, and it's all of God. :)

In Him,




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Re: Carnal-Physical-Mental
« Reply #46 on: February 23, 2007, 08:41:57 AM »


  .....And Life is Good and good is enough for me.   :)


 Anne C. McGuire


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Re: Carnal-Physical-Mental
« Reply #47 on: February 23, 2007, 09:14:45 AM »

Oh Yeah, preach on brethren...I luv it and gotta have more of it!!! It is indeed all VERY good here. ;D


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Re: Carnal-Physical-Mental
« Reply #48 on: February 24, 2007, 12:10:17 AM »

Whew!!  Some good testimony here.   Arc, was your hubby looking for something on the web specifically.  I mean how did he find Ray's site???


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Re: Carnal-Physical-Mental
« Reply #49 on: February 24, 2007, 09:13:23 AM »

Hi G

I asked my husband to answer your question! 8)

Here is what he wrote.

My experiences were in a way very similar to Dwight’s experiences. I went from mainframe protestant religion, where I was  one of the Church leaders, to Pentecostal, to confusion. We all go through trials and tribulations!

I started to question issues, which we were always steered away from. The controversial issues, I found that the answers swayed between emotion to dogma where you had to conform to their way of thinking.

After extensive research on early Christian works, it occurred to me that what we were taught were the results of careful selection, indoctrination and manipulation. The content mostly seemed to be hinged on opinion based on expectations and assumptions. It is a world where everyone always want to be right. They want you to hear, accept and agree with what they say, think and do.

What makes it difficult is that most of the different opinions and conclusions are based on the basis of truth that God and Jesus exist but the rest is according to their own expectations and assumptions that  address human needs and wants. So what interested me were not the half truths that were presented. I wanted the truth.

I started to search for the original manuscripts and writings from the early Biblical times. I started to search for the correct meanings of the words in these manuscripts.

During my research I came upon Ray’s teachings. It was like a pathway that was presented. Here was a person who quotes exactly from sources as close to the original Bible, but who dissects the words and compares it to exact meanings in context, without assumptions and without subjective opinions and conclusions.  All of a sudden a lot of the Bible is starting to take a new form and sense. It has changed my own way of thinking, it established in me the knowledge that we all are mere mortals with twisted opinions based on the way our parents taught us and the society we grew up in and in our own experiences and interpretations of information presented and taught to us.

My attitude changed towards leaning on God and trusting in Him. My attitude changed from not caring about what people think and say but caring about what God wants and says.

God has blessed me with a fantastic wife and child and with wonderful parents. Above all, God blesses me with the knowledge that He is our God and that everything is about Him. God blesses Ray with an open and clear mind.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)



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Re: Carnal-Physical-Mental
« Reply #50 on: February 24, 2007, 11:32:45 AM »


  Wow, thanks for sharing your husband's testimony.  What a blessing that is. 


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: Carnal-Physical-Mental
« Reply #51 on: February 24, 2007, 12:31:59 PM »

Hi Arcturus,

Thanks for sharing with us your husbands experience.
May God bless you and your family.



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Re: Carnal-Physical-Mental
« Reply #52 on: February 24, 2007, 12:48:52 PM »

To Arcturus's husband:
I too had come from a very similar journey as yours was...back to out First Love!  You said it so precisley! 



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Re: Carnal-Physical-Mental
« Reply #53 on: February 24, 2007, 12:53:36 PM »

Anne Iris and Sue

Thank you for your sweet kind words.

Sue....He is my better half....he is my head I am his heart.....without him I have no beat nor rhythm or song ;D
« Last Edit: February 24, 2007, 12:54:21 PM by Arcturus »


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« Reply #54 on: February 24, 2007, 01:05:06 PM »

BEAUTIFULLY, VERY BEAUTIFULLY SAID SIS! ;  I love that saying!  I will definately remember this and I'll let you know if I ever get a chance to use it ;)


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Re: Carnal-Physical-Mental
« Reply #55 on: February 24, 2007, 02:14:49 PM »

Thank you Sue

I will certainly pray that you do!...

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: Carnal-Physical-Mental
« Reply #56 on: February 24, 2007, 03:28:30 PM »

That was a great testimony.

Isn't it amazing that half a world away, we were experiencing similar events. Thank God He put a hunger in us all to want MORE of Him and less of "churchianity".  I am so glad He brought you two to HIM and to us!


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Re: Carnal-Physical-Mental
« Reply #57 on: February 24, 2007, 03:40:51 PM »

Oh G!

That is such a warm and loving thing to say.  8) Thank you! too!

Peace to you
Arcturus :)



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Re: Carnal-Physical-Mental
« Reply #58 on: February 24, 2007, 03:44:17 PM »


I'm glad to finally meet all of you. ;D

God bless you my brother and sister,



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Re: Carnal-Physical-Mental
« Reply #59 on: February 24, 2007, 03:54:21 PM »

Hi Arcturus,

Well that is so wonderful that you have your husband to share this truth with  :)
It must be such a blessing to have a spouse that believes as you do. 
I'm just thankful for all of you to share with  :D

mercy, peace, and love

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